My first NSV!

kzertuche Posts: 48 Member
I started the C25K last week and yesterday evening was the first time in 2 weeks that doing it didn't feel like a chore or a punishment, there was no whining, no pausing, and my dog didn't even try to kill me this time (she is easily distracted and will randomly pull really hard in a different direction). When I got home and was taking my shower I was actually smiling. I have never in my life had that feeling after exercise, and now I can't wait to do it again. WooHoo!!!!


  • lorrmong
    lorrmong Posts: 10 Member
    Amazing feeling!!! Well done xxx
  • liftreadphilosophize
    liftreadphilosophize Posts: 180 Member
    That's awesome! It's so fun when you break through the "UGH this kind of sucks" to "oh my gosh that was actually fun and I actually WANT to do it again!" I had that same experience when I started running. The thrill hit me weeks later than yours did, though. :-) Have fun ENJOYING running!
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    That's sooo awesome!! isn't it great!
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    You have turned the corner! From now on running will be pulling you, instead of you having to push.
  • gammols
    gammols Posts: 12
    Really?? how awesome that must feel. I put the app on my phone now wiating fo rhte stupid snow to melt and get above freezign so i can start it also. I can't wait. I have long wanted to be a runner... not speed but distance and I"m really hoping that will help boost my weight loss. Great Job!
  • kzertuche
    kzertuche Posts: 48 Member
    I downloaded the app onto my iPod touch on the recommendation of a friend, she said it really helped her hubby get into running. I kind of rolled my eyes but figured 'why not?' I had always used the excuse that being *ahem* rather chesty, that I would never be able to run, and my mom would joke that I would end up with 2 black eyes.
    I have been doing it on the beach with the dog. I know there are people that say not to do it on the beach, but it is pretty there, and flat, and the softer sand doesn't bother my plantar faciitis as much.
    I was always envious of people that were runners and seemed to enjoy running, and now I'm becoming one of them :smile:
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