Losing Hope :(



  • nyprdiva
    nyprdiva Posts: 76 Member
    And don't forget to watch the types of fats that you are using to cook your food in (say butter, olive oil, corn oil, etc). Those calories add up as well. If you are diligent about portions and logging everything (including the one oreo cookie you allowed yourself to cheat with), you will be surprised how you can better track your intake and make better decisions.

    Good luck and don't lose hope. I was there a few days ago myself after the holiday I ended up gaining the weight I lost. But I am back on the wagon and will be successful.
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    Ditto what everyone else says...but how are you FEELING? Are you feeling better physically??

    Also, re: B12.
    Some people cannot absorb B12 through food. If you have taken blood tests and it's showing as low, ask your doctor about a test called a Schilling test. It's so not cool ;) but it doesn't hurt. You'll find out if you're absorbing B12 through food. You may be one of those people who needs a B12 shot on a regular basis. Mine was SOOOOO low many years ago, I had Alzheimer's like symptoms (@ 31 years old!). It was scary and I was lucky enough to have a PA who researched it and found out what it was. My current doctor also detected low Folic acid and Vitamin D, which can go along with it. I started out with weekly/twice weekly shots to get it to a normal level. I now get them monthly and I can tell a HUGE difference with my memory and everything.

    Honeslty, I'm not feeling better at all. I was recently diagnosed with depression, although I've had it for years (hence the weight gain), so the weight loss not going well is taking a toll. I was told to lose weight by my doctor because she was concerned about my BMI being too high. I was told to go on antidepressants but opted for the more natural approach of exercise. It doesn't seem to be working. Now that I feel like I'm getting no where it's just making the depression worse.

    As for the B12, I'm taking two vitamins - a multi-vitamin as well as B12 vitamin. I didn't have this problem before, so I don't know if I just wasn't eating foods that contain B12 enough or whether I'm just not absorbing it. I'm scheduled for a second set of bloodtests to see if it has increased in about two weeks, so we'll know then whether or not I need the monthly shot.

    If you aren't feeling better, than you do need to see the doctor. I cannot absorb B12 through food. Something in my stomach or intestines prohibits it. Sometimes it can be a combo of problems, not just one (like I found out I have Vitamin D and Folic acid deficiencies also). Also, would you take the 'natural' approach if you had a broken bone, cancer, cavities or other maladies that really call for treatment? If you are clinically depressed, then the meds, once you find the right ones, can help. If you aren't depressed for medical reasons, then it won't help. Just like taking an antibiotic won't help if you aren't sick, or Tylenol won't cure a headache that isn't there.

    Honestly, for me, I have had depression basically since I was 20, although I had some spells of it in my teens. I've been off and on medicines for years, and finally found one that works GREAT right now. Honestly, if it wasn't for my medicines, I really don't think I would be able to do this for myself...or if I did, it would be SUPER SUPER hard dealing with my depression AND trying to lose weight. My first 'psychiatrist' (those are the MDs) was honestly stupid. His coworker, my psychologist, had been working with me for a long time before she recommended meds to try them. The idiot shrink instead told me I needed to go to church more, and sleep better, and wrote me a scrip for sleeping pills! HOW STUPID! It was like handing a person who wanted to die a loaded gun. I shredded the scrip, and saw my family doctor the next week, and I was put on antidepressants, and they've changed my life.

    I know a lot of people don't agree with meds, and I respect that. But I know it worked FOR ME. They helped save my life. So don't discount them completely. It can be a medical condition, just like a broken bone, cancer, heart attack, etc etc etc. And you'd treat those. Just think about it. :):) I'll be happy to email more with you if you like!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    First, congratulations on taking a pro active approach to changing your lifestyle. You have made a courageous choice, and you should be commended.
    That being said, If your food diary for the past 10 days or so is accurate, you should probably consider changing your eating patterns. Try to consistently eat at least 3 meals a day INCLUDING BREAKFAST. They don't have to be large meals, but your body needs constant fuel, not just sporadic feeding. Also try to make sure that you are eating at least 1200 calories a day. Your body may be adjusting to your sporadic eating and lack of fuel, and hoarding fat cells to survive the times when you do not give it what it needs.
    Please do not give up, and try to find an eating pattern that works for you. As you can see from the number of responses to your topic, we are all out here pulling for you! Here's to smart choices!
  • hagolum
    hagolum Posts: 2
    You sound like me. I was doing things wrong though. Since I changed I have dropped 10lbs in 5 weeks, although I just joined here 2 days ago. Weight is falling off me now.

    I went to the Y and paid 130 for a resting and exercising metabolism test. It gave me a work out plan based on my own heart rate and metabolism. I am doing it faithfully and it works. Before I just random exercised, and now every minute is making a difference. A lot of places offer this.

    I also increased water.

    I also found out from this test that I was not eating enough. I thought my resting metabolism was slow, but it isnt. Now I get to eat more and pounds fall off literally.

    The key is to monitor your heart rate. Keeping it where it burns the most for your body.
  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    Ditto what everyone else says...but how are you FEELING? Are you feeling better physically??

    Also, re: B12.
    Some people cannot absorb B12 through food. If you have taken blood tests and it's showing as low, ask your doctor about a test called a Schilling test. It's so not cool ;) but it doesn't hurt. You'll find out if you're absorbing B12 through food. You may be one of those people who needs a B12 shot on a regular basis. Mine was SOOOOO low many years ago, I had Alzheimer's like symptoms (@ 31 years old!). It was scary and I was lucky enough to have a PA who researched it and found out what it was. My current doctor also detected low Folic acid and Vitamin D, which can go along with it. I started out with weekly/twice weekly shots to get it to a normal level. I now get them monthly and I can tell a HUGE difference with my memory and everything.

    I have the same issue... it was discovered the same way... loss of mental faculties, confusion, forgetfullness, short-term memory loss, tingling in feet and hands as well as extreme fatigue and depression. Luckily I have a good doc and she uncovered my B12 deficiency... I've been taking shots ever since. Don't delay treatment for this... it can really have devastating effects on your body if you aren't able to absorb it from your food. I also have low D3 and I take supplements of that as well.

    Get back on track by logging your calories and if it helps... 6lbs is equal to losing 24 sticks of butter!!! Check that out for a visual! :wink:

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Are you using the Elite Nutrition Guide??? You need to be. Did you open the guide at all??? You need to. There is a reason there is a Elite Nutrition Guide that goes along with the program. It will help you in every aspect. I know the calorie number may scare you, but don't be afraid to eat. YOU HAVE TO EAT TO LOSE WEIGHT. You also have to fuel your body for the intense workouts you are putting your body through.

    Please come back to the Insanity thread and ask more questions. We would all love to help you along in the journey. You can do this, don't give up on yourself. You are so totally worth the sweat. :bigsmile:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    i'm sure someone has already suggested this but I didnt have time to read everyones answers, but if you arent, make sure you are eating your exercise calories. i feel your pain. i haven't lost since February and Ive even put 6 pounds back on. but hang in there, things will change. maybe you need a different exercise routine. try pilates or maybe try to c25k? but dont give in, dont let it win. youre stronger than that and you CAN do it!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    rskidmore, can you give us your height and activity level (not including exercise) and any other numbers you may have (Waist to hip ratio, body fat %, VO2 max...etc) anything will help.

    It's hard to tell what's wrong or even make a guess without these numbers as a minimum baseline. I do agree with may posters though, you set a goal with MFP, you need to hit that goal, I went back through about 1 month of your diary and found 1 day where you reached or went slightly over your calories, you need to set a goal and reach it every day, or else the plan is invalid. If you follow the plan for say...1 month and it doesn't work, then you think about tweaking, but until you consistently reach your calorie goals (and nutrition goals for that matter) then there's not baseline to judge whether it's working or not.
  • bloblynda
    bloblynda Posts: 99 Member
    I think you are eating too few calories; I notice that you also skip meals. It is important to eat regularly because that will stave off the hunger pangs that makes everyone binge on chocolate and fizzy drinks. You will get there, but it does take self discipline. You MUST log your food and exercise and you MUST eat up your calories
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    rskidmore, can you give us your height and activity level (not including exercise) and any other numbers you may have (Waist to hip ratio, body fat %, VO2 max...etc) anything will help.

    It's hard to tell what's wrong or even make a guess without these numbers as a minimum baseline. I do agree with may posters though, you set a goal with MFP, you need to hit that goal, I went back through about 1 month of your diary and found 1 day where you reached or went slightly over your calories, you need to set a goal and reach it every day, or else the plan is invalid. If you follow the plan for say...1 month and it doesn't work, then you think about tweaking, but until you consistently reach your calorie goals (and nutrition goals for that matter) then there's not baseline to judge whether it's working or not.

    My height is 5' 5, and I'm not very active without exercise, but I'm not a complete couch potato either. I'll walk to the grocery store instead of riding the bus, and my job (I work at Michaels) keeps me moving part time hours (about 16 hours a week or so). I am finishing up my last semester of school and 99% of my schoolwork is on the computer, so I spend a lot of time sitting doing that. I don't know what my body fat % is, and I have no idea what you mean by VO2 max...
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    Okay, so we have hardly any food in our kitchen at the moment and won't be able to get groceries until next week on payday.

    For breakfast this morning I had two large eggs scrambled with two cubes of cheese shredded and seasoned with dill. I also had two small pieces of bacon (I cut off the fat part of the bacon and only add the meat part) with one homemade bran muffin with a half teaspoon of becel 50% less calories margarine and 8oz of frozen minute maid fruit punch.

    Was this good?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    My height is 5' 5, and I'm not very active without exercise, but I'm not a complete couch potato either. I'll walk to the grocery store instead of riding the bus, and my job (I work at Michaels) keeps me moving part time hours (about 16 hours a week or so). I am finishing up my last semester of school and 99% of my schoolwork is on the computer, so I spend a lot of time sitting doing that. I don't know what my body fat % is, and I have no idea what you mean by VO2 max...

    ok so I'll call you slightly active, so with that I can at least get your BMI, which is not that bad, (31), you can probably continue at the 1300 range for a little while longer, but what you are doing (eating less than the 1300) is probably doing you in. I don't think your body can sustain a deficit bigger than that. And if you add exercise, you really should be eating it because a 1000 calorie deficit (which is about what you're at now) is about as large as I would recommend. Knowing the basic info I do, I can say that it's probably as much about making sure you stick to your nutrition and calorie plan as anything. In fact, if it was me, over the next 3 or 4 weeks, I'd add 200 calories onto your daily calories (to make it in the 1500 to 1550 range) and give that a month, it wouldn't shock me to see you start losing more substantial weight (more than the 1/4 lb per week you're losing now) while maintaining good health.

    These are all just opinions so do with them what you will.

    best luck to you.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I would change your settings to watch your sugar. When i kept my sugar in check (no juice, no granola bars, no soda blah blah) i saw immediate differences :)

    Good luck! Looks like you have lots of support here ;)
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    I was diagnosed with chronic clinical depression in1991. My Drs. called it a Major Affective Disorder. My advice to you is to get the depression under control. It is a REAL illness and can't be treated successfully by anything other than good, thoughtful medical care. Once you have the depression controlled, you will find it much easier to keep the rest of your life organized. Losing weight and becoming healthier are other tools to feeling good. But you may find it much easier once you aren't dealing with an active depression. Clinical depression ( in my opinion) responds well to antidepressants. It is after all, a chemical imbalance. I've taken antidepressants since 1991, just as I would take insulin if I had diabetes, or heart meds if I needed them. Please investigate your depression further. You will find MFP helpful and supportive. Use the help and support every day on your road to good health.
    Good Luck:smile: