Insanity-I now understand the name!

princesspurple Posts: 688
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I did the Fit Test today. Seriously INSANE.....I am really looking forward to it. I took before pics on Saturday so I can't wait to see the progress. I am so excited to do this, I just have to stay motivated and push myself!


  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Wow! You go! I sweat and breathe hard just watching the commercials!! It makes me scared! lol... I think it's amazing you are doing it. I would love to see your pictures and hear your success story when you finish!
  • I will be doing the "insanity workout" here soon as well. It looks to be challenging and that's one of the reason's I'm eager to do it. And the fact that I want to push myself to insane levels to reap the wonderful benefits in 2 months...

    "Dig deep" I know you can do this.....
  • PoshTaush-I will surely get pics up and show them...I looked at a bunch online last night and really go motivated!

    Charlynette-When are you starting?
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I just completed my first week of Insanity and I really like it! It's very difficult, but when I'm done I feel so accomplished! I took my before shots last Monday.. I can't wait to see what this program can do for me!

    Good luck!!
  • Blondie-I am really excited! I am sure this is going to be difficult...I was tired after the FitTest! We are going to look great:) Keep me posted!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Good job to all of you for pushing yourself to a higher leves of fitness by using the Insanity series!!!! This IS absolutely the most intense cardio workouts you can find on the market!!! You will feel accomplished after every workout and will find all other forms of fitness a little more easy to do (like jogging)! I am on my second round of Insanity with using the three month P90X in between. I must say Insanity makes P90X a bit boring!!! I know blondie is on the Insanity thread (started by ripely36) but you ALL are very welcome to come aboard, it is very helpfull (with some beachbody coaches on doing the same workouts) and informative! I wish you all the dedication and perserverance to complete this program! Have fun and remember to "dig deeper"!!!
  • punkrockpickles
    punkrockpickles Posts: 29 Member
    We have that too and checked it out a couple days ago, scared us since we are NOT in shape lol so we are gonna work our way up to that by doing other work outs and eating better for a couple weeks before we try it =)
  • Al77
    Al77 Posts: 47
    I love the Insanity workouts! I didn't find the first month to be TOO bad...definitely the challenge I was looking for. Month 2 is where its at, I love it!
  • vhuber-someone as fit as you telling me that this is the most intense.....I am excited for that! it's what i need!

    punkrockpickles-i will keep you posted, i am scared but ready to be!

    a177-do you notice a difference after a month?
  • Abrooks81
    Abrooks81 Posts: 2
    princess purple- I did my first fit test yesterday, and did the first workout today! It is crazy and I almost threw up numerous times haha! Knowing it's so ridiculously hard makes me want to do it even more though! We can motivate each other!
  • abrooks...i did the plyo cardio circ today-VERY tough, I like the water breaks:)
  • Abrooks81
    Abrooks81 Posts: 2
    It seriously took me about an hour and a half to get through the workout. My water breaks were STRECHED way out! :)
  • How is everyone logging the calories? I do not wear a hrm....i logged it as general aerobics but the number seems low...
    does anyone know what it compares to?:indifferent:
  • It should be logged under circuit training, u should burn between 300-400 depending on how long!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I was just wondering what fitness level everyone is at that is doing Insanity. I got it from a friend but don't think I am there yet.

    Also, if you care to share what is your weight?

  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Good job to all of you for pushing yourself to a higher leves of fitness by using the Insanity series!!!! This IS absolutely the most intense cardio workouts you can find on the market!!! You will feel accomplished after every workout and will find all other forms of fitness a little more easy to do (like jogging)! I am on my second round of Insanity with using the three month P90X in between. I must say Insanity makes P90X a bit boring!!! I know blondie is on the Insanity thread (started by ripely36) but you ALL are very welcome to come aboard, it is very helpfull (with some beachbody coaches on doing the same workouts) and informative! I wish you all the dedication and perserverance to complete this program! Have fun and remember to "dig deeper"!!!

    I am also in a second round of insanity... i have heard some rumors that there will be another insanity coming out this summer??? anyone else hear this?

    Oh and insanity WILL get you in the best physical shape you can be in. Now when i do other workouts i hardly even breathe hard. Everything else just seems so easy, which might not be a good thing because now I am finding it hard to get workouts that push me
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I was just wondering what fitness level everyone is at that is doing Insanity. I got it from a friend but don't think I am there yet.

    Also, if you care to share what is your weight?


    INsanity is really for those that are already in decent shape and just want to get to their max level. I would suggest working your way up to it.
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    How do you count the Insanity work-outs in your exercise logs. I am doing a similar program, and I can't figure out how to accurately count the time. The work-out keeps me sweating and my heart rate up at 75-80% for the entire thing, but a large portion of the workout is using weights and movements such as squats. Please advise. Thanks:flowerforyou:
  • lailouisa
    lailouisa Posts: 11
    day 2 of insanity...just finished taking a shower and my legs are quivering...holy crap.
  • KatsyaK
    KatsyaK Posts: 3
    Holy Crap is right I just ordered my insanity and I am scared now! Do you need a big room with this workout?
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