Am I getting everything I need daily?

Hi, I recently realized i was unhappy in my skin, i was looking at ways that would help me lose weight and downloaded MyFitnessPal. I made a list of what i will eat weekly so i could try and stay on track, and was wondering if i am missing anything or have to much of something before i finalize and go shopping, I'm hoping to have gotten everything i need and begin my diet Sunday. Thanks!

Breakfast - Hard Boiled Egg & Apple
Snack - 1 cup Baby Carrots
Lunch - Tuna (on wheat) & 1/2 cup cheese cubes
Snack - 1/2 cup pineapple
Dinner - Chicken Tacos

Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs & Cottage Chees
Snack - 4 Whole Wheat Gram Crackers
Lunch - Broccoli & Tomatoes & 1/4 cup mixed unsalted nuts
Snack - Apple Slices w/ Cinnamon
Dinner - Chicken Pasta

Breakfast - 1 Cup Greek Yogurt & Banana
Snack - Cottage Cheese
Lunch - Spinach & Red Bell Peppers & 1/2 cup Pineapple
Snack - Healthy Snack Bar
Dinner - Chicken & Pork n' Beans

Breakfast - Oatmeal & Toast (on wheat)
Snack - Celery & Peanut Butter
Lunch - Progresso Soup & Banana
Snack - Baby Carrots
Dinner - Broccoli Stuffed Potato & 1/2 cup Pineapple

Breakfast - Muffin
Snack - 1 Cup Green Beans
Lunch - Salad & Apple
Snack - Healthy Snack Bar
Dinner - Healthy Choice Dinner

Breakfast - 1 Cup Cottage Cheese & 1 Cup Pineapple
Snack - Peanut Butter on wheat Bread
Lunch - Tuna Salad & 1/2 cup Tomatoes
Snack - Celery & Peanut Butter
Dinner - Chicken & Potato

Walk 30 minutes daily, and slowly work up to and hour daily, then two hours.
Getting YMCA membership to do extra workouts 3 days a week, and for the other 4 days do at home workouts for 30 minutes.
No Soda
Drink lots of water & Green Tea.

Just wondering if there was anything im missing or should fix on this, thanks!
Also looking to lose at least 60 lbs. so if anyone knows and techniques that would be great!
