I binged last night



  • skparker2
    skparker2 Posts: 132
    Kinda binged last night as well. And I always feel guilty that I didn't work it off at the gym cuz I didn't go. I am slowly trying to go every other day to about every day during the week to the gym.
  • bjh110
    bjh110 Posts: 1
    You are not alone I also do it. You just have to move on and say today is a new day!!! at least you are trying.
    I have to eat 1700 calories a day do you know thats hard in its self. so put on a smile and be good today.
  • bupthagrove
    I see what you ate, it is about the calories of what you ate. This is what I do. I go to Publix, an upper scale grocery store and buy a $2.30 loaf of french bread from the bakery. I have them slice it thin and put it in 2 bags. Now this is fresh with no preservatives so I freeze one and eat the other. I will toast and eat 4 slices of the bread which is only like 60 cals. I put some butter, 1/5 serving because this bread isn't big for another 25 cals. When toasted it is sort of like Melba toast, really crunchy. Another thing I like to do is eat a Melon Trio. In the produce department they have cubed melon, it is cantaloupe, honey dew and water melon. A pound of this is only like 120 cals.

    So IGNORE healthy foods, Wheat bread is more cals then white bread . . .Unlearn all the stuff that was taught to us. THIS IS A CALORIE DIET. I just discovered Walmart has an answer to the snack well cookies. It was like $1.88 for 12 cookies that are big and 50 calories. A great little snack and better tasting then those crackers.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    This does strike and note with me, this is exactly what I was doing until and 3 weeks ago. In few days i will have reached 3 weeks without falling off the wagon and going food crazy. I think its because I am allowing myself the odd piece of chocolate or a cookie, some icecream, and eating good stuff each day as well. I almost went off the rails yesterday . coz i went out for lunch, but i chose chicken and veg and it was a small portion so controlled myself.Worst part for me so far, is in 3 weeks there is very little weight change, but im not giving up. Ive been in the mind set before and usually other people knock me out of it, and im stupid for allowing them to do it. But as far as ive got this time, im feeling that I dont want to binge. Hope maybe that is some help.
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    today is a new day forget about last night, beating yourself up about it will only discourage you.
  • bupthagrove
    This does strike and note with me, this is exactly what I was doing until and 3 weeks ago. In few days i will have reached 3 weeks without falling off the wagon and going food crazy. I think its because I am allowing myself the odd piece of chocolate or a cookie, some icecream, and eating good stuff each day as well. I almost went off the rails yesterday . coz i went out for lunch, but i chose chicken and veg and it was a small portion so controlled myself.Worst part for me so far, is in 3 weeks there is very little weight change, but im not giving up. Ive been in the mind set before and usually other people knock me out of it, and im stupid for allowing them to do it. But as far as ive got this time, im feeling that I dont want to binge. Hope maybe that is some help.

    It is about rewards, save calories and look forward to Orange sherbet which is half the cals of ice cream at the end of the night. Or save cals and so at the end of the night you can go to McDonalds and get a sundae with nuts. If you are looking forward to the reward it works. On Fridays I try to stay under 600 cals for breakfast and lunch, but at 5:30 I go out to eat to treat myself. A night at Sonny's BBQ or even Carrabbas.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    We all do it at some point, no one is perfect.
    The most important thing to remember is, if you fall off the wagon, jump right back on the next day.
    If you feel depressed, it only will lead to more bingeing.
  • MichelleF115
    MichelleF115 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey everyone, I feel much better. I went for a long 80-minute walk.

    Just want to add that I do believe in treats and splurges, but don't count bingeing as being in that category - it goes beyond all feelings of pleasure or satisfaction. I'm also worried that the long-term effects of bingeing could be diabetes - the pancreas has to work very hard to cope with a sudden influx of sugar. I've seen the effects of diabetes first-hand, so I don't want to ever develop it.

