Losing Hope



  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    thanks :)
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    good idea for water :)
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    I know Ive just been dealing with this for so long it is very upsetting.. i know its stupid :(
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    No, i mean for example appearently celery has load of salt? I don't understand the healthy food having salt. I don't eat any prepackaged stuff anymore. but even healthy food like chicken has it. you know? I do avoid salt as much as possible but it's hard when it is in the healthy stuff to.
  • lgederos
    lgederos Posts: 3
    I am there with ya! I am at a plateau right now at 7 lbs lost and it is really annoying! However I am going to just keep doing it and give it all I can.

    Don't add salt to anything, try and stay away from it and with the whole water thing try Crystal light, either the packages that are only 5 calories a serving or the new liquid drops to add to water that are 0 calories. I drink a ton of water thanks to those, and I don't like it too strong so I use a lot less per serving then it says to.

    Good luck and keep it up!!!!!
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    Ive been doing this longer then 15 days.. it just says i logged in constiantly for 15 days...
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    thanks :)
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    Remember also that if you are exercising that much a week that you are building muscle.

    She's not building muscle in 15 days....she doesn't say what exercise she's doing, if it's cardio then she's definately not building muscle.

    Ive been doing this longer then 15 days.. it just says i logged in constiantly for 15 days...

    and yes you build muscle doing cardio...
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    Wait I am confused you have done awesome for 15 days straight and have had great success, and you are loosing hope over a 1 pound gain?

    Weight can fluctuate so much try not to stress about one pound, it could be anything, it could be water weight, have you had a bowel movement lately? I say keep up the good work you are doing amazing. If you are working your but off and eating healthy you are on the right track.
    thanks :)
  • cdial75
    cdial75 Posts: 4
    There's a really awesome app I've been using called " Water Your Body" I love it ! you should look into it if your having trouble drinking your water ;)
  • Emglyfolk
    Emglyfolk Posts: 30 Member
    ....the scale is just a number - reflect on how your feel and how your clothes feel. If you continue good habits the weight will fall off. Eat below your calorie usage for your resting metabolic rate and you will lose weight. This isn't easy and you have to be persistant. Sugar fat and salt are strong addictions - if they weren' t there wouldn't be a billion dollar weight loss industry. That pound was water... move on and keep up the good work!! - 10 pounds - I'll take it!!
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Focus on the positives and keep up the good work! Gaining 1 lb back could be anything, but not something worth giving up hope over. As for the salt in healthy foods like celery....salt isn't a *bad* thing, your body actually does need salt, you just have to be sure to limit it to a healthy amount. As people often say, everything in moderation.
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    Pretty severe title for someone who's lost over 10 lbs in such a short time.. try reading about the people who lost 300 lbs over several years... maybe give you an idea of what loosing hope, and having grit looks like..

    Just so you know your title is probably offensive to tons of people who have struggled as much as you and have gotten no where as stellar results, over incredibly longer periods of time..

    Maybe a little change of attitude is in order before you continue your weight loss...otherwise 85% into a proyect you will be sidetracked by 2 days of gainaing or (gasp.).. a plateau..

    Perfect score on your loss, Failed score on your attitude.

    K being 18 and over weight is HARD.
    My attitude... It is hard working your *kitten* off for months and hardly seeing results... for the millionth time it has been ALOT longer then 15 days. It has been my whole life I have struggled with this. It is hard in any amount of time to see weight gain. Yes I have lost 10 in two weeks thats great, but I have a right to be upset if it stopped. I'm sorry if it offends people that wasn't my intention.. I wanted to get support so I didn't feel like I was the only person constant gaining back loses.
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    First, patience (before you become a patient somewhere). You weight can swing as much as 5 pounds in one day for "no apparent" reason.

    If you have to measure your weight daily, average your weight over 7 days for a weekly average. You can, over the long haul not lose a pound and still lose lots of inches,

    And remember it the long haul (or the long slog ) that counts. I didn't lose nearly 80 pounds by fretting over the times when my weight went up. I recorded it and kept going.

    You should too.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Pretty severe title for someone who's lost over 10 lbs in such a short time.. try reading about the people who lost 300 lbs over several years... maybe give you an idea of what loosing hope, and having grit looks like..

    Just so you know your title is probably offensive to tons of people who have struggled as much as you and have gotten no where as stellar results, over incredibly longer periods of time..

    Maybe a little change of attitude is in order before you continue your weight loss...otherwise 85% into a proyect you will be sidetracked by 2 days of gaining or (gasp.).. a plateau..

    Perfect score on your loss, Failed score on your attitude.
    I agree

    Me too!! I am one of those 300+ lost individuals.... I have been at this for 1372 days so far (give or take a day or two lol)..... You have to have the mindset that this was and is a total lifestyle change and nothing less or you are going to set yourself up to fail.... I have had my ups and down, you just have to stay the course and take it one day at a time..... Best of Luck....
  • Rgtjax85
    Rgtjax85 Posts: 99 Member
    Keep in mind that your body does need "some" sodium. I was shocked when FitnessPal recommended that I get about 2500 worth of it. Congrats on your success so far. Keep up the good work and stay hydrated.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    9 or 10 pounds is a huge loss. The scale will fluccuate from day to day. This is a marathon not a sprint.