Grave YArd

Sooooo- I work nights 6p-6a and love it. Although this works for my lifestyle I switch back to a "normal" schedule when Im off. I only work 3 days a week and sometimes these days are not all in a row.

So here is my question. What is the best way to log my"days"??? should I still keep my food/exercise schedule on a normal schedule or should I switch it according to when I am sleeping and working??

Does this make sense>>?? Help :)


  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I work 7P to 7AM, same thing. I changed the headings in my food diary to read 12A-6AM, 6AM to 12Noon, 12noon to 6PM and 6PM to 12A. I log the meals on all work/off work days under the appropriate time blocks and when I'm at work and the calories/food diaries reset at midnight, I go with that. I log exercise in whatever day I do it in.
  • geeniusatwurk
    geeniusatwurk Posts: 68 Member
    Fellow night shifter here, 8pm to 4am work, exercise when I get home, with non-consecutive days at times, so I know your concern. How I deal with it is by making "dinner" the meal I eat when I wake up for the days I work, with everything afterwards falling into the snacks category. On days I don't work I keep the usual breakfast is first, dinner last categories.

    Sometimes there are crappy overlaps with my food log, which I mitigate by looking at calories per week rather than per day. But for the most part what I do works out well.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I work overnights and it's not been an issue for me. I also keep a normal daytime schedule on my non-overnights. I have my food diary set in 6 4 hour time increments (8am-12pm, 12pm-4pm, 4pm-8pm, 8pm-12am, 12am-4am, 4am-8am). I log my food in the time slot it's been eaten, and leave the others empty. It's not complicated. 24 hours is 24 hours no matter what.

    My diary is public if you'd like to look.
  • NewMommy121113
    TY for all the responses! Im going to change my headings in hope to keep everything a little less complicated :)