P90X or 30 Day Shred?


I want to start a program to get on the right track, If there is anyone that has tried both: P90X and Jillian Michaels 30 day shred ( lets say you did it for 90 days) which would give better results? Or would they be pretty similar? I'm just looking for feedback before I spend money.



  • lisanhorowitz
    lisanhorowitz Posts: 38 Member
    P 90x is difficult- REALLY DIFFICULT- if you do it with the right form (which you must do to get the full extent of the exercise). It works but it takes a lot of commitment and dedication (and money- those DVDs are expensive!). 30 day shred gets progressively harder and its FREE on youtube. I suggest you start out with 30 day shred since its free then if you want more of a challenge go for P90x
  • tryinghard71
    I have done both. Don't be scared of P90X. I was in the beginning as well. 30DS is ok. Really depends on your fitness level. The workouts are around 20-30 minutes long. I did them for a couple of weeks and got bored plus I was looking for a bigger calorie burn and more weight lifting. I have done 2 rounds of P90X and I will tell you that is what made the difference. I posted a before and after on my profile. I started out slow, modified the moves, some I still modify till this day others I have gotten down. But lifting more weights really changed things for me. So again, it is all about your fitness level and where you want to end up.
  • Azaelia11
    Azaelia11 Posts: 26
    i haven't done P90x, but some of my friends have and they got really good results with it, they said it was difficult at first but you got what you put into it. I did the 30dayshred on and off. If you haven't exercised in a while and are just starting, I'd recommend this. within the first level 1, i had lost 9" and 3lbs. Plus you can actually download the torrent for this workout and play it through your tv if you dont want to watch it on a computer screen because it's free on YouTube as well.
  • 2LoveEnnisMccall6
    ive not tried either but im starting this on monday
    have a look at it, it looks brilliant, it just arrived today.
    though it says 7 workouts a week for 12 weeks im not following it like that
    i'm gonna exercise 3 days then rest then 4 days exercise then rest and so on.
    so itll take me about 15-16 weeks, but your body needs rest.
    its a mixture of cardio exercises and dumbell exercises so great for fat burning and toning up!.

    ive also done kettleworx thats a fab programme with kettlebells,
    thats very varied too! davina mccall dvds are really good and fun.
    i reccomened any of those.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    You can try the 30 Day Shred for free, today! All three levels are on youtube.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Do the 30 day shred first. P90x is hard.
    Edit to say I finished the 30 day shred and am just finishing phase one of p90x.
  • TheLizBerry
    It depends, what is your current level of fitness? Have you ever done strength training before?
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Also p90x is a lot more of a time commitment, some of the workouts clock in at about an hour and twenty minutes and it's six days a week for ninety days.
  • xtina1129
    xtina1129 Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for the input, I currently spend about 90ish mins at the gym 5 days a week. I do cardio and strength training. I'm not seeing great results though, maybe my trainer is teaching me wrong. LOL I'm thinking a proven program may be beneficial.

    My hubby agreed to start working out with me, but doesn't want to go to the gym. He works nights, and sleeps 2 hours when he gets home , then about 3-4 hours before work. The rest of that time is spent with the kids, so he'd like to work out at home, and not spend his sleep time commuting to and from the gym. So, just trying to figure out what will work best, since I wouldnt be going to the gym as often, if Im working out at home with him.
  • breajohnson
    breajohnson Posts: 109 Member
    i have finished 30 day shred and i am on week 2 of p90x. 30 day shred was a great pre-p90x workout. it helped me to build stamina for the p90x program.
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    I agree it depends on your current fitness level. I also agree, however, do NOT be afraid of P90X. (I was worried if I'd be able to do it, but there are options for your level of fitness) :noway:
    I began with all of Jillian's dvd's and remember when I thought they were difficult. Since then, I've completed the full 90 days of ChaLean Extreme and I'm starting my last month of P90X on Monday. :happy:
    The other night, to mix it up a little, I pulled out Jillian's BFBM dvd and thought it was so slow and easy it was pathetic. :yawn: But I remember having trouble getting through it in the beginning.
    As far as overall results, I would say P90X would be your workout. Sounds like you can commit to the hour+ a day(with ab ripper) to do it.

    I can tell you I couldn't even do an unassisted pull-up when I began P90X and I can currently do 5 unassisted :love: (then I do the assisted) working for more in this next month. Jillian's dvd wouldn't have gotten me there.
    Good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Those two programs are really different. The people who did P90X did one called Power 90, and I'd compare that more to 30 Day Shred. It's a little less than an hour a day for 90 days, and the workouts are more like 30DS (I've done 30DS and Power90, but not P90X). I personally like Power 90 better. I liked 30DS because I could do it, but I actually enjoy doing Power 90, and I think I burn more from Power 90, though I didn't have my HRM to use with 30DS, so I'm not certain of that. I also didn't have to pay for it since I'm borrowing it from a friend, so if you want it free do 30DS.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Based on your follow up post where you describe going to the gym 5 times a week I'd say just start with P90X. I haven't done that. Idid 30DS and it is more for beginners I feel. I loved Jillians' Body Revolution. It was only 35 minutes per workout and I only got my HRM half way through but I burned about 350 per workout. I think that's good for 30 minutes! I saw lots of change, but it was only the second program I did after 45 days of working out, so there was a lot to burn off, if you know what I mean. Never the less, it is FUN!
  • Viola47
    Viola47 Posts: 121
    I go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week, and I just started 30DS. I don't know about what you do at the gym, but I'm finding 30DS to be surprisingly challenging. She does a lot more core and compound moves than I usually do (because I actually never do ab work, lol), so I have been sore since starting. However, I'm still going to the gym and keeping my routine in place.

    Have you been taking measurements and keeping with your calories? It sucks you haven't seen results! The scale is moving pretty slow for me too, but I've been steadily losing inches to it's not such a big deal. Have you talked to your trainer about it, or have you considered switching trainers?
  • xtina1129
    xtina1129 Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for the input, I'm going to be going over both with the hubby tonight.

    Something new may be what I need to get my body losing again. I have PCOS, glucose intolerance,insulin resistance, and an under active thyroid. I've noticed it doesnt take my body long to plateau , only like 2 weeks max. My trainer basicly has me doing the same schedule of things every time... still trying to figure out how to address all issues, in time schedule to reap max results. LOL Thanks for all the input, really appreciate it!!
  • TheLizBerry
    I'd say you could handle P90X easily and I can send you a sale link too if you want. Just message me. My husband is doing p90x with me as well (I'm way more consistent though :) If he is into martial arts there is another program that's 30 mins-60 mins and is a blast to work out to as a couple!
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks for the input, I'm going to be going over both with the hubby tonight.

    Something new may be what I need to get my body losing again. I have PCOS, glucose intolerance,insulin resistance, and an under active thyroid. I've noticed it doesnt take my body long to plateau , only like 2 weeks max. My trainer basicly has me doing the same schedule of things every time... still trying to figure out how to address all issues, in time schedule to reap max results. LOL Thanks for all the input, really appreciate it!!

    If you want your hubby to like it...go with P90X. Craigslist...best place to find it cheap.
  • xtina1129
    xtina1129 Posts: 111 Member
    My friend is giving me her p90X set, either monday or tues. I think we'll try both out and go from there. Thanks again everyone!
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    I have done P90X.. stopped for a bit and am now in my second month. I love the program and you can adjust it. For example I do NOT do impact due to knee issues.. so instead of leaping i do raises instead. A shoulder issue makes push ups difficult so instead of on the floor I do more reps on the wall, pullups you can use bands ( which I love)....I have lost several inches so far, and my arms and muffin top are much better. P90X does take commitment, but you deserve it!!!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I did 30 shred 1st then jumped straight to p90x. Worked out well for me since I was not in shape at all at thAt time. P90x was the real deal where I slimmed more and gained muscle definition