Looking for MFP friends.......

Hi, I am 47 and live in the Chicago suburbs.

24 years as an air traffic controller has provided plenty of stress. Food has always been my release valve. Looking for friends on MFP to help keep me motivated and to share experiences.


  • gregr072
    gregr072 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi I've been looking for other guys on here, I'm pretty new but I'm enjoying using mfp. I'm trying to lose about 38 pounds to start with and then go from there. I'm currently at 234 and want to get down to 198. I'm also a former Chicagoan. I lived there for 8 years but now we're in the Seattle area. I'll send you a friend request.
  • FLfitguy
    FLfitguy Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a CEO from Florida. Talk about stress. Try running your own company. MFP has helped me lose weight. Now I'm trying to put on muscle. Maybe we can encourage each other or compare notes.
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Good luck on your journey!!! :)