Losing Hope

I have been working my butt off for 15 days now and went from 270.4 to 259.4... Which is great. I lose pretty much all cravings for junk food. I am used to eating healthy so I have not cheated yet. Then today I'm back up a pound :( I don't get it I stopped weighing myself everyday, I eat crazy healthy, and exercise at least 5 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes (usually I do an hour) and no more changes. My goal is 1800 a day but I almost never get up to that.. I'm normally around 1300-1500. I'm putting everything I have into this and gaining weigh is so upsetting. Anyone have any ideas how to jump start my weight loss again?


  • QueenShneen
    QueenShneen Posts: 6 Member
    More rest, less stress and more water. Sounds like dehydration, a cortisol increase or water retention to me. Also losing salts!
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    Yeah water is an issue with me I have been told by doctors that I am almost always dehydrated, as for salt I try so hard to cut out as much as possible but it's hard cause it's in frigging everything
  • breajohnson
    breajohnson Posts: 109 Member
    Remember also that if you are exercising that much a week that you are building muscle.
  • brittanybrown1991
    make sure you are weighing yourself at the same time every time. I weigh myself first thing in the morning, before i've had anything to eat, and with no clothes on. that way i know i've got the exact same circumstances every time. food in your stomach can add lbs, so can water weight if you're about to start your period or something. and if you're building up muscle, muscle weighs more than fat. that's why i took my measurements before starting 30 Day Shred, because i knew my actual weight stay around the same, but the measurements are going down already.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    You are still down 10 pounds in two weeks: that is amazing!
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Number 1 and 2 rules, for me, in weight loss. Patience and gratitude when I do lose. Personally, I have done the quick weight loss and I have always gained it back, because, I never changed my lifestyle. I would say,,,well....theres sodium in everything, cant do anything about it, its just not possible. Not true, I can, if I really want to. I just have to look at the sodium content and take baby steps. Or, I just dont have time to keep up this exercise every day. Not true, thats my brain lying to me.....I make time. In other words, there is always a way to lose weight and keep it off. Its up to us to do it.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    You have to dig in with your long fingernails; I'm not kidding. The numbers on the scale go up, down, and stay the same from week to week. You never know what you're going to get. These days, I never weigh unless I know I've had really good elimination of both liquids and solids.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Remember also that if you are exercising that much a week that you are building muscle.

    She's not building muscle in 15 days....she doesn't say what exercise she's doing, if it's cardio then she's definately not building muscle.
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    Wait I am confused you have done awesome for 15 days straight and have had great success, and you are loosing hope over a 1 pound gain?

    Weight can fluctuate so much try not to stress about one pound, it could be anything, it could be water weight, have you had a bowel movement lately? I say keep up the good work you are doing amazing. If you are working your but off and eating healthy you are on the right track.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I didn't read most of the respones so I'm guessing this has been said before - eat more. Meet your 1800 goal every day. Your body needs fuel for the exercise and proper organ function.
  • wwmorrow
    wwmorrow Posts: 118 Member
    I'm saying this in a loving tone: CHILL! :) it's only been two weeks. You've had great succuss, but there are going to be LOTS of bumps in your road...Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays, jelly beans (oh, those are mine) lol A lot of the first pounds was water and now it's going to start being harder. If you get upset about every pound, it's going to be a mental battle for you. Don't give up - keep going and dig in.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member

    Get off the scale all the time. Stick to what you're doing. Set some non-scale fitness goals. Realize that this will take a whole lot longer than 15 days to be successful. Also, women will fluctuate in weight throughout the month. This is normal. Do not measure all your success by your weight.
  • betoarango
    betoarango Posts: 222 Member
    Pretty severe title for someone who's lost over 10 lbs in such a short time.. try reading about the people who lost 300 lbs over several years... maybe give you an idea of what loosing hope, and having grit looks like..

    Just so you know your title is probably offensive to tons of people who have struggled as much as you and have gotten no where as stellar results, over incredibly longer periods of time..

    Maybe a little change of attitude is in order before you continue your weight loss...otherwise 85% into a proyect you will be sidetracked by 2 days of gainaing or (gasp.).. a plateau..

    Perfect score on your loss, Failed score on your attitude.
  • suzbaru
    suzbaru Posts: 37 Member
    The big loss in the first 1-2 weeks is normally water weight, which is why it's just a huge drop.

    Most people will plateau for a week because the excess water weight is gone and it's now onto normal weight loss.

    You can gain up to 1 pound of muscle per week.

    Drink more water.

    Sleep more.

    Weigh yourself once a week, if you do it more often you will go crazy and you'll stop your lifestyle change. My blog is proof of this, I become scale obsessed from time to time. I make my weekly weigh in Saturday or Sunday. Also, take measurements every 2 weeks. You'll see more change in measurements versus weight. Inches lost get you into smaller clothes not necessarily weight.

    You'll really notice your progress after the first 20-30 pounds are gone.

    Keep up the good work!
  • prudism
    prudism Posts: 149 Member
    Pretty severe title for someone who's lost over 10 lbs in such a short time.. try reading about the people who lost 300 lbs over several years... maybe give you an idea of what loosing hope, and having grit looks like..

    Just so you know your title is probably offensive to tons of people who have struggled as much as you and have gotten no where as stellar results, over incredibly longer periods of time..

    Maybe a little change of attitude is in order before you continue your weight loss...otherwise 85% into a proyect you will be sidetracked by 2 days of gainaing or (gasp.).. a plateau..

    Perfect score on your loss, Failed score on your attitude.
    I agree
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    You've only gone up one pound, it's okay!
    I tend to loose two one week, and then either gain one, or don't move at all the next week, then the third week I loose two or three, and then gain one or don't move at all the week after.

    This is a long process, don't be too hard on yourself, you're doing great!
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    No matter what your weight loss plan is, it will only cause you to lose weight AS A TREND.

    I'm up a pound, too. And I weigh myself at least once a day so I know I'm consistently up a pound for about a week. Honestly, I could hypothesize all day about what this pound means but it would be a complete waste of time.

    I have no fear or worry or desire to know why. I am trending downward and that is all I can expect. I would need at least another weeks worth of data to even suspect there is a problem.

    As has been said, you won't see the huge losses that you saw in the beginning any more. Your weight loss is going to become more moderate. You will have periods of no loss or slight gain. You will also have a sudden, sharp drop once in a while. Try not to get upset or ecstatic, respectively. Watch the trend.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    It's been 15 days. You can give up, or you can keep going. It's been 14 months for me. It's not been a cake walk. But I kept going, pushed myself, kept trying different things. And it shows.
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    This might have happened because your a woman...give yourself another 5 days of being as consistent as you can and see what happens. (personally, I can easily go up 5 lbs in 2-3 days because of being bloated every month)...

    I know others have said it, but get you a good water bottle and drink up - plain water...if you don't like plain water, try freezing a serving of fruit (i.e. grapes raspberries) and use them like ice cubes (it will flavor the water)...when you finished 1-2C water you've also had a serving of fruit
  • ForMyAngelBaby
    ForMyAngelBaby Posts: 123 Member
    Throw the scale away! Seriously, if you are eating right, hitting all your numbers and exercising then who cares what the scale says? You've come so far in such a short time to let 1 pound derail you like this. You know that you are capable of doing this because you've done it. I gained 2 pounds two weeks ago, and I went back - looked at what I ate and learned my lesson. This week I dropped 4 pounds - so I'm not expecting a loss next week. Your body has to adjust from time to time - it's part of the process. I understand getting knocked down, but if you don't pull yourself back up you're going to end up where you started.