new and need help

Hi all. I am new to myfitness pal and need some help. I need to lose about 100+ pounds the healthy way (no low calories for me)…i read the road to map on here and still confused on the calorie intake I should be having. I am use to the scooby workshop sute but how do you figure your calories? Do you eat tdee? Bmr? Or a between the two and do you eat back exercise calories. Phew I need a calorie 101 guide :)

Would also love some supportive friends on here. So please feel free to request me. :)

Thank you in advance for the help :)


  • amaranth1002
    Hi i started by downloading the app to my iphone. I simply told it my weight, my target i wanted to lose every week, my activity level and it told me my calorie goal per day. I've lost 8lb in 2 weeks. So my advise would be dont get too bogged down with the calorie types, trust the tools mfp provides. Feel free to add me for additional support
  • terrieghicks
    I have been a member for awhile but I thought I filled in my height, age, current weight, activity level and it figured out how many calories for me. I usually go for a range for me of 1400-1600. I am 5'2", I exercise to high intensity kickboxing (TurboFire) 6 days per week and get in 10,000 step in most day. I try not eat back my exercise calories in unless it is like a 750-1000 then I tend to eat in a portion of them. i am going to send you a friend request and feel free to ask me any question you may have. I am a Beachbody Coach and studying to become a personal trainer. :)

  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Hi all. I am new to myfitness pal and need some help. I need to lose about 100+ pounds the healthy way (no low calories for me)…i read the road to map on here and still confused on the calorie intake I should be having. I am use to the scooby workshop sute but how do you figure your calories? Do you eat tdee? Bmr? Or a between the two and do you eat back exercise calories. Phew I need a calorie 101 guide :)

    Would also love some supportive friends on here. So please feel free to request me. :)

    Thank you in advance for the help :)

    You have two basic options:

    1. Depending on how much you have to lose, you would want to aim for TDEE-10-30% (at most) per day, without eating calories back (because they're already included in your TDEE). As long as your intake is below your TDEE you will eventually lose weight.
    2. Or, you can use the MFP settings (as long as they give you something reasonable, i.e., over your BMR) - if you use the MFP settings then you DO eat your exercise calories back, because the settings are already incorporating a caloric deficit that reflects your desired weight loss (you could probably go for 2-1.5 lbs/week at this point, but would need to adjust that as you lose weight to a lower weekly goal).

    Personally, I'm using the first approach now and eating about 1800/day, though I used the MFP settings (at -.5/week) first. Any deficit lower than that and I was hangry and weak and not able to get through my workouts.
  • joyfilled4life
    Thank you all for your posts. I think for now I will use mfp and add in exercise etc. thank you all again
  • Changing_Charity
    Changing_Charity Posts: 197 Member
    ive lost 55 lbs by just using MFP and staying in my calorie range and watching my macros, (fat, sugar, sodium, protein, etc) it really works! i still have 45 more lbs to go!!
    i also go to the gym 4 days a week, but lost 20 lbs in the first month with barely any exercise.