    Anyway, I'm back on the wagon and my goal is to "go and binge no more'!
  • tacguy
    tacguy Posts: 196
    Me too. Beer, chips and a Blizzard. Nothing but Shakeology for me today.
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    Yes, I do try to make it beyond 5 days - a whole week without a binge would be great. And I have tracked what I ate last night:

    3 ice cream sandwiches
    15 large crackers
    1 banana
    1 bowl of kefir with honey
    2 Babybel light cheeses

    I'm eating 1500 calories a day (with about 1 hour of daily activity), so I don't think it's a lack of food. I always binge when I'm done with dinner and watching a movie, but why the 5 day cycle?

    I'm going to eat 1600 a day and see if that helps. Thanks for the feedback - I really appreciate it.

    That's a binge? Now I see why you feel so regretful in the morning. It's because you're doing it wrong. Can I get some pizza on there? A bottle of wine? A bag of oreos? This binge would leave me starving.

    Stop getting depressed over food. It's just one day. Okay, it's one day each week. Still not that big of a deal. How about this: instead of being so restrictive your cravings stage a weekly prison break, allow yourself one of the snacks per day. Nobody ever died from eating 1 ice cream sandwich. You can fit that into your daily allowance. After a week or two, back down to 1 treat every other day. Then maybe every third day. I wouldn't bother spacing it further because you deserve to enjoy life, and if these are foods you like you can eat them regularly without going over in cals.

    What this guy said.

    People used the work binge too freely. A proper binge would be circa 4000 calories. What we have here is simply a case of over indulgence. No biggie - Seriously.

    It's just the ice cream sammiches that are naughty and one too many crackers. Honestly hun don't worry. I have drank 2500 calories before on a night out. It's just one of those things that you have to laugh at.

    We are only human! *hugs*
  • MichelleF115
    MichelleF115 Posts: 20 Member
    Yes, I do try to make it beyond 5 days - a whole week without a binge would be great. And I have tracked what I ate last night:

    3 ice cream sandwiches
    15 large crackers
    1 banana
    1 bowl of kefir with honey
    2 Babybel light cheeses

    I'm eating 1500 calories a day (with about 1 hour of daily activity), so I don't think it's a lack of food. I always binge when I'm done with dinner and watching a movie, but why the 5 day cycle?

    I'm going to eat 1600 a day and see if that helps. Thanks for the feedback - I really appreciate it.

    That's a binge? Now I see why you feel so regretful in the morning. It's because you're doing it wrong. Can I get some pizza on there? A bottle of wine? A bag of oreos? This binge would leave me starving.

    Stop getting depressed over food. It's just one day. Okay, it's one day each week. Still not that big of a deal. How about this: instead of being so restrictive your cravings stage a weekly prison break, allow yourself one of the snacks per day. Nobody ever died from eating 1 ice cream sandwich. You can fit that into your daily allowance. After a week or two, back down to 1 treat every other day. Then maybe every third day. I wouldn't bother spacing it further because you deserve to enjoy life, and if these are foods you like you can eat them regularly without going over in cals.

    You made me laugh out loud! Thanks!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Yes, I do try to make it beyond 5 days - a whole week without a binge would be great. And I have tracked what I ate last night:

    3 ice cream sandwiches
    15 large crackers
    1 banana
    1 bowl of kefir with honey
    2 Babybel light cheeses

    I'm eating 1500 calories a day (with about 1 hour of daily activity), so I don't think it's a lack of food. I always binge when I'm done with dinner and watching a movie, but why the 5 day cycle?

    I'm going to eat 1600 a day and see if that helps. Thanks for the feedback - I really appreciate it.

