Eating clean,training hard and GAINING weight!

So, I have always been very active in the gym. Currently I am going at least 6 days a week. I am lifting heavy, getting in my cardio, and eating clean. I take several supplements as well. I am noticing changes in the way my clothes fit, and seeing more definition, however, the other day I decided to weigh in. I know better than to worry about the number on the scale, but in 3 days I actually gained 3 pounds. I have been trying to do some research to see if this can/is to be expected with my current workout/meal regimen. Ya know, the whole, "muscle weighs more than fat" theory. My general meal plan in a day is as follows:

1 whole egg, 3 egg whites and 1/2 cup of steel cut oats (measured raw)

1/2 cup organic plain greek yogurt with small serving of fruit or mixed berries

4 ounces of protein (fish,chicken,lean ground turkey), + 1 Serving Fibrous Veggies + 1/2 Cup Brown Rice (Quinoa or 4oz Yam/Sweet Potato or 1 Slice Ezekiel Bread)

1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese with small serving of fruit or mixed berries.

4 ounces of Chicken, Fish or Extra Lean Ground Turkey + 1 Serving Fibrous Veggies

I normally take a post op whey protein shake, mixed wtih water and I drink a casein protein shake before bed. As far as supplements go, I take CLA, fish oil and GNC Ultra Mega Women Vitamins.

I have been following the guidance I have found from a trained professional/body builder. I am in the process of bulking/cutting, and it is so much information to take in at times. I have questions, and the trainer I found the information from, at times, doesn't answer back or doesn't fully answer/understand the question.

Any help/advice anyone has to offer is greatly appreciated. I thank you in advance!


  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    dont worry about weight fluctation its just water retention focus on how you look in the mirror
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    its impssible to gain that amount of muscle in 3 days
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    It's likely water weight or that you're gaining muscle mass, which is the goal of lifting typically. You'll be losing fat and gaining muscle, so you will see the number on the scale go up.
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    It's most likely just water retention. You would have to eat an extra 10500 calories in those 3 days to gain that much. Definitely track your measurements to get a better idea of your results. To reaffirm what you already know about the scale, see my profile pic. Same weight to the pound in both, just lots more muscle/less fat in the left one. Don't freak out just yet :)
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It's likely water weight or that you're gaining muscle mass, which is the goal of lifting typically. You'll be losing fat and gaining muscle, so you will see the number on the scale go up.

    There's no way she gained 3 pounds of muscle in 3 days. It's just not possible.

    It's water weight, either from normal fluctuations, hormones, sodium, or caused by your muscles absorbing water after the exercise. Make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids to help flush your system and give your program some time to work.
  • Marilynluver4
    Marilynluver4 Posts: 2 Member
    LOL! I didn't think I gained 3 pounds of muscle in 3 days...poor choice of wording on my part.This program I am on, I have been on for over 3 months, and it is working. I had decided early into the plan not to weigh myself through out until I could see a significant change in my clothes and definition to my body. Well, I felt that I could see drastic changes, and it would be ok to weigh in. I had lost over 10 pounds and was happy. Come Monday, I had weighed myself because I had purchased a new scale. Three days later my toddler was playing with the scale and asked that I get on. That is when I noticed the 3lb. difference. I also failed to mention that I drink at least 1.5gallons of water a day, and watch my sodium intake. I never add salt to my food, drink carbonated beverages,stay away from frozen/boxed/canned goods,etc. Thank you for your advice.
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    can easily be water retention. Once I start a new workout regime, primarily anything with strength training, i will gain like 5lbs in a few days, but by my one week weigh-in it's *normally* off and then some if I started the week prior on the day I weighed in. Completely normal.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Need to weigh at the same time of the day - ideally first thing in the morning after toilet.

    I can easily be 4lb down between last thing at night and the next morning!
    TOPIC: Eating clean,training hard and GAINING weight!
    I don't see why this should be said with such surprise.

    'CICO', as they say - but in your case it sounds like water, food or the like.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I put on 4lbs after a big hike a couple of weeks ago. Four days later the weight dropped off, plus another 2lbs. Water retention and muscle repair can do funny things to your body.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    It's not unusual for weight to go up 5 pounds over the course of a day - all the water you drink, food you eat, etc. Don't worry.