
I have been tracking for 2 months now and have only lost 6 lbs!!!! What are some thoughts on not eating all the calories MFP profiled for me? I come close but I usually have about 150-200 left at the end of the day. I can't imagine eating more but do you think that is slowing me down? I feel if I eat more, I will just gain.


  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Six pounds in two months is average. That's a good and healthy amount of weight to lose.

    What's your current calorie goal? Undereating can hinder weight loss just as much as over eating.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    6 pounds in 2 months is pretty good progress.

    My advice is to eat your goal, but also make sure you're logging accurately. Weigh your food. Enter your own recipes. Whenever possible use the database entries that do not have an asterisk. Good luck!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member

    Sounds like you're on the right track.

    Slow and stead wins the race.
  • wdwgirl3
    wdwgirl3 Posts: 36 Member
    I have lost 6 pounds as well and it has been frustrating, BUT what I am focusing on the inches I have lost! 12.5 inches over the last 2 months, 5 just from my waist :) get a tape measure and focus on that! So much more motivating.
  • You are doing great if you've lost six lbs in two months! That's not bad at all. :) All I can say is make sure you are exercising! Even if it means taking a quick 10 minute walk - it'll help! Just make time to head to the gym and workout. :)

    Keep up the good work! :)
  • Larzp
    Larzp Posts: 8 Member
    What I have found is that when I am exercising 4-5 times per week, and eating moderately, weight loss is pretty steady. When I am not exercising regularly, even when I eat fewer calories than my goal I don't lose much weight. Just my experience. Keep at it, progress not perfection.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    6 pounds in a month is fantastic. Fad diets make people feel like losing a pound a day is a reasonable rate of loss, but it truly is not. Be proud of your hard work and keep doing what you're doing. Also, measure yourself weekly. Inches lost are more visible than lbs lost.
  • jmdin
    jmdin Posts: 3
    Maybe you should try eating some extra fruit to fill your caloric needs? Just something low fat and high carb that will give you the energy to keep moving! I of course do not know your exercise routine, but a thirty minute intense cardio workout just twice a week could probably help boost your metabolism (and help shed some extra lbs).
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    How much do you have to lose? The less fat mass you possess, and want to reduce, the slower the process. Just make sure you are assuming an appropriate deficit for the amount of fat mass you have to lose - 1-15 lbs (0.5 lb per week); 16-30 lbs 0.5 to 1.0 lbs per week); 31-55 lbs (1.0 per week); 56 to 75 lbs (1.0 to 1.5 lbs per week); 76 to 100 lbs (1.5 to 2.0 lbs per week); more than 100 lbs (2.0 lbs per week). Good going on your loss thus far.
  • luvteach809
    luvteach809 Posts: 3 Member
    My calorie goal is 1270 calories. I want to lose 40 lbs. I usually eat 1000-1100 each day. I do exercise twice a week and it's usually the nights right before I weigh in. Don't know if exercising right before weigh in makes a difference????
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    My calorie goal is 1270 calories. I want to lose 40 lbs. I usually eat 1000-1100 each day. I do exercise twice a week and it's usually the nights right before I weigh in. Don't know if exercising right before weigh in makes a difference????

    You need to eat up to your goal. 1200 is a minimum so if you're eating that low then eat back your calories earned from exercise. Exercise can make you retain water for muscle repair so yes that can affect the scale.
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    1000-1100 is very very low. I would ATLEAST bump it up to 1270 and consider eating more then 1270 on your workout days. 1200 is the absolute lowest you should go, and i would recommend even 1400-1600 but every person is different. And like others have said 6 lbs is great, over time you will see progress. patience is a virtue:)
  • How much are you excercising? If you are excercising more than recommended then you may need to add more calories. Also have you been tracking your measurements? If you are gaining muscle mass then you may not be losing weight but rather inches. Scales can be your enemy sometimes, focus on how you look in those jeans and keep plugging away ;)

  • Adelydee
    Adelydee Posts: 1
    I've lost about 6 lbs in 2 months. Actually, today I was thinking... does the weight loss slow down after that a bit? I'm about 6 pounds away from my weight goal and have a feeling it's slowed down a bit. Is this true or am I making it up? Thanks! :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I've lost about 6 lbs in 2 months. Actually, today I was thinking... does the weight loss slow down after that a bit? I'm about 6 pounds away from my weight goal and have a feeling it's slowed down a bit. Is this true or am I making it up? Thanks! :)

    Yes it does slow down for many people, especially if they lost a good bit of water weight at first.

    I never had the slump that many talk about when I hit my last 10 lbs but I did slowly increase my calories as I went along so that slowed things down at a controlled pace.
  • zahid222
    zahid222 Posts: 233 Member
    I wish I had 6lbs in 2 months. I have only 3lbs. Struggling. But what is the alternatinve?
  • I agree that your 6 lb loss is a healthy one. I have lost weight on other programs, only to gain back every pound. On the other hand, the last time I lost weight I took it slow. I was only losing 1 pound every other week and it took me 6 months to reach my goal of 20 pounds. However- IT HAS STAYED OFF. (WIth the exception of a few weeks during the holidays, my weight has stayed the same.) I am convinced losing it slow pays off in the end. Keep up the good work. I promise you will get the results you are hoping for if you just stay focused. Eat your calorie allowance and don't worry. Good luck to you! :smile:
  • Victoria0509
    Victoria0509 Posts: 3 Member
    Everything I've read says that if you eat less than 1200 calories a day, you won't lose weight as efficiently. I believe it because when
    I reduce my intake, I don't lose weight! Another thing.. are you drinking your water like you should? I've found that when I don't hydrate myself, it can stall me as well. You'll get there. No one said it was easy but it will happen if you hang in there.
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    Six pounds in two months for someone with just 40 to lose is awesome.
  • 0xbalthamosx0
    0xbalthamosx0 Posts: 154 Member
    Don't feel bad, that's an awesome amount to loose already! :D