nutritionist says not to count veggies & gfruit???



  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member

    yeah ... no. just, no. calories count, whether they come from carrots or chocolate.

    also, there is no such thing as a negative calorie.

    Actually i believe celery is a negative as it burns more calories chewing it than it contains...

    sorry, but no one is going to starve themselves by eating strictly celery. this just isn't correct.
  • keithmustloseweight
    keithmustloseweight Posts: 309 Member
    all dietitians are nutritionists, but not all nutritionists are dietitians
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    things that I eyeball or allow to be a gram or two over or under
    baby carrots
    kale(but I don't eat that often)

    if it's less than eh 50 calories for a whole cup I'll estimate it or use an actual measuring cup if I'm in a hurry(as opposed to my scale) without really worrying about it.
    Fruit I would DEFINITELY not count as free between my banana and my orange today it was about 230 calories, not a huge deal, but it might matter more the smaller your deficient is.
    (also sweet peas and starchy veggies like sweet/reg potatoes, corn I measure more closely)

    I'd want to see the proportions of the smoothie, if it's mostly the greens with just a sprinkle of chia seeds n a splash of grapefruit and it's only one or less a day I'd probably be good with not tracking it, but if it tastes strongly of grapefruit or has a lot of chia seed then I'd probably throw a quick add calorie guesstimate(if unable to get the true count) Just my opinion.
  • Amberry123
    Amberry123 Posts: 18 Member
    First off there is no such thing as negative calories.

    So there are two answers to this question.
    One: being a vegan bar (assuming you are also vegan) 16oz of those ingredients wouldn't make you gain weight. This isn't because it doesn't have calories but because you would have to eat 3500 over your calories to gain anything and I think you would actually die if you tried to get that many calories in your body in liquid green smoothie form. Also because vegans who rely on their fruits and veggies as their calorie source do have to eat WAY more food to get to their healthy calorie number in a day so it would make it more difficult to gain weight from that alone.

    Two: as good as that smoothie may be for you don't want to fill up on a bunch of them because you also need other nutrients and if your stomach is filled with smoothie how are you going to eat the good stuff you need. You need balance and variety to be healthy.
    As for the comparison to weight watchers, yes that is a program that works very well if you follow it properly BUT fruits and veggies DO in fact count very much in the grand scheme of things. There are many high calorie fruits and veggies and even though they are good for you a calorie is still a calorie and if you eat 500 calories in fruit you are still eating 500 calories. Also vegans need a very different balance then is outlined in WW so it's not a good comparison.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    Did you have to pay for these smoothies? Negative calorie foods are a myth. Google it but stick to articles that come from a legit source.
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    Everything counts. EVERYTHING. That celery stick? That kale? all of it. WW doesn't count it to encourage eating them, but if you eat a lot, they add up. I tend to eat at least a couple hundred calories worth a day.
  • staceyd90
    staceyd90 Posts: 43

    yeah ... no. just, no. calories count, whether they come from carrots or chocolate.

    also, there is no such thing as a negative calorie.

    Actually i believe celery is a negative as it burns more calories chewing it than it contains...

    sorry, but no one is going to starve themselves by eating strictly celery. this just isn't correct.
    Obviously not as you need to eat a minimum of 1200 cals a day, but you can eat celery to fill you up without adding to the cals to much.
  • linalovekitty
    In her topic heading she said veggies & gfruit... so she's not asking about all fruits, just grapefruit, right???

    right. She did not claim all fruits, just grapefruit and all green veggies
  • Fitburd
    Fitburd Posts: 92 Member
    Wouldnt it be great if there were a food that tasted good, filled you up, was nutritious and zero calories so you would lose weight eating it?

    These shakes are great, it's a known fact that vegetables today contain less micro nutrients than 60 years ago thanks to farming methods. To get all your nutritional needs with a calorie deficit is difficult cos you need to eat a shed loads of vegetables. Juicing eliminates part of that problem and any well being coach/nutritionist will promote juicing.

    However, not all smoothies are created equal. Some are loaded with hidden fructose and those should be limited. The bottom line is that if you are following a calorie controlled diet, then you have to log everything that goes in your mouth. There is no such thing as a negative calorie, otherwise there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Hold on, going to go lose weight on 5000 calories of vegetables.

    See how silly that sounds? All calories count.