    Instead of "try it and see if it helps," I recommend checking out the thread titled "In Place Of A Road Map" http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    Figure out your BMR, figure out your TDEE (these acronyms will be explained in the thread) and really get a solid guideline for how much you should be eating. Beats the pants off of guessing. I mean, you're eating 1500 and it might not be enough so you're going to bump up to 1600 - but what if your TDEE is more like mine (close to 1900) then bumping up to 1600 won't be nearly enough of an increase to make a decision on.
  • crystaljohnsongendron
    it's ok....just take a step back and look at what you did wrong and why. get back on track the next morning. after you realize why you did it, next time you are going through that, try to curb that binge feeling with exercise, prayer, talking to a friend, etc. whatever works for you! and good luck! hang in there :)
  • bigrosh
    bigrosh Posts: 1
    Drink water when you feel hungry. I got a Camelbak water bottle and it helps SO much to drink more water every day. It's really the mentality of it but drinking out of a Camelbak water bottle is more fun so even when I'm just watching a movie or doing some work, I just sip on the waterbottle and that makes me less hungry. You can also try brushing your teeth when you feel hungry. This makes your taste buds nice and fresh and not crave food. Also, have healthy snacks around you -- fruits, grapes, raspberries, etc. Also, some great snacks that are healthy and will make you feel full -- hummus and pretzels. Specifically, Sabra hummus and pretzel packs-to-go --- these come with the right portion size that will help you feel full when you're looking to snack between meals.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    It happens. Try adjusting your diet day to day to include foods that you think might help to fill you. Experiment and change things up. That's what I do. I still binge on vanilla creme doughnuts and mocha coffee from time to time. Ok about once a week. And chinese food. And possibly pizza. I struggle to, it's ok, it's not a big deal. Don't dwell on it because that just gives it more power over you. Are you trying to be fit for the rest of your life or for one day? One day is nothing. A week is nothing. Let it go and keep trying. When I have bad hunger pangs and feel low, I sometimes just exercise right where I am. Anything I can do to get my heart rate up and move. It kills my hunger. I find that running is another appetite killer. Sometimes I'll run and not be hungry for dinner even if I was starving before hand.
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    I think the key is to be mindful when you are putting things in your mouth. Like what was going through your mind when you ate the first and second Ice cream? When I binge sometimes I am like "F it I just want to eat". Other times its gradual and as I reach for the next item I think about it, I try to resist, and sometimes I do and sometimes I lack the will power and still eat it. But if you think before the eat it may lessen the binge. Another thing is are you depriving yourself? are those things you were craving earlier in the week and didn't eat? On past diets when I was deprived of yummy things it took about 5 days for me to loose control and binge. The difference this time for me is no deprivation and working on self control. All I am saying is that there was a reason for the binge and I think you need to dig deep to discover what it was.
    Forget the last 5 days. Today is a new day and you can always start over.
    Do not give up!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Binging is an eating disorder, something that you could get help with, so that you learn to meet your emotional needs, period, as well as losing the weight that you want to lose. I'm not trying to be judgmental. I've been there.
  • DanielleHinkle24
    DanielleHinkle24 Posts: 29 Member
    It's okay. Don't beat yourself up about it. It happens to the best of us. Tell yourself you are going to start fresh today. We can't dwell on what has happened in the past - but we can choose to react differently next time. We are human - not perfect robots with no flaws. You can do it!!!!!!!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    What's the worst part of bingeing? Not the weight gain - it's how I feel the morning after: miserable, depressed, full of remorse and hating what I do to myself and the way I destroy all my efforts. I was doing so well, eating enough, and then I just go and lose all control. Always seems to happen on the 5th night. I overate by 1500 calories - enough to undo what I've done for the last 5 days.
    Does anyone else have the same problem, or can you just give me the courage to go on?

    You have to forgive yourself and move on - learn from your error.

    Reality check: 1500 calories too much in a day is likely less than your weekly deficit (many eat 3500 less than TDEE for the week - if you also do, you are still at a 2000 calorie deficit for the week). Try to keep it in perspective...
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I went over for the first time last night too and felt really guilty.I ate the pizza the babysitter left ( and then had a dream that I fired her for it)

    Posted it on my page and my MFP helped me feel better.

    Todays a new day!