Starting C325K on Monday w/ Boyfriend - Any Tips?

*Edit: OOPS! The headline is supposed to say C25K - not C325K bad

Hi there!

So i finally got my boyfriend to agree to exercise with me! He's been saying he's wanted to get in shape again, but like me just never did anything about since I started walking at the park close to our house by myself - he doesn't like that I go alone, so i say "Go with me then, cause I'm gonna go anyways! lol" that's where I'm at right now.

We're going to go get him a new pair of shoes this weekend cause his are old & beaten up, so new shoes for him are a must. I just got fitted for some running shoes a couple weeks ago, so I'm good to go.

But yea - we're starting it on Monday 3/11 & plan on doing the three days it recommends. It'll be Monday, Wednesday, & Friday's.

Any tips or things I should expect when starting this? I'd also :heart: to hear some 'success stories' for those of you who didn't think you could ever run but used this program or something to get started & all that.

Thanks in advance! :flowerforyou:


  • gvanleer
    gvanleer Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there
    No tips as I'm not a runner myself, but good luck anyway! I do spin class myself and I have heard from runners who also do spin class, that it really helps with their endurance.
    Enjoy and tell your boyfriend the longer he leaves it to get in shape, the harder it is! (believe me!!)
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    I never have great success doing anything new or athletic with my husband. We are both very competitive. I started with C25K 3 years ago in order to run with him (he has always been a runner...mostly for soccer conditioning). Now I run half marathons and he doesn't run at all. Even when I do manage to get him out with me I feel like I am holding him back with my pace (even when he is the one gasping for breathe).

    Know your personalities and be careful that running together remains a fun free activity and not a chore, and not something you fight over.

    I won't even tell you about the time he tried to teach me to snowboard lol
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    I never have great success doing anything new or athletic with my husband. We are both very competitive. I started with C25K 3 years ago in order to run with him (he has always been a runner...mostly for soccer conditioning). Now I run half marathons and he doesn't run at all. Even when I do manage to get him out with me I feel like I am holding him back with my pace (even when he is the one gasping for breathe).

    Know your personalities and be careful that running together remains a fun free activity and not a chore, and not something you fight over.

    I won't even tell you about the time he tried to teach me to snowboard lol

    Thanks - this made me laugh!

    Yea - we'll see how it may just be me after a while I know I'll be the one who will have to get him out of the house to do this at least at first. I'm hoping that he'll enjoy it after a while too & we can go together all the time or something. But yes, if we start to argue or fight over it - it's not worth it & i'll just do it by myself.

    by the way...mine tried to teach me snowboarding too! He was great at it as a kid & still had the confidence like he could do it just as well this many years later...ya, he was NOT as good as he remembers and I think I fell more times that I ever have before on regular ski's ...but I gotta admit I had waayyyy more fun attempting to snow board than I ever did skiing!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Success story! I had never been a runner! Switched from basketball to volleyball in high school because there was less running involved, and I could stay on my own side of the court. :tongue:

    I started c25k in late January of last year, and I'm still running and enjoying it. I used the c25kFREE app by Zen Labs and it worked great for me. Sounds like you're off to a good start with the shoes. Only advice I would give is stick to the plan even on days when you feel like you could go farther or longer, or do extra days. Go as slowly as you need to with the running intervals - slow running is still running! Don't worry about the distance, just complete the time each session. Once I had completed the last session, I started making sure I was hitting the 5k distance - had to prove to myself that I could do it! Free apps like Runkeeper or Nike+ will track your distance and routes, and you can run them at the same time as the c25k app if you want to.

    Only other thing is maybe find a local 5k race or fun run in your area that's at least 10 weeks out and register for it! Nothing keeps you motivated like a race on the horizon!

    Good luck and have fun!
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Only advice I would give is stick to the plan even on days when you feel like you could go farther or longer, or do extra days. Go as slowly as you need to with the running intervals - slow running is still running!

    My stress fracture and pulled tendon would like to highlight this bit. Different parts of your body can be in different states of readiness, so don't necessarily listen to the part that's all, "yeah, we can do more, starting at day 1 is for suckers!"

    I just restarted after a month in a boot and another month of NO DON"T EVEN THINK ABOUT RUNNING, finished W2D3 today. Doing it right this time and hey, go figure, no injuries so far.
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    I started c25k in late January of last year, and I'm still running and enjoying it. I used the c25kFREE app by Zen Labs and it worked great for me.

    Awesome! I already have the app on my phone downloaded and that's what I was going to use for this! I'm having my BF download it too that way we can both keep up with it

    I might need an arm band for my phone or something though, i guess....or I could just hold it - IDK but I'll figure that out when I get started and see how I like it when Im actually doing the workout.

    I've also heard that you can use another app like Pandora at the same time as the C25K one. Anyone know if this is true by chance? I have an galaxy android phone
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Just like amy..started May last year and training for a marathon and was never considered to be a 'runner'..

    get good shoes, a decent app ( not essential, but it sure makes life so much easier) and just go for it!! never ever concern yourself with how fast or slow you go..just do the distance!

    best of luck and just go for it!
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    The version I had allowed you to run it in the background and still use Pandora. It would also allow you to use the music on your phone (I have an iphone).
  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    I used a c25k to start running. The only tip I have is follow the three times a weeks and just go with it. I always thought running for 8 minutes straight and before was never gonna happen. I wanted to listen to my head while running and stop sometimes but I never did. "You can do this" is all I repeated aloud if I had too. And pace yourself dont go hard out the gate. For me it was all about effort not speed.

