IUD vs. the Pill



  • sahm23ladies
    sahm23ladies Posts: 91 Member
    ^^^^^^ Toodloo THANK YOU. I have vicodine leftover from my wisdom tooth extraction if the pain is really as bad as what everyone says. Then again, I have a really high pain tolerance- i.e. I was up and cleaning my house the same day I had my three impacted wisdom teeth removed. Didn't phase me at all really. Hope that my pain tolerance can handle this. lol

    If you can clean after oral surgery, getting an IUD will be no big deal. I had all for impacted teeth removed and was out of it for like 2 days. The worst part of the IUD insertion is the stuff they put on your cervix to relax it and have it straighten out. It's a warm slightly burning sensation (for me) but I was fine the rest of the day. No biggie.

    Here's my pro / con list

    Pros: super light periods & sometimes you'll even skip a month
    you don't have to remember to take a pill
    one procedure and you're done for at least 5 yrs

    Cons: initial cost, but sounds like for you no biggie
    spotting after insertion
    mid cycle spotting as your body acclimates
    if the strings are too long they may irritate you or your partner
    in contrast, if the strings are too short they may poke your partner *giggle*
    if you move or switch doctors, finding another office to remove it can be difficult

    I personally didn't have any weight issues or acne issues that I felt could be connected to my Mirena IUD.

    Good luck! Don't sweat it!
  • Bubsys_mom
    Bubsys_mom Posts: 124 Member
    Oh, I would like to mention when I had the ParaGuard put in, it hurt like a freakin mother-fer.

    I had a c-section with my son and my cervix never lowered or dilated, so my doctor had a bit of trouble reaching it. Then he had to do something, that hurt like hell to open my cervix up to insert the IUD.

    I will say though, as soon as he was done I felt okay. Just some minor cramping and spotting for the afternoon.

    But it is 10 years of birth control I never have to worry about. Though, I will admit, I am still always paranoid about getting pregnant again. lol That is just because I don't want anymore. My son is more than enough for me.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I had an IUD with my youngest child and it failed and I got pregnant then they had to remove the IUD and I had a small tear in the placenta and was spotting at the beginning had to be on bed rest a couple weeks and weight restrictions. Then it healed normally but I had preterm labor the whole time. I had preterm labor with all 3 of my kids though. But normally they do work pretty good and I had no weight gain or side effects with it till then. The Dr I was seeing said in their whole time being a Dr they had only seen that happen in like 2 people where they got pregnant with one. But I did get pregnant it musta shifted or something in my body. I never took pills though because of the weight gain side effects I have heard with them but I have heard people like them just fine too and don't have problems. I will say that the IUD didn't have any side effects for me till it actually failed and that was a rare thing it usually works for most people.
  • Dicecatt
    Dicecatt Posts: 8
    I have Mirena. Afte 4 kids we are done:) I love it. I have had more acne, mostly on my neck, but I'm not sure it is connected. It started at least a year after it was inserted and we had just moved, I am inclined to think it is the change of climate. It has been over 3 years.

    I hadn't had a monthly for about 2 years, until recently. I have been doing low carb, and apparently that kick starts your cycle if it is slow, and mine was non existent. That part has been totally wonderful.

    I've gained weight, but that is because I ate terribly. I would recommend it highly, it works wonderfully for me.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    1.5 years into the Paragard, and the past 9 months or so, the periods have been lighter. I also use a Diva Cup so am able to see just how much less. Initially, yes, with Paragard, expect spotting (2 months or so for me) and heavier cycles. But I would do anything for hormone-free, and after the adjustment period, the IUD is super awesome and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a natural solution.
  • stuiterbal
    stuiterbal Posts: 7 Member
    I read some of the posts, but not all. But oke, here's my experience.
    Been on the pill for 12 years, decided I needed to cut some hormones and I kept forgetting the pill so I needed something more secure. Got the Mirena IUD in January and its the best thing I've ever done. I have no side effects at all, do not feel the thing, most of the time forget its even there.

    On the day when the doctor put it in I got really sick and experienced cramps. The putting it in place itself is not painfull, but a little awkward. The dizzyness and cramps came after. But after 4 hours or so it got better and haven't had any side effects since.

    O, and I have never been pregnant.
  • I have had the Mirena twice now, after each of my children. I did not gain weight either time until I started eating like poo. In fact after I had it implanted the first time, I had a hard time maintaining my weight, I dropped pounds quick and went down to 115 lbs from 130 lbs within a couple months. As for acne, I only break out with stress, but that is normal for me. I also have no period, the first implant gave me spotting for 6 months straight and then I felt preggo for about 4 months. I removed that implant early as we decided to have another child, but I have had this one for 3 1/2 years and have not had the same reaction, this time there was no spotting and I get mild cramps once a month but no period. So I would say that it's just like being pregnant, no two pregnancies are the same.
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    I have the Paragard (like many of you, I was tired of the hormones in the pills!), and I have no complaints! It was very uncomfortable getting it in there, but it was only for a minute or so. I have had kids, so maybe it is worse if you haven't had kids yet? I'm not sure. I still get my normal periods, except that my really bad cramping basically disappeared! I still feel a little weird about having this object stuck in my uterus, so I might ask my doc about getting my tubes tied...
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    I work as a HCA in contraception and as part of my roll I chaperon for coil fits. I have also had one of each myself.

    I had my first copper coil fitted when I was 20 because I am intolerant to progesterone and the fitting was fine but I had major cramps for a few days afterwards. After that I didn't notice my periods being too much worse but they were bad anyway. I did get a few UTIs though but all was fine. I had it removed at 4 1/2 years so my partner and I could have a baby.

    After having my LO I decided to try the Mirena as I thought that the localised progesterone would be ok. The fit was fine, it was easier than the first one, but the hormones took a few months to settle. I had it for a year before it fell out. It also turns out that the hormone was still causing me behavioral problems.

    Thats my personal experience, now my professional; We are seeing a lot more young people having coils fitted and we have not noticed any difference in the failure rate. We don't always know why some fail and others don't but the most important thing is to make sure that you are checking for those strings yourself. Do not search the net because you will always find horror stories that will put you off but at the end of the day you don't know until you try and infections are rare if you are visiting a reputable clinic. Some facts are these: The copper coil works because the body recognises that there is a foreign body inside it and that therefore pregnancy is not a good idea, the mirena works because the hormone has an effect on the lining of the womb in the same way depo or a progesterone pill would and it is a foreign body. For these reasons it does not matter if you have had a baby or not. they will still work the same way. What having a child does tend to do is make the fitting easier most of the time. Coils are fitted via a straw type device which is inserted into the cervix and sometimes it does need some help which is what tends to cause the pain. Do take a painkiller before you go but make sure it is not ibuprofen or asprin based as these can cause bleeding. You are much better off with paracetamol which wont have the same effect. You may bleed from the fitting so it is a good idea to take a towel with you. Also, not good on a diet site I know, I would recommend a slice of chocolate cake after the fitting. I have had all sorts done to me down there and nothing helps as much as a nice bit of something chocolaty! I am sure it is to do with the release of endorphins and serotonin from the chocolate! :)

    Good luck with it!!

    I also feel I have to add that the withdrawal method does not work because all fluid secreted contains sperm not just the ejaculation and it only takes 1 sperm at the right time to cause a pregnancy. Also one truly gross fact is that sperm can live in the vagina for 7 days!
  • Tyree985
    Tyree985 Posts: 22 Member
    I had the Mirena IUD for 2 years just had it removed a few months back. I had ZERO problems with it best BC in my opinion.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I had cramps for the first few months, but other than that is was amazing. I had it for 5 yrs, but just took it out to get pregnant. best birth control ever!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    get off them both and make babies, LOVE!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I have Mirena and freaking love it. I had temporary weight gain, but only 8 pounds. I have no periods --- no cramps. I never had any of the side effects. You can PM me any questions.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I have been in the medical field for over 15 years. I have witnessed many women complain of terrible side effects from both the Mirena and Depo Provera. Weight gain, mood swings, bad skin, etc. I had the Paragard and loved it. Loved not having to worry about hormones or taking anything. The only downfall was 6-7 day kind of heavy periods.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    i know someone that got pregnant on mirena so i dont think its the best option out there. that being said i use to be on the pill and had to stop because i did nothing but spot all of the time.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    Not sure if anybody said this already- I didn't read all the threads.

    IUD isn't an option for everybody. If you do not have a child odds are a doctor won't even insert it for you.

    I haven't had a child, nor want one, and had no issues having a doctor do this for me after having a lung embolism directly related to taking the pill. (I am also over 40, and my age bracket is what Mirena is particularly aimed at)

    The pill is also not for everyone. For those people who cannot, there is the IUD. (or IUC as it seems to be called lately)
  • ajroberts11
    ajroberts11 Posts: 29 Member
    I have the Paraguard copper IUD since Dec 2009 (so... 3+ years). My midwife won't put it in if you haven't had kids because the uterus isn't "stretched" so there's an increase failure rate. Since I had a miscarriage, she anticipated my uterus was stretched enough. I'm glad she took the chance because it is the BEST birth control I've had! I don't have any of the hormone side effects anymore, I don't have spotting like I did with Seasonal, I LOVE IT. If your doctor is willing to insert an IUD even if you haven't had children yet, I HIGHLY recommend it!
  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    I've had my Mirena for 2.5 years now. I had it put in when my second child was 6 weeks old. It is the best thing I have ever done. I have had in 2.5 yrs maybe 3 days of very light spotting. No period, no cramps, no blahs. I haven't noticed anything regarding weight, but I don't think I would have noticed since I was freshly post partum. Good luck on whatever you decide to do!!

    This is my experience as well. I've had Mirena 3 years with absolutely NO PROBLEMS. I love it! I also never have periods, although I do have occasional symptoms (very mild) with very light spotting. It's so nice not to worry about it. It was not painful to have put in, either. I did not gain weight after Mirena and have actually found it fairly easy to lose weight with the normal amount of effort.
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    How about have dude/s buy some condoms or just have dude/s just pull it out at the end... :wink:

    1) Allergic to latex and lamb condoms are expensive
    2) pull out method is only effective 30% of the time

    That's not true. When done properly, withdrawal is 98% effective. I've been using it for years (and so have some of my girlfriends) without any accidents.
  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    i know someone that got pregnant on mirena so i dont think its the best option out there. that being said i use to be on the pill and had to stop because i did nothing but spot all of the time.

    I got pregnant on the pill (and yes, I took it everyday at the same time - no misses). There is no 100% guarantee with any form of birth control.