One week of Insanity Workout left, no results.

So I'm almost done with the Insanity Workout (I have a week left), but for some reason I haven't seen any results. I've been eating well and sticking to the diet plan as best I can, considering I have to deal with dining hall food at college. I don't know how many calories I've been burning per workout since a heart rate monitor is a bit steep on my college budget at the moment so I typically estimate that I burn around 400 in the hard workouts and 200 in the recovery workouts. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I've been doing lots of research and most people say it's because I'm probably not eating enough? Or that maybe I'm burning less than I actually think and therefore am eating too much? Considering I'm almost done with the workout and I haven't seen results, it's a lot harder to find motivation to finish, though I know I'll push myself to do so. I'll most likely be continuing the Insanity workout after finishing my first round of it, though I'll probably do it every other day while I mix in some running/weight training. Any tips/advice as to what to do/why I haven't seen any results? Also, is it recommended to try the Eat Stop Eat diet while on Insanity? (For those who don't know what that is, it's when you eat normally for 5 out of the 7 days of the week, and then fast for 2 days non consecutively.)


  • tlkrallman
    What do you mean by no results? I'm on day 33 and I've only lost 1.3 pounds, but the inches have fallen off. If you check craigslist you can pick up an HRM fairly cheap.
  • Cajunmalakai
    Cajunmalakai Posts: 59 Member
    I have also done Insanity....whew, thats alot of cardio. If your not seeing results, it might be that with all the college food, that you a are consuming more calories than you are burning without realizing it. Of course, the opposite could also be true. See, your body wants you to stay fat.
    That probably doesn't make alot of sense, but when humans as a species where just struggling to survive, our bodies never knew when or where our next meal was coming from, so we held onto as as much fat as possible for energy.
    We still do that. So, if your exercising alot (and on insanity you certainly should be) and not consuming enough calories, your body will get really pissed off at you and actually slow down your metabolism to make up the difference.

    I'm not a nutritionist, but I am someone who has spent a long time getting healthy and in shape. Generally, I'm not a supporter of any diet that has you fast (or ANY fad diet) but it doesn't seem like this Eat Stop Eat diet is doing you any favors. A general rule of thumb is to try to eat five to six small healthy meals a day to keep your metabolism revved up.
  • yocupcake
    yocupcake Posts: 32
    Maybe this will help- it's a calculator for Insanity calories burned:
  • czawilski
    czawilski Posts: 9 Member
    tlkrallman: No results as in no loss of inches nor weight. /: And I'll check out craigslist! Thanks!
  • czawilski
    czawilski Posts: 9 Member
    Cajunmalakai: You may be right, though I have been actually eating healthily and avoiding all of the poor college food haha. As for the Eat Stop Eat diet, I am considering it. I haven't started it yet and I just want to see if it's worthwhile or not, considering it isn't very hard for me to not eat for an entire day because I can get pretty busy sometimes. I definitely find it difficult to be constantly eating and I always feel like if I'm eating 5-6 meals per day that I'm eating too much. The reason I started Insanity was that I was eating too much and gained weight, however I was also eating poorly and not watching what types of food I was eating, nor was I exercising much.
  • yocupcake
    yocupcake Posts: 32
    My dietician said if u r doing heavy cardio & don't replace those calories burned your body thinks its starving & holds on to the fat like crazy.
  • czawilski
    czawilski Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the website! I did look at the Insanity Nutrition Guide for calculating but the number of calories always seemed so high. I guess maybe increasing my calorie intake is one thing to try. I usually eat 1400-1800 calories per day, depending on the workout, but I'm guessing that probably isn't enough! I know it's definitely easy to eat tons of calories in unhealthy, junk foods, but when it comes to quality food I always feel like I'm overeating and will gain more weight from that!
  • BigRich822
    BigRich822 Posts: 681
    I personally would try to do some carb cycling, your body may have adapted to your workout routine and to your eating habits you need to switch it up. Trick your body into thinking your getting more calories one day and then drop it back down the next. Your metabolism will not know what to do and it will go into overdrive to keep up. Then on your low carb days your metabolism will still burn hot because it thinks that you will be carbing up again, when in fact it will be low.

    Whenever I hit a plateau this is what I use to get past it and it seems to work great for me.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Would you post some more info about yourself? It's really hard to say without knowing how much you weigh compared to the 1400-1800 you are eating. It's very possible that you are not eating enough or that you need to do some calorie/macro zig zagging
  • czawilski
    czawilski Posts: 9 Member
    BigRich822: That's a possibility. I may try what you just suggested to see if it works!
  • czawilski
    czawilski Posts: 9 Member
    dixiewhiskey: I'm 5'5", 140lb. I used to weigh 125, but the Freshmen 15 got to me! My goal is to get back to that weight.
  • czawilski
    czawilski Posts: 9 Member
  • czawilski
    czawilski Posts: 9 Member
    Bump again.