Just getting started... sort of

Hi all,

I've been a member of MFP for more than a year, but this is my first week of tracking on MFP and so far so good. I'm a WW member so it's taking a little getting used to going from points to actual calorie counts but it hasn't been too hard to figure out. I'm seriously contemplating leaving WW. I've lost 63 pounds on WW but over the last year I gained back about 15. I don't blame WW for that. If you follow the program it works, but the support part was really what was lacking. In my particular meeting, there was no one there I could relate to. I'm 36 with one young child and I was one of the youngest people in the group. I live in an older community so the group skewed towards retirees and almost-retirees. The slightly younger ones with kids had kids that were at the youngest, late teens. The meeting leader was very good at covering the days topic, but not so good at helping members talk through or figure out issues. She's only been at lifetime for two years and a leader for about one, so she's still a bit new to it.

Another thing is that I always felt pressure to perform. If I didn't lose weight that week then I failed. During meetings when we had our "celebrations" I tried to be the one to talk about the NSVs, but for the most part everyone announced their weight loss for that week. Not that they shouldn't be proud of what they's done, but it felt in part like competition. I felt inadequate when I didn't lose anything. That is in part self-imposed, but the environment in my meeting didn't help.

So, anyway, I'm here, giving MFP a try. I didn't go to WW weigh-in this week and I felt relief, I also have barely touched the WW site in the past few days. I think that's a sign.


  • niekkosgirl
    niekkosgirl Posts: 60 Member
    I do WW online, and I am doing alright, but I do like the support on here via the boards, much better!
  • taz343
    taz343 Posts: 14
    Im just starting over again with MFP website, think I have a good support group, Feel free to add me and we can do this together :smile:
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    You are right. WW is a great program, but if you arent getting the proper support from the group then it doesnt feel great to be there. Keep up with MFP and good luck!
  • stacyshan
    stacyshan Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in the same boat also & agree with what your saying about WW, I really think MFP will be the best all round way to go. We can do it!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    It's a fact that people who journal their foods and exercise daily, lose more weight! So stick with it and it'll work for you!
  • Dobie76
    Dobie76 Posts: 17
    Thanks everyone, I feel like MFP could be a better fit for me, and like I said WW was a great start but I feel like maybe the support here will be better. It's just on me to make the effort to seek it.

    Feel free to add me. I know we can do this!
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    Best wishes! If you log daily and are honest in your logging you will do great. I am proof! It's great to see what you are eating and how to modify it slowly into new healthy eating habbits!
  • i was using WW online, it work,s i just got tired of spending money on it. i find mfp to be just as effective and its free, now i can save money for my skinny wardrobe. lol
  • Dobie76
    Dobie76 Posts: 17
    LOL sPaRkLiNgLYFE, I know that's right.
  • Dobie76
    Dobie76 Posts: 17
    Thanks tatd_820. i feel like for now, this is keeping me much more honest than with WW. I felt it was too easy for me to fudge the numbers and to cheat on the tracking. Not to say that it's not possible to cheat on the tracking here, but I feel less inclined to do so, at least for now with the more accurate numbers. Plus it's new and I want to be on my best behavior :-)
  • kaytyl2
    kaytyl2 Posts: 142 Member
    I have also been with WW, I lost a decent amount of weight on the old system, but found the new system too long winded to calculate points. MFP is so much easier especially when out and about, just look at the calories and your good to go. The 24hr support on here is amazing and so I would never go back to WW now. Also it's free!! Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other.:happy: