Overtraining or Not Enough Calories? HELP!!

I have been pushing it real hard at the gym lately doing 70 minutes of interval training at night. I am brining my heart rate up to 160 for three minutes then dropping it and staying at 130 for three minutes. I am taking in around 900 calories before I hit the gym and I feel like complete crap afterwards for about 2 hours. Very nauseous and just plain crappy making it hard to eat dinner afterwards which takes away for my calorie intake. Do you think I am "overtraining" or just not taking in enough calories prior to going to the gym. Also, I am on a low carb diet so I am only taking in about 30 carbs prior to the gym as well. Feel free to look at my Diary. Thanks – hope to get some good insight!

HT: 6'
CW: 260
BMR: 2200


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    70 minutes of interval training on 30 carbs.. So after how much are you eating for dinner for a daily total? You might want to think about eating more and I don't think you need to do 70 minutes of interval.. Try 3 minutes with High HR, then 30-45 seconds low, then 3 minutes and do that 4 times.. Your definitely pushing yourself and thats why your getting the sick feeling, but it could be your crashing from low energy too.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Looking at your diary and assuming it's accurate, it looks like you're not eating back your exercise calories? 1500 calories a day seems really low for the kind of exercise you're talking about. Either eat more or exercise less or both.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Nowhere near enough calories. You should literally be eating twice as much.
  • bubingadrummer
    So do you think I should only do the 4 interval training right at the end of my workout and keep to the mild low intensity fat burning for 30 minutes prior? If you look at my diary you can see what I plan on eating through the day and my total intake as well. Thanks for the response!!
  • bubingadrummer
    So do you guys have any recommendations on what to eat to intake more calories but still keep my carbs down?
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    How much of a break do you have between eating and actually exercising? I know everyone is different, but personally I have to leave at least 2 hours between eating and doing any kind of cardio, otherwise :sick: . Just a thought. And yes, make sure you fuel all that exercise!
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    Wow..you are eating less than I am every day and I am a female that weighs 152 lbs. No wonder you feel like crap after you workout!!
  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    I always eat some sort of high protein/low carb snack before I do intense cardio or strength training, and more protein within 45 minutes after my workout. If I don't eat before a workout, or too many carbs, I get that "glycemic crash" (or something), where I use up all my carb energy and feel like I'm going to throw up and pass out. The protein beforehand has worked wonders for my energy level during my workouts for 8 months!
  • sccet
    sccet Posts: 141 Member
    It may also be dehydration. Are you drinking water during those 70 min sessions?
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Definetely need to eat more calories. Check the new road map link below if you aren't sure what you should be having plus it explains a lot of other things.

  • skydiveD30571
    skydiveD30571 Posts: 281 Member
    So do you guys have any recommendations on what to eat to intake more calories but still keep my carbs down?

    What's wrong with carbs? You need them especially with long hard workouts like you currently do. Don't be afraid to eat carbs...they don't make you fat.

    Anything with healthy fats (nuts, peanut butter, olive oil) are good options to raise your calorie intake.

    Take it from me, I'm 6'2' 228lb and also was previously eating 1500-1600 calories a day and felt the same way. Since I've learned a thing or two and followed the roadmap (search for it here) I'm up to 2600 calories a day and losing more. Not to mention the obvious increase in energy and overall happiness.
  • leenie96
    leenie96 Posts: 65
    Your BMR is 2200 and you don't even seem to eat 1500 calories. That's already negative 700 calories, not including your exercise calories. You're definitely not giving your body enough fuel to work with. At minimum, find out what your TDEE is and eat somewhere in between that and your BMR.

    Also, it's always good to eat some carbs before working out as they are the ones that keep you energized for a good session. Carbs are not your enemy.
  • snowfox1
    snowfox1 Posts: 128 Member
    hey i have been there, done that, exercising on about 30g carbs a day and felt like hell for a couple hours after it too! and im only 52kgs, female. i would definatley up your carbs! keep it simple, track your calories, get enough protien, good fats and healthy carbs. and good work on the exercise but your body is wanting more carbs! hope to be of some help :)
  • tryinghard71
    You are eating less than me and I am a female. Eat back those exercise calories. Give your body fuel. Your goal should be to hit 1500 calories net not gross.
  • julesassid
    You can keep your carbs down, but you still have to have some! Try some fruit and veggies. I don't blame you for not wanting processed wheats and starchy foods, but there has to be some carbs to fuel your lengthy 1000+ calorie burning stints. You've got to eat more food. Have chicken breast, cottage cheese is low carb, fruit, hard boiled egg, maybe a good protein shake. Good luck to you and keep up the great workouts!! Just eat something man! :drinker: