Meal ideas - Specifically lunch and dinner

I've been googling all day to get some ideas and then thought maybe it would just be easier to ask real people who are doing this just like I am. I work at a job that only provides me with a microwave, toaster, and a toaster oven to heat meals. That limits my ability of what I can make/take to work. So I was just curious if anyone had any meal ideas (lunch I eat at work, dinner at home) they would be willing to share. I'm not a chef; I just know basic cooking. I've been eating smart ones and lean cuisines, but they are starting to get old. Just looking for some new ideas to spice up my life. Thanks!


  • fayehjort
    fayehjort Posts: 8 Member
    I do a few things. I don't like to eat breakfast early so I take a refrigerator oatmeal for a mid morning snack. In a small mason jar add 1/4 cup yogurt (if using plain you can add a couple table spoons of maple syrup or agave syrup), 1/4 oats, 1/4 milk (almond, soy etc), 2tsp chia seeds (optional) top with frozen fruit and put in the fridge overnight. I make a few of these up and take to work each morning.

    I also mix up salads in mason jars. dressing goes on the bottom, chunky veggies like peppers, onions, mushrooms, chicken etc next and lettuce on top (as far from the the dressing as possible). You can make a few at once and keep them in the fridge. Make for a great grab n go. You can google mason jar salads and you will get many ideas!

    I make my favourite southwestern quinoa salad! Its a great source of protein and is very filling. With that I make a pizza with cauliflower crusts and that makes great left overs to take to work :) very simple recipes and again google is your friend!

    Lettuce wraps filled with tuna etc are a wonderful low carb solution for lunch. Have fun on your search for new recipes :)
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    I have a food blog - - which might give you some ideas. I also love the BBC Good Food website - - it has some great inspiration when I'm stuck for things to cook!

    Hope this helps :)
  • YankeesGirl1225
    YankeesGirl1225 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks! Faye, I will definitely give the mason jar recipes a try. I've never heard of those, but they sound simple and delicious.

    Amelia, I'm headed off to your website now. Thanks for your help!
  • cindygretz
    All I have at work is a microwave. Some of my favorite lunches get spread on low-cal toast!

    Tuna salad (made with plain greek yogurt)
    Mashed avocado with tomatos and onions
    Spinach and shredded 2% cheese, melt cheese in micro and spread

    Another of my fav's is refried beans and 2% cheese, heat in micro, put in a low cal tortilla (81cals) top with plain green yogurt, fresh spinach and salsa.

    Dips made with greek yogurt for veggies

    (can you tell I've recently discovered greek yogurt?)
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I'm assuming you have fridge/freezer access since you mentioned frozen meals. I would just stick a few basics in the fridge like a cartons of liquid egg whites, almond milk, lettuce, other veggies, etc. I tend to make and eat really simple meals because I know exactly what I like. I mix egg whites, cinnamon, splenda, and flax seeds and make an omelet/crepe thing but you could just microwave it since eggs cook just fine in the microwave. Another thing I'd suggest getting is some wraps. I reccomend Joseph's Bakery lavash (available at most grocery stores) since it's 100 calories, 10g protein and huge. I use lettuce, onions, and almond cheese in mine but you can use whatever you'd like. You could also keep one of those big things of quick oats there and just throw in some flax seeds, cinnamon, PB2, almond milk, or whatever you like in it (those are just my favorites). Those are all things that can be made in five minutes or less. For snacks, you could keep fruit, yogurt, and vegetables like cucumber and baby carrots in the fridge.
  • fayehjort
    fayehjort Posts: 8 Member
    I find many ideas on Pinterest! If you haven't discovered that website then you need to :) It has everything and everything!
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    So you have access to everything you need! I usually bring a sandwich (deli meat, 40cal bread, sprouts, Kraft sandwich spread) and a bunch of snacks - 1/2 avocado, string cheese, grapefruit, Cambells soup to go (70cals!), yogurt, hardboiled eggs, raw carrots/tomatoes/cucumbers etc.