
aemommy Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi My name is Michele, I am a 36 yr old SAHM. I really lack motivation and maybe this site can help me out. I was wondering, is there a place on here were you can add ingredents (sp?) for a receipe and have it figure out the calories,carbs,etc....


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Michele. I hope you find your motivation here. This site doesn't have the recipe application you were asking for but you can find something like that here:
  • MiniRose2B
    MiniRose2B Posts: 53
    Welcome! I don't think this site has an application to total a whole recipe at once, but you can do it one ingredent at a time by going to; track food, then click on database. Good Luck, Rose
  • Hi my name is Holly! I found this site and it has been pretty awesome so far. This is day 4 for me. A small "aha!" moment for me... On day 2 I started to get a little grumble in my stomach before my next meal. That hasn't happened in a while. Normally I just eat because its time to eat and now I do it because I'm truly hungry. :)) Hopefully I will have many more "aha" moments. I've always failed at diets before because I always tried to go it alone... so if anyone would like to help me out that would be great and I would love to return the favor.
  • lilolite
    lilolite Posts: 3
    Hello!!! I am new to this site as well. I am a sahm of 5. I keep busy ,and I am guilty of being a snacker. This site makes me more aware of the things that I eat. Love that it tracks my exercise as well.
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