  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    If not at first, by week three, you need to know this:
    When you start out, it’s HARD! Even if you think you’re fit, running is so different to anything else you’ve done before you will get out of breath quickly. Stick with it. Can’t manage a minute? Go slow. Still can’t? GO SLOWER!

    Don't be afraid to repeat a week if you found it tough.

    Here are my other musings on beginning to run:
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    Thanks everyone! Keep it comin!

    I need any help I can get since I've never done this stuff before - but I'm super determined! I just have to ignore the voice in my head that'll be trying to talk me out of it lol
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    I haven't done C25k before but I am someone who never, ever thought they could run at all, much less enjoy it, and I'm running my third 5k tomorrow and just registered for a 10k in June. I literally thought I would never be able to run a mile without stopping to walk. When I first started running, it was with my boyfriend (who actually hates running but did cross country so he's good at distance running anyway) and the first time, I ran maybe half a mile before I had to walk. Over time, I just slowly added more distance. Once I got comfortable with a mile, I thought, "Wow, I can't believe I did that," then started trying for two. Once I mastered that, I thought, "Maybe I can do 5k" and I started working toward that. In my experience, it's more mental than anything. I had to get it in my head that I could do it and, as my boyfriend told me, get it in my head that I wasn't going to stop until I was done, whether it was a timed run or distance run. For me, my mind gets tired and wants to walk before my legs actually do. That being said, do listen to your body and walk when you need to. I had to walk a bit during my last 5k because I started out too fast; I didn't want to walk but that time I knew I needed to. But you will get better over time and then it becomes a fun contest with yourself of beating your best time or distance. Good luck and have fun!
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    I've been a runner for years now, but I didn't run most of last year after an ankle injury during the Disney marathon. I decided to start up again and am using the C25K for this, I love it. I'm on week 5 now and I'm amazed at how easily the run are coming to me. Last night I had to do two separate 8 minute long runs. The last time I ran that long without a walk involved was summer or 2011 and I really only found myself struggling once throughout the different runs. I highly recommend this and suggest you follow it as closely as possible. Also, don't worry about your distances, focus on the amount of time you are running, the distance will come as your endurance increases.
  • Tymeshia
    Tymeshia Posts: 194 Member
    I just completed the C25K last week. Great program! Start off low and increase your speed weekly. You will be amazed at the change you made on speed. I'm now working on jogging 5 miles straight.
  • donna123smile
    donna123smile Posts: 24 Member
    The best advice I could give is to make sure you focus on your breathing. Once you got that down, you're good to go! It's an amazing program! I have graduated from that one and am now on the C210k! If you want to improve your time once you get to the 5k, someone told me to go back to week 5 when you started running 20 mins straight to build your speed back up. Definitely helps! Enjoy!
  • 7631282
    7631282 Posts: 29 Member
    Oh, I could be C25K poster child. I'm 49 and I have been sitting on that couch for so long, you just wouldn't believe. But I began and that first week, I thought you would be peeling me off of the ground. I thought there would be no way that I could go to W2, but I did. W3, scared me to death, but I did it. And last week I officially graduated from this program and began the 5K to 10K. I have yet to run in a 5K but that is on my agenda to do. Don't give up or quit. If anything, repeat a week when needed, take it slow and steady. So much of it is a head game. You just think you can't do it. I surprised myself so many times, it was unbelieveable. It helps, to find C25K friends on here that are doing it at the same time as you. I have a few and we just encourage each other on and have a little bit of competitiveness going on. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175

    Awesome! I already have the app on my phone downloaded and that's what I was going to use for this! I'm having my BF download it too that way we can both keep up with it

    I might need an arm band for my phone or something though, i guess....or I could just hold it - IDK but I'll figure that out when I get started and see how I like it when Im actually doing the workout.

    I've also heard that you can use another app like Pandora at the same time as the C25K one. Anyone know if this is true by chance? I have an galaxy android phone

    Yea you can use both at the same time. That's what I do on my phone. It works great. You get to listen to the music and then just hear the beep when you need to start running or walking.
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    Download the c25k app on ur phone or ipod and start from the beginning even if u can do more. Then after 9 weeks you will be set
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I did C25k with my husband. He wasn't really interested in running - he just wanted to support me. I've gone on to run too many races to count including two marathons so I'd count myself as a success story. Just have fun with it. Also, I'm happy to hear you did the shoe fitting.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I started c25k in late January of last year, and I'm still running and enjoying it. I used the c25kFREE app by Zen Labs and it worked great for me.

    Awesome! I already have the app on my phone downloaded and that's what I was going to use for this! I'm having my BF download it too that way we can both keep up with it

    I might need an arm band for my phone or something though, i guess....or I could just hold it - IDK but I'll figure that out when I get started and see how I like it when Im actually doing the workout.

    I've also heard that you can use another app like Pandora at the same time as the C25K one. Anyone know if this is true by chance? I have an galaxy android phone
    I used an armband (still do!) - picked one up at TJ Maxx for less than ten bucks. Marshall's also often has decent running gear, small waist packs, water bottles and things like that.

    I believe the app does let you play your own music - I didn't at first because i was just concentrating on my surroundings (I run outside) and keeping myself upright and breathing. :tongue: But once I did add music when I felt more comfortable with my running, it helped with pace and keeping me going.