Anyone have a Fitbit?

I am thinking about getting one... would love feedback. I appreciate your answers. :)


  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    Love it...
  • Myken316
    Myken316 Posts: 3 Member
    Love my fitbit! Don't know how I ever lived without it...

    Received it as a present from my love! We both have the fitbit one...

    Love, love luv it! :heart: :heart: :love: :love: :love: :heart: :heart:

    I've lost 10 pounds and he has lost 26 since Jan 1...No need for a personal trainer
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Santa brought me one, and I've lost 12 pounds since. Great motivator!
  • stangirl1995
    stangirl1995 Posts: 43 Member
    I used body bugg before my bit and I will never go back!!! I love how you can hide it on your bra or pants. And I love setting the step goals. It has made me more active all around and kept me motivated. Also it is free and syncs up with myfitnesspal. What more can a girl ask for :-)
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 309 Member
    I just bought one a week ago tomorrow and so far I absolutely LOVE it! It really makes me cognizant of how many steps I'm taking and that instead of parking right by the door, I should park those extra two or three spots out, just to get some extra steps in. It is taking some getting used to with the adjustments.
  • wannabeloser08
    Awesome!!! Thanks guys!!