Insanity worth it?



  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    Not to dissuade you from doing Insanity, but I've got a slightly different viewpoint.

    I did Insanity from the end of October and finished my 60 days on Christmas Eve. I had lost ~ 15 lbs before starting and was already at my goal weight and was looking to "take things to the next level." I had some pretty great results, I was making sure to not eat at a deficit and didn't lose any weight, but the program did a pretty good job shaping my body.

    After finishing Insanity I took a couple weeks off from doing any specific program, and picked up "Starting Strength" and have been doing that for about the past 8 weeks (a similar timeframe to Insanity) and I honestly think I'm getting a lot more results from this strength program than I did doing Insanity.

    I started Insanity as a guy who was afraid of lifting weights, and stuck to cardio exercises to get myself into shape, so from that stantpoint, Insanity was a good starting point for me, but since then, I'm much happier with my results from a strength oriented routine (which incidentally takes around 45 minutes 3x a week as opposed to 6). At some point if I hit a plateau in strength training I'll probably do Insanity again to shift things up, but I'm pretty sure that doing any type of training regimen as intensely as you do insanity will have similar results. In other words, the results you get aren't going to be because the Insanity program is so good, but because you're working so hard, and working that hard at any program will give you similar results.

    your mileage may vary
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    YES! So worth it.

    I was already at my goal weight when I stared in Nov 2011, by the end of the 63 days, I had lost 1lb, 5%BF and 11 inches! Not to mention my cardio got so much better. I am starting Insanity Asylum next month then Insanity Asylum V2 the month after and I can not wait!!!!!
  • mitchellkd
    mitchellkd Posts: 35 Member
    Absolutely worth it. The only other thing that I have not seen mentioned is that if you purchase directly from Beachbody it's money back guarentee. so if you try it, hate it, can't do it, whatever...send it back. No questions asked. If you take your chances from Ebay it could be bootlegged and it's money down the drain if they don't work. Oh, and you SHOULD get a free coach from Beachbody too. That little extra support can be great. It was awesome when I first started with their products.
  • Dragonflag07
    Dragonflag07 Posts: 64 Member
    Totally worth it. 1000%. Will get your cardio and endurance up to crazy levels
  • pohlcm08
    pohlcm08 Posts: 61
    I did the first month of Insanity then stopped due to finding out I'm pregnant :), i absolutely loved it! It kicks your butt, doesn't take a ton of time out of your day, and even though the weight loss isn't huge, the inch loss is. I had great results in just that short amount of time.

    Congrats on the pregnancy!

    I would say Insanity is definitely worth it, it's a great program and you don't need any equipment to go along with it. I quit after month 1 also because I got sick, then it was summer so I started running outside again and never finished Insanity. But the results after just a portion of the program were awesome still. I didn't stick to the eating program either, I just stuck with what I was eating before that and it was still great results.

    **Just a warning though, it's normal to temporarily gain a small amount of weight in the beginning.. I don't know exactly how to describe it but it's natural and if you want specifics you can probably research it pretty easily. The weight will come back off (and probably plus some) once your body gets used to the new routine.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Here were my results in just 30 days


    Day 30

  • the1captain
    the1captain Posts: 24 Member
    I love insanity. Did it a year ago when a friend lent me his set. At that time I lost 10 pounds. Not bad considering then I didn't change my eating habits at all and therefore was still eating like a fat teenager. Except that I'm in my late 30's. Lol

    Bought a set off Kijijji recently for $50. Into week 3 now. This time I'm tracking my calories with MFP. 2 things that make Insanity work for me. No equipment and enough changing routines to keep it interesting.

    Has anyone tried Insanity Asylum yet? How different isit from the regular workout?
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    absolutely worth it as long as you put in everything you have!! you can't put in half the effort and see full results. Full effort=full results!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I didn't read your post. I'm just responding to the Title Question.

    YES Insanity is worth it. Buy it and love it.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i don't know too much about Insanity, but i'm going to assume that its like other dvd workouts; 30-60 minutes long, various levels that you complete before going to the next.

    if you like that, and the convinience of working out in your own living room, then go for it. its probably less then the cost of a years worth of gym memberships.

    personally, i like to leave my house to work out, with the exception of a few body weight routines i do in my house. i don't like videos telling me what to do.

    and my gym membership can be expensive to some people, but i get a lot out of it. i make that money count.
  • IAmKellOnWheels
    IAmKellOnWheels Posts: 47 Member
    Absolutely! The workout effects are just worth it, in my opinion. My body completely changed it's shape. Nothing that dieting or other exercise programs did for me. It's crazy (Yes, Insane!) and you put as much as you can into it. You WILL see results and at the end, you'll feel so powerful and strong!

    The other effects of Insanity were for me: caffeine addiction GONE, Cellulite GONE (see my pics), more youthful appearance. My skin and hair are so much more healthy (weird!), my energy is through the roof, I won't eat junk anymore and my "monthly friend" is just an inconvenient visitor now ;).

    It's become my way of life now. I'm doing round two as 4x/week and incorporating P90x starting this weekend!
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    Insanity is absolutely amazing and i love it! that being said, it's not meant for everyone. It's hard, insane is best way to describe it. Insanity challenges you and what you put into it is what you get out of it. for someone that gets easily discouraged it probably wouldn't be best program but for those that want to challenge themself to their upper limits then its great. I have always been into fitness (minus 4 years) and do extreme things like Tough Mudder (and hopefully a fall marathon) though so my opinion might differ from the norm as my friends get shocked if i miss a few days and am not going through withdrawal.
    that all being said... i did get lazy and overweight for 4 years and had 44 pounds to lose and started insanity when i started getting back to the Old me. I wanted a challenge and at first couldn't do the whole disc without pausing and sometimes throwing up. yes throwing up and then going back downstairs to finish the video. It's a difficult workout that if you want to put forth the effort then it will have amazing results. i lost 12 pounds the first 3 months but also changed my eating to a deficit. To lose weight it's all about the eating but doing activities you love and keep you in shape are a huge bonus!
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    I'm going with Shaun T's Rockin Body for $19.95 instead since I can't really invest in the full Insanity workout at this time. I tried it from the youtube video last night and I love it. Great workout. Not as awesome as Insanity, but still makes you sweat before warmup is over. :-)
  • biddy81
    biddy81 Posts: 122 Member
    Ok, I just let myself buy Insanity on eBay, and I have to admit - I'M SCARED!!! I've done a lot of Shaun T.'s Hip Hop Abs for a few years now (though not enough recently), and I love it, but my concern is that I tend to get nauseous when I do really intense workouts, and it looks like Insanity is nothing if not intense. Does anyone else have this problem/has experienced it (wow is that a run-on...)? And if so, how did you cope? Does it go away? Help me feel like this isn't going to kill me!! EEK! :D
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I would say it is worth it but it all about what you put into the program. I lost 8lbs and a few inches my first round of Insanity. It is extremely difficult so you have to be commited if you are going to do this program. Everyone's results are different but I would say it works

  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Following it to the letter, brings results. That's it.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    Excuse my french but d*mn! You look great. Looks more like 60 or 90 days instead of 30. You'll look like Zuzka in 90 days.
    Here were my results in just 30 days


    Day 30

  • JonieB
    JonieB Posts: 67 Member
    I definitely think it is worth it. I am on day 40 and I am already planning on doing round 2. :)
  • Eileen889
    Eileen889 Posts: 117
    Worth it!!!!!!

    I'm starting week 4 tomorrow, and so far I have dropped 9lbs. I can see a difference in my body (measurements will be coming this week). They are hard though. So be prepared. Its one of the few workout DVDs I have seen that the background people cannot complete the routines. That should tell you something.

    I would recommend buying directly from beachbody. If you buy from another site that is cheeper (I got mine from for about $99 shipped) you run the risk of getting a bootlegg copy. Mine turned out to be bootlegg. I have 2 of the same DVDs and they skip in my DVD player. Luckly I use my computer in the basement as a DVD player for these (more room to workout) and the double DVD is the Cardio Abs (instead of the Cardio Circuit DVD). I just use the Plyomentric Cardio instead on those days.

    As for price, it is pricey but when you devide it by how many DVD's you get, its not that bad. I think there are 12 DVDs in total for $140.. Thats a little over $10 a DVD. That's cheep in comparison.
    I got my first Insanity from too last week and it was also a bootleg copy. I filed a claim with PP to try and get my $79 back. Luckily I realized it was a fake and ordered Insanity again directly from Beachbody so I didn't miss the March 4th start date that I had set. Well worth the extra money to avoid getting a fake copy.