binge eating help

Soi tried to lose a few pounds over the summer last year, but got a bit carried away. I now weight 6 stone 4 pounds at 5 ft 3. Everyone comments on how tiny I am and i haven't had my period in about 8 months, I know i'm underweight and i would like to gain weight but physically feel like i can't. I eat healthily in the day - porridge for breakfast, sandwiches or things on toast for lunch and then pasta or stir frys or veggie curries or fish and potatos for dinner yet i'm not gaining - infact i weighed myself yesterday and hat hit 6 stone 3.

The thing getting me down is that i'm at uni - and when i go out on a night out and drink - i get drunk - leave earlyish and come home and eat ****loads of food from my housemates cupboards.

Tonight i've come back and had 4 weetabix and 2 waffles and 2 slices of toast , all slathered in nutella. AND a bowel of cereal

I feel so fat and disgusting like i'm gong to gain a stone overnight. Yet all i want to do is go downstairs and eat more and more and more

why aren't i putting on weght? this has been going on for a while now...WHAT is wrong with me?!!??!?! :(


  • Kimberly3013
    Kimberly3013 Posts: 78 Member
    You may be better off going to a doctor and having some tests done. If you are concerned about not weighing enough there could be several different things wrong medically.
  • littlehealthyhope
    littlehealthyhope Posts: 22 Member
    you're showing signs of anorexia ( my opinion) i agree with ^, its better to see a doctor :)
  • Every one I know that gets into fitness has bad days and goes through this even the greatest successes including me ! It is so important to accept what has already been done we're only human so were bound to slip once in a while. If you're expecting to never binge or never cheat on your diet that is not reality because again EVERY ONE has to believe it or not. It took my a lot to accept the cheat days or when I slipped up but forgive yourself and talk yourself through it. Losing weight and the results don't take 123, it is hard which is why most people don't even want to bother with it. Try little things like drinking lots of green tea (or any tea you like, mostly green tea) and lots of water, it is a detox and it stunts your food cravings as well, good luck !
  • accipiter
    accipiter Posts: 16
    Definitely see a doctor. No one here is going to be able to give you the help that only a doctor can provide. Not having a period for 8 months is a serious problem that presents many serious health dangers, and you are probably not getting enough nutrients. A doctor will certainly be able to help you! Please see one as soon as you can :)
  • Also, it could be a medical problem get everything checked out you might be surprised !
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    You should see a doctor if you're concerned (and probably a therapist as well) rather than asking strangers online.
  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    Soi tried to lose a few pounds over the summer last year, but got a bit carried away. I now weight 6 stone 4 pounds at 5 ft 3. Everyone comments on how tiny I am and i haven't had my period in about 8 months, I know i'm underweight.

    You need to see a doctor. NOW. This is a serious health issue. Your doctor my also recommend as psychologist, as it sounds like you may have an eating disorder. But to start, see your doctor as soon as you can.
  • i've been to the doctors they haveedone every test going - no thyroid problems, no liver problems, no problems concerning my ovaries. Just weighed me and told me to come back for more blood tests.

    Thing is I do genuinely eat healthily, wholegrain foods, healthy fats etc and snacking on almonds and such to get my calorie intake up.

    It's just these drunken night time binges where I eat everything in the cupboard - always chocolate,sweets,cereal etc and then I wake up the next morning and feel disgusting.

    I'm so ashamed of my binge I don't want to eat atall today
  • sounds like a binge eating disorder
  • thejubster1
    thejubster1 Posts: 57 Member
    If the doctors can't/ won't help, I'd think of seeing a dietician or nutritionist - who should be able to help you with the right way and right foods to help
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    You have an eating disorder.

    If you are 5'3 and 6 stone something you need to realise that is seriously unhealthy.

    You need to create some better eating habits NOW before it is too late. If you continue on this path... you will become seriously ill and possibly die, that is a fact.

    If you are 6stone and you wanted to loose a few lbs I'd love to know what you weighed before? My guess is a healthy weight.
  • i've requested referral to a nutritionist so hopefully i'll gain healthily. i like my body though i don't look unhealthy people often comment that i look good. but obviously i prioritize my health.

    I just dont know what to do about this drunken binge eating thing, i can't believe how much i ate last night i wasn't even hungry i just kept going back for more

    and i weighed about 9 stone before but i didn't like the way i looked
  • If I am converting this correctly, you are 5'3" tall and weigh 88 lbs!! I am 5'2" and weigh 100 lbs and I too feel fat. I know from looking at clothes sizes that this is thin. I eat healthy and exercise but I am terrified of gaining the"old weight" back. I do think you are too thin but... I understand how you can only see the "fat". Maybe this is an eating disorder or maybe a psychological thing where it is hard to see and believe the "new you".