Low Sodium food/recipes..

Hi I have high blood pressure and have to watch my salt/sodium intake. Since I have been posting my food here I have noticed I am not doing as well as I thought. :ohwell:I was paying more attention to my calories than sodium. So I am trying to come up with new recipes that are low sodium. Anyone have any ideas?


  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I cook with no added salt EVER (not even in things like oatmeal and pasta where the recipe always says to add a dash of salt). If something needs salt, I add ti at the table, but I use it so rarely that it literally took me more than 15 years to go through a typical 1 lb container.

    My go-to seasonings are garlic granules (NOT garlic salt!), cayenne pepper, and mixed italian herbs. I use those in damned near everything.

    And really watch the sodium levels in any kind of prepared food--particularly canned veggies. They vary a LOT.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Cook your own meals from real foods. Real foods do not come prepackaged in a box...think vegetables, fruits, meat, rice, oatmeal, beans. These foods have minimal naturally occurring sodium. Your sodium amount will depend on how much you add for seasoning. If you usually use a can of "Cream of whatever soup" or any sort of prepacked flavored anything in your recipes, the sodium will be through the roof.

    eatingwell.com and skinnytaste.com have some great recipes made form real food.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    It costs more but you can find beans and tomatoes canned for recipes athat have 15-30 mg a can as opposed to 500 mg. Also cooking fresh/from scratch helps. Try to avoid cheeses, as they are high in sodium, or juices...limit milk it is high in sodium. Veggies, RAW unsalted nuts, proteins that you spice yourself, fruit. You can get some nummy things I treat my hubby with kettle UNSALTED potato chips, it's basically what you'd make in your oven but on the shelf...3 ingredients I think, myabe 4. Limit bread intake.

    Avoid processed meats: lunchmeat, sausage, etc.

    For lunch sandwhiches use leftover chicken breast from the night before, or have a hummos (moderate sodium be careful) sandwhich. Also I am a vegetarian and I noticed my 'fake' meat from lightlife or yves has significantly less sodium than the lunch meat I used to feed my daugther.

    Most recipes can be modified to accomodate low sodium as long as you're not cooking from a box and careful what you get in a can. If you cook fresh it makes low sodium very possible.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I buy fresh or frozen items that have no salt added. I have noticed that more canned goods are going that way too.

    Big culprits are dressings/sauces they tend to really pack in the sodium. I like to make my own now, using herbs and spices, never added salt.
  • EvetteM41
    EvetteM41 Posts: 76 Member
    I have been noticing the salt content on cans. It's crazy. So I have been eating more fresh veggies. I am not that great of chef. LOL But I have been trying to cook more from scratch lately. It's so much easier to eat from a box or can. But I can't do that anymore. Thank you for all your suggestions!
  • EvetteM41
    EvetteM41 Posts: 76 Member
    Yeah I am one of those cream of whatever people. Probably why I am so fat. But haven't been eating them lately. I am going grocery shopping later. I will keep all your suggestions in mind while I shop. Thanks!
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    There is a good cookbook called the Salt Solution Cookbook put out by Prevention magazine that has lots of recipes for low-sodium/high potassium meals. You really have to become a label reading junkie. It is possible to find lower sodium breads, canned foods, etc. I buy no salt added canned beans and tomatos for recipes, low sodium bacon, and if you are not on HBP meds, you can use Morton's Lite Salt--it is potassium chloride rather than sodium chloride and it has 1/2 the sodium of salt (tastes the same) for cooking. Using MFP, setting my sodium target to 1600mg and shoping smart, exercising and losing 21 lbs, I have been of HBP meds for two months now. I wish you success.
  • I use alot of Mrs. Dash seasonings as they are sodium free.
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have high bp that is controlled with low sodium as well. I eat less than 1500 mg a day and have an open diary
  • his1lov3
    his1lov3 Posts: 3

    i seriously made this for dinner tonight with cod instead of snapper i can not stress how delicious it was. i added a side of fat free Greek yogurt to dip it in, it was the best/ easiest thing i have made in a long time. my diary is only open to friends but if you want ideas you can add me , i add anyone who is willing to stay positive. i publish recipes for anything i make that is healthy.
  • EvetteM41
    EvetteM41 Posts: 76 Member
    Unfortunatly I am on BP meds.:( Thanks for the suggestions!
  • EvetteM41
    EvetteM41 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    I second the fresh veggies and/or frozen veggies. Buy the frozen with little to no sodium (< 20 mg/serving is ideal).

    Meats? The less processed the better. Season it yourself, like w/ Mrs Dash no salt added seasonings.

    Broths like chicken or beef go for the low sodium brands. There is also a brand, Kitchen Basics, I think? that has no salt added. Haven't actually tried it so no idea on the flavoring.

    Diced tomatoes in a can? Hunt's makes a no salt added variety, which is like 50 mg or less per serving. And they also have other seasoned varietys. I love the basil/oregano brand and mix that with chicken,whole wheat pasta or brown rice, shredded cheese. YUMM!!

    Other recipe ideas. Chiccken, brown rice, frozen veggies (to your taste) and parmesan cheese.
    Chicken quessadilla
    Pork chops breaded w/ flour, egg and panko. Nice variety to bread crumbs or shake n bake which may be high in sodium.

    PS: My diary is open (w/ sodium contents displayed). If there's anything you see you want the recipe for, mail me.
  • CarolsLife66
    CarolsLife66 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for all of the posts on here. I am on bp meds also, but hopefully as I lose some weight and change my eating and exercise habits that may change. Feel free to add me also.