Slowing it down?

Okay, so over the past few months I was over exercising (several hours of high intensity stuff each day with no breaks) as part of an unhealthy regime I’d gotten mentally stuck into. I’m trying to go at it healthier now, and along with actually eating like I should…I’m also trying to find a good balance to my exercising. I know it’s different for everyone so I don’t have any specific questions about how much each day / each week I should be doing…because I know that should depend on food intake and energy levels.

My question is this…after doing such high intensity cardio for so long, and still engaging in it on a more manageable basis, does my body still benefit from low intensity stuff too, or have I screwed myself up? For instance, today I feel a little sluggish and lower energy and I want to do limited cardio…like perhaps a nice long walk instead of running several miles/aerobics like I normally do. The treadmill tells me I’m burning calories walking of course…but I’m just worried that I’ve got my body conditioned to intense working out so these lower intensity sessions might be a waste of time.


  • corchy23
    corchy23 Posts: 41
    bumping :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You're moving. Moving is never a waste of time. Enjoy your walks. I definitely enjoy mine
  • smccb
    smccb Posts: 99 Member
    I am afraid I don't have much advice to give - but I am interested in this too.

    One thought I did have - you seem to have done mostly high intensity cardio in the past. Have you thought of changing it up and trying something like heavy lifting? I just finished reading a book called "New Rules for Lifting for Women" and as far as I can tell, the workouts are only three times a week.

    The complete change in the type of exercise you are doing might be enough to shake up and shock your body enough that it actually gets more out of these new workouts than it did out of all that cardio.

    Good for you, by the way, in breaking with the unhealthy regime. It is not easy to do!