Looking for Support & Motivation!

Hi. I'm looking for additional motivation. I once lost over 100lbs & kept it off for years. Having a community board like this helped. I'm not sure this is the same tho. We had regulars, weekly weigh ins, daily conversations about food, life, stress & exercise. I don't need to lose 100lbs this time but 50 would be awesome and eventually maybe closer to 80. Lately, I catch myself consciously lashing out w my eating for my stresses or my lack of support. I really need to get a grip. I know I can do this. I just can't seem to getit through my head to stop. I am a 34 yo mom to aan 18 month old girl. I run a daycare out of my home. I have been exercising pretty regularly 3-5 times a week, 20-60 minutes a day.

Hope to meet some folks with the same issues!


  • *bump*
    PS Nan - i've seen some folks on here post in the "looking to add friends on here" type posts. I bet you could pick up some more folks that way. The more people giving positive feedback to each other the better :)
  • HI...I would also am looking for support and am always needing motivation...I am trying to lose 150 pounds...I just joined this site 3 days ago. Maybe we could be friends
  • Stutz77
    Stutz77 Posts: 113
    Feel free to add me! It's always great to have support to help you along the way!
  • Hi, I once lost over 80 lbs, guess what, I found it again! Good luck , we will do this. Add me. :smile:
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    Feel free to add me, as well. I often struggle with keeping my eating within reasonable bounds and often give into stress or emotional eating. In fact, I'm battling with the desire to go eat the leftover pizza that someone left in the break room at work right now, even though I just ate lunch!
  • wheezeybouncer
    wheezeybouncer Posts: 122 Member
    Feel free to add me too :-) I'm here for some time!
  • New to the forum but happy to give or receive support. Haven't really dieted before its just crept up on me and now I need to lose at least 30lbs. More poor pony has to carry my chunky *kitten* and it can't be good for him.... also having a hysterectomy next month and want to recover quickly :smile:
  • Hi. I've only been a member for a couple of weeks but it would be great to share support and motivation. I've got quite a bit to lose and have a fourteen month old and a two and half year old. Please feel free to add me x:smile:
  • Chrispyne
    Chrispyne Posts: 10 Member
    Hi There! Hey I would love to be able to have friends on here to help motivate. I have one friend and we're doing this together but the more the better. I have 40 lbs to lose. The past 3 years I've had 6 surgeries and I've packed on the extra weight. I'm one who loves to exercise so I've started back doing that. I'm 53 years old and have a lot of stress in my life right now. I'm a stress and bored eater which aren't good.