What food do you have trouble limiting?



  • cpsoroff
    cpsoroff Posts: 22 Member
    I also have such a difficult time with sugar. Not during the day, but certainly in the evening. I think it is a difficult addiction to beat.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    corn bread... especially jalapeno cornbread. -_- so many delicious carbs and sugars.
  • sparkle814
    sparkle814 Posts: 78 Member
    Anything crunchy...if someone knows of food that is low calorie and crunchy, please for the love of humanity tell me!

    I used to get pissed when I'd ask this question and someone would name a vegetable, but I have discovered that raw fresh green beans really do the trick for me. They're not the same as chips and crackers of course (yumm), but when I need something crunchy they actually really help that craving for me, where other veggies don't. Hope you find something!
  • kriddle428
    kriddle428 Posts: 11 Member
    Peanut butter
  • TexasLass
    TexasLass Posts: 16 Member
    Mac and cheese (homemade creamy something crazy like 800 calories per serving) and my alcohol, but that's become easier recently.
  • Back2Biz
    Back2Biz Posts: 67 Member
    Any kind of bakery bread... my favorites are Pumpernickle, Sourdough, Dark Rye. OMG they are so good lightly toasted with cheese!!!! I'm Vegetarian too but can't stop my Egg Beaters habit! LOL
  • Back2Biz
    Back2Biz Posts: 67 Member
    Anything crunchy...if someone knows of food that is low calorie and crunchy, please for the love of humanity tell me!

    I used to get pissed when I'd ask this question and someone would name a vegetable, but I have discovered that raw fresh green beans really do the trick for me. They're not the same as chips and crackers of course (yumm), but when I need something crunchy they actually really help that craving for me, where other veggies don't. Hope you find something!

    Health Food Stores sell Wasabi Peas or Fried Green Beans - both low calorie and DELICIOUS!!! I passed them up in the store all the time until my friend offered me some and I was instanly hooked!
  • CampKelly
    CampKelly Posts: 172 Member
    Limiting ....salad dressing! I just can't get that dipping the fork thing to work! I love my salads dressed :sad:
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!

    I only do frozen yogurt now, my taste buds CANT tell the difference.
  • annemcharles
    annemcharles Posts: 194 Member
    Thai Food!
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Anything crunchy...if someone knows of food that is low calorie and crunchy, please for the love of humanity tell me!

    Rice crackers?
  • KatyCrum6969
    KatyCrum6969 Posts: 124 Member
    Pizza, chips, chicken, ice cream, chocolate chip cookies.. All the good things in life..
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    Carbs. Mother effers. ;-)
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    Proper full fat sweetened yoghurt. If it's open, it's empty.

    Nuts. If I want them I have to buy single serve packs.

    I tend to low carb not because I think it's some sparly-special gift from the weightloss fairy, but because I tend to be pretty much control-free around even the best carbs (oatmeal, museli, breads - whole wheat and multigrain, rice of all kids, etc.)

    So I just don't eat them. Have had very little yoghurt of late. Even full fat Greek with sweeteners, I'll just nom it all. (I hate the taste of fat free, it tastes like chemicals and gross to me.)
  • Huntarious
    Huntarious Posts: 3 Member
    -peanut butter whether dieting or gaining
    -Apple sticks(low calorie but ADDICTING)
  • stefi2107
    stefi2107 Posts: 52 Member
    I make my own hummus, it's only 100 calories for a half cup. It's my favorite food and I can't stop eating it. I said tonight it's going to be my downfall.
  • stella1314
    stella1314 Posts: 66 Member
    i would love to eat more fruts, drink more shakes and have chocholate candies...as much as i want....yammmmm!!!!
  • Tiffers1759
    Tiffers1759 Posts: 102 Member
    Anything crunchy...if someone knows of food that is low calorie and crunchy, please for the love of humanity tell me!
    Smoothie King sells granola that is soooooooo amazing. You should try that!!

    I would have to say that CHIPS AND DIP are my weakness, especially salsa (which isn't that bad), but I could seriously eat a whole bag of yummy salty tortilla chips!! MMMmmm
  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member
    chocolate. homemade cookies. brownies. chocolate chips. Nutella.

    I've been called a chocolate *kitten*. I kid you not.