Weekly Meal Plan

I recently posted a topic asking for advice on weekly meal plan, so I figured I would share with you what I have created. I hope this helps!

NOTE: Some of these don't necessarily make sense because I didn't include the recipes, just the names, so if you'd like, just write in the post for the specific recipe!



  • chrisjathompson
    chrisjathompson Posts: 227 Member
    Nice, how many calories is this based on?
  • chrisjathompson
    chrisjathompson Posts: 227 Member
    lowercase your img tags, and your image will work
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I recently posted a topic asking for advice on weekly meal plan, so I figured I would share with you what I have created. I hope this helps!

    NOTE: Some of these don't necessarily make sense because I didn't include the recipes, just the names, so if you'd like, just write in the post for the specific recipe!

    Meal planning helps so much, I should try it more often!:blushing: :laugh: I typically do a day or two at a time but would like to go a week or so out. Definitely helps with the budget/grocery shopping knowing what meals are planned.

    I'd like to see these recipes when you have a few minutes to paste them. Thanks!:wink:
    Veggie Quinoa
    Spinach portobello Omelet
    Ground Chicken Meatloaf
    Chicken and Broccoli Pasta
    Zucchini w/Mush
    Chicken with Mushroom Salad
    Napa Chicken

    Also curious how you make your smoothies..
  • Nice, how many calories is this based on?

    thanks for the help with the image! old to the forum, new to the images!

    and approximately 1500-2000 calories
  • orange juice has alot of sugar try berries or apples
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Nice, how many calories is this based on?

    thanks for the help with the image! old to the forum, new to the images!

    and approximately 1500-2000 calories

    if you want feedback, here it is: which cereal?

    Seriously, cereals range soooo much, in sugar and content. You're already having fruit with breakfast so try to get something low sugar and be sure to WEIGH your portions (one serve as written on a packet is surprisingly small!)

    Also be careful with sauces - like the teriyaki sauce for example - they will do a lot of damage if you forget to count them!

    But this looks like a pretty good plan, good luck :)
  • Nice, how many calories is this based on?

    thanks for the help with the image! old to the forum, new to the images!

    and approximately 1500-2000 calories

    if you want feedback, here it is: which cereal?

    Seriously, cereals range soooo much, in sugar and content. You're already having fruit with breakfast so try to get something low sugar and be sure to WEIGH your portions (one serve as written on a packet is surprisingly small!)

    Also be careful with sauces - like the teriyaki sauce for example - they will do a lot of damage if you forget to count them!

    But this looks like a pretty good plan, good luck :)

    I weigh everything!

    and the orange juice is 6.5 ounces - so regarding the lots of sugar, it also has vitamins and gives me the morning kick i need.

    cereal ranges from cheerios to special K. I particularly like cheerios because I can put my fruit in the cereal!

    My breakfast is normally no more than 230 calories
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Wow you are so organized, I'm jelly :D
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    Personally eating fruit and orange juice for breakfast will seriously spike your insulin levels. I wouldn't eat both fruit and fruit juice for breakfast. I think you are eating waaaaay too much fruit if i'm honest, regardless of your calorie intake.

    I'd also get some fish and red meat in my diet too. Are you hitting your Protein macros?

    They seem like well balanced meals. Are you not using any oils, fats etc to cook them in? Perhaps you might not be eating enough fat if this is the case. You need good fats... this is what a lot of people on here just don't seem to get.

    I would not touch light cheese for a snack or a rice cake. It is in no way filling. A rice cake is not bringing anything to the nutrition party. Sub it out for some full fat Greek yoghurt, some nuts or half an avocado. A far better macro profile that any of your current snacks.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I agree with the post above--seems like protein is a little low. Cut out the fruit+ oj, one or the other. Maybe add in a hard boiled egg or egg beaters to your breakfast. Sometimes, if I really want juice at breakfast, I mix 1/4cup juice with 1/4 cup soymilk. That way I get a bit of protein as well.
  • I have a mild allergy to nuts.

    I have since changed the meal plan to incorporate some of your suggestions.

    For breakfast, I am going to switch it up a bit, with some egg whites on whole wheat toast

    The protein incorporated is enough according to MFP

    Thank you for all your suggestions!
  • Whole grain is better than whole wheat
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Why just egg whites? I hate when people only eat whites & fear the yolks. What a waste of egg if you don't use it all.