Slim Fast 3-2-1 plan.



  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    hi there well I used them 2 years ago and yes they work but when you stop the weight just comes back and more the taste is great but the cost could be better but after I started putting the weight back on I then looked at what I was eating and worked around that and the weight came off and did so and now do running/jogging when I get the time but I would not recommend them as they are just a time waste weight delay
  • miss_rye_
    miss_rye_ Posts: 94 Member
    I do a shake for breakfast some days because I am not hungry, and I learned that I get busy at work and if I didn't eat (or drink) I tend to snack on bad things. I have done both protein smoothies and slim fast.

    I won't replace it the way it wants you to, but I was successful with doing a shake for breakfast in the past for half of my mornings.

    How am I heavier now, well I got pregnant. I did however drop the 50 pounds I put on during pregnancy. I am no where the shape I was in, but that is ok, I know that I will get there. 8 weeks of bed rest did a number on me, but I will not let it hold me back.
  • straightedg4lif
    straightedg4lif Posts: 9 Member
    I currently drink the generic brand from Walmart called Equate. They taste better than Slimfast to me and are cheaper, you get 12 cans for $9.87. I drink them only for breakfast Monday-Thursday before work since I can't seem to eat that early in the morning and it keeps me satisfied. I eat healthy food throughout the day and on the weekends I eat a real breakfast. I don't do any of the other parts of the 3-2-1 plan but think a shake here and there is a better alternative to no breakfast.
  • I used Slim Fast 20 years ago. (Wow! That's a long time!) Anyway, I lost over 30lbs and pretty much kept it off until about two years ago. The secret is not to just lose the weight and then say, "yay, I can go back to eating like before." It taught me how to be mindful of my calorie intake without having to think about it in the beginning. After time, I went down to one shake a day and salad at lunch. Just like any diet, it takes a lot of discipline, though.