Healthy meal and snack ideas?

I'm eating the same stuff pretty much almost everyday and I'm getting bored... So before I go and do something stupid like go eat something I'm not supposed to, I thought that I would come on here and see what everybody else is eating. I pretty much eat the basic stuff like some fruit(especially grapes) ,Salad, Carrots,Peanut butter, Wheat crackers,shakes, etc... Please give me some snack and meal ideas/recipes, I would greatly appreciate it :) I'm open to anything, meat or no meat, dairy or no dairy I just need some variety lol. Low calories please


  • southern_star
    southern_star Posts: 89 Member
    Hummus and pretzel thins
  • micahowenn
    I at a slimfast for breakfast chocolate flaver, I had a light n fit yogurt, salad greens with ranch dressing for lunch, and I had a fresh cranberry muffin for snack and a rice cake, dinner I had a chicken sandwich with lettuce, mao , tuscan salad. all only equaling out to 1,200 caleries. I am only counting calories in 2 weeks I have lost 12 lbs. I make sure to eat one thing a day that I crave and it seems to help. Good luck :)
  • WatchMeLose80
    Thanks! Everything sounds good.