My two month plan. Comments/suggestions please

Hi fellow calorie counters. My name is Michael. I'm a 30 year old ovo-lacto pescetarian (over 10 years) and I'm out of shape. I have yo-yoed for a couple of years using this program. It isn't that the counter doesn't work. I lose weight when I'm faithful to counting my calories and I gain it back when I get lazy. I have decided to reboot my body and try to gain some youthful energy back while getting healthy and losing weight. Here's my plan:

Starting on Tuesday, I'm going Vegan for Lent. I've always admired the self-control of vegans. My reasoning for not eating meat really can tie right into taking fish out of the diet as well, but I've always been afraid to cut out that protein source. Anyhow. 40 days of a strict vegan diet and I'll cut out pop and energy drinks (big deal for me... I'm a diet Dew/Monster-aholic). My next step is Dr. Roni's Martha Vineyard Detox Diet. It's a new program to me, although it was at it's peak popularity in 2007. Essentially, it's a no-chewing, veggie soup/broth centric diet with a colonics and mild exercise program thrown in. The main claim is that doing the detox is focused on removing the toxins from your body and rebooting your immune and digestive system and in the meantime you will lose 21 lbs. in 21 days. I'm going to do the full program, aiming at 21 days but willing to cut out early if I actually lose weight too fast.

I'm super excited, but also nervous. Let me know what you think. @mohawkrefuse on the Twit or on here. Thanks all!!!


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Don't be nervous! Just jump in two feet first and see what happens!!!

    good luck on your journey, I hope you do well, im sure you will.
  • Macs13
    Macs13 Posts: 10 Member
    Update. My first week of vegan went pretty easily. I surmise it would be a lot more difficult for a regular omnivore to jump into this diet, but I'm just losing eggs, dairy, and seafood. Actually, egg whites and sea food were some of the healthier things I ate a lot of so making this a weightloss thing is going to be tricky. I decided not to count calories for the first week - I wanted to take pressure off. I'll be counting now and getting my exercise level up and hopefully shedding some pounds. Updates to follow.
  • Macs13
    Macs13 Posts: 10 Member
    Although nobody seems to be checking these updates, keeping them for myself is useful enough. I'm a couple weeks into vegan Lent now. This last weigh in was a shock, as a few pounds dropped off. I've gotten under that brick wall of 160 and that was my goal for so long now. I was pretty thrilled for a day, and then I felt foolish. I need to be at 145 to be right. So, this next 10 is going to fall off fast. I'm upping my exercise starting next week and sticking with vegan throughout Lent. Time to knock these next couple of weeks out!
  • Macs13
    Macs13 Posts: 10 Member
    Just clocked in at 155. That's an official 20 lbs total. The next 10 will be telling. I'm pumped!
  • holly273
    holly273 Posts: 84 Member
    this sounds good! I would totally try something like this, but my only concern would be maintenance after losing so fast...but if you think you can do it, then awesome! and I'm happy for you that you're getting such great results
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    when this is over, are you going to go back to the energy drinks?