No it really isn't easy eating daily calories



  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    My brother is very fit & healthy and does the Strongman competitions (yes, where they pull cars and junk!) Because he is so muscular, he has to eat 6 good meals a day of non-junk food and has the issue of calories vs. junk food. He told me one of his biggest ways to combat this is nuts- walnuts, almonds, etc. Even a small handful of nuts is high in calories, has fat (but good fat), keeps you full and satisfies this calorie deficit. Have you tried this? I usually eat about 10 almonds as my mid-morning snack (only about 150 cals) but they keep me satisfied and I'd rather eat that as a "good fat" than chips, etc.
  • andyroy
    andyroy Posts: 4
    My take is that you have accomplished the refinement of your metabolism. There are cars that weigh about the same and have the same number of cylinders under the hood, etc. but have very different fuel efficiency. It sounds to me like you're just running more efficiently than the average upon which calorie recommendations are necessarily based. I believe that your body...especially when healthy...can tell you honestly when it needs food or not. If it is telling you it has enough, then be ok with that. No 3rd-party calculation knows better than your own body! Do what feels good, eat what you crave, stop when you feel good about stopping.

    Now, that being said...I have never had any problem rounding out my own numbers with a pint or two of good beer! These days, I rarely have room in my target range for that...I'm always thrilled when I do! ;)
  • kwaters7
    kwaters7 Posts: 129
    Totally with you Simon. It takes a lot of creativity to eat back a big deficit. Maintenance cals + 1000 (or more) exercise calories and clean eating makes it hard. You are doing really well, have the right attitude to food and exercise so there is 100% no problem.

    I admit i find the 1800 odd maintenance calories really hard now as things like steak and salmon omelettes are on the table on exercise days, the body wants fuelled up more and more i guess.... There have been a few days recently where i had over 4000 to eat and couldnt do it.. probably due to a lack of planning and a ridiculous amount of end-loading to the day..

    It might be a tactic to up your breakfast calories to 600-700 on exercise days rather than try and shove in huge amounts later? Add a sushi to your lunch or sardines / peppered mackerel to dinner and there's another idea..
  • my2loves04and06
    I just started on this journey a few days ago, but I too am finding it hard to consume all of my calories (1430 w/out exercise, 1697 w/exercise) for the day. I eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks and usually I'm still way under, by like 300-600 calories. The one day I went over my calories I also went way over on my fat (I'm guessing the splurge on the Doritos didn't help!). I'm truly not hungry even being that many calories under.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Simon, it's a matter of organizing your eating habits.

    my maintenance calories is about 2700 right now, and I work out every single day for between 400 and 1000 calories a day (depending on the exercise type), and I religiously eat my calories every day.

    Is it always easy to get the right foods in? Nope. Are they always perfect "good for you" foods, naw, come on, I'm not fanatic about this stuff. But I always reach my goal (well, once every couple of weeks I'll come in under, but usually, I'm right there or even slightly over).

    and for those who don't think eating exercise calories works. I'm gonna break my own rule on anecdotal evidence (ugh, why WHYYYY!) and say, I've been at maintenance for well over a year, eating ALL my exercise calories for well over a year, and have been within 5 lbs (with daily fluctuation) of my goal weight since February 2009 (before Feb. I was actually trying to gain weight, which I did, from 172 to 184).

    All I'm saying is, I agree that it's not necessarily easy to eat your daily calories, but it is possible to do it, and maintain that lifestyle.
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    I definitely struggle with this.. Struggled to make it 1200 and now that I've uped my calories to 1800 it's ridiculously hard to get there eating healthy. I'm just full and unless I shovel down junk food then I'm lost as to how to get there. Thanks for posting's a valid point!!
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    Good post. I have days where I occasionally go over a little.. but there are a lot of days, and it seems like it's the days when I pre-plan my meals, that I'm consistently under.

    I've ever planned a day before that was right on the money calorie wise.. and when I was eating that last meal, I got so full before I could finish that I felt sick. I could NOT eat the rest of what was on my plate.. Eating until I felt like a slug is what got me here to begin with.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    You know what man, I agree with you.

    This is the MAIN reason I don't believe in "starvation mode".

    Everyone's appetite is different. Some people's are BIG and some small and everyeone else in between..........

    When I first started low carbing in 2003, I forced myself to eat because the low carb board I belonged to told me I would go into starvation mode if I didn't eat something every 3-4 hours. Wrong, false..........

    I believe, let your body be your guide..................If you feel hungry, first drink something and wait 10-15 minutes. If you still feel hunger, then you are legitimately hungry, go get something to eat..................

    If your not hungry, then don't eat. Your calories probably vary day to day and that is OK!!!
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    So very glad I found this thread!!!! I've been working at this for a solid two weeks (just joined the site though). I'm a short, fairly well muscled 5'2 and at 219lbs..I've got a long way to go before I hit my goal weight. My BF/personal trainer has set a goal of 2000cals for me to get my metabolism back up and running because I rarely eat regularly. I have been eating extremely low calorie for a very long time, but gaining weight until last year. I have only come close to my calorie goal twice and that was with the help of Burgerville. I eat every 2-3hrs during the day and still am right around the 1000cal mark. I am struggling to fill in the extra calories. I am eating a fairly low-carb diet, but that is mostly because I really don't LOVE pastas, breads and starchy stuff. To boost up calories if I'm way under, I am trying to add in some brown rice or something. Eating on a fairly consistent schedule has helped me drop 3lbs in the last 2 weeks, however, trying to eat those extra calories the last few days has left me feeling extremely full, and bloated, and today...very fat. I'm not hungry 90% of the time and am forcing myself to eat on a fairly regular schedule between 2 and 4hrs. I honestly struggle to eat enough, I just don't have an appetite. I worry that I'm going to be stuck at this weight forever because I've managed to shut down my metabolism. I know that a lot of people struggle to stay under their calorie goals, but we are all each so different and only WE can know our bodies

    **I also walk/jog with my dogs most days of the week, unless its raining, and will start a weight training program in the next few weeks. Hoping the weight training will help build up more lean muscle...and boost my weight loss.
  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    I'm with you my friend! I have to consume about 2500-2700 cals a day. Just keep working hard at finding the right system for you. It took me quite a bit of experimentation and determination to find out how to make it work for me. But that's only half the battle! Once you solve that problem, then there's the struggle of turning that solution into a habit. Just stay motivated, always think about your goals, and keep working hard.
  • lovebrittnie
    yeah, i can see the problem of trying to make it to 2500 or so....
  • lovebrittnie
    I have the same problem. Although, my goal is 1200 right now, because I don't work out. And by the end of the day, I am usually only at 800 or 900 calories. And I'm also eating 3 meal meals, and 3 snacks. I find it hard to increase calories. Veggies don't have a lot of calories and I'm already eating a cup or two cups each plate, I can't eat ALL this meat (usually 8oz at dinner, chew, chew, chew, chew... I dunno), I don't want to add bread or sugars.

    I think I'm going to add more oil and butter to things, but then that skyrockets my fats (good fats). They are easy calories. lol

    Edit: And yes, I am constantly FULL.

    hmmm... ususlly if i'm not working out or not working out that much i would eat a 100 cal snack (yogurt, banana ect.) but if you are having problems reaching 1200, try to add more to your snack, like to 100 cals, or throwing in nuts or gronola that can help to boost you up a few hundred without having to add the butter or oil... you want to feed you body good things, and enough of it.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Simon, thank you so much for posting this!

    You have taken the words right out of my mouth. I am nowhere near your calorie deficit but still most days I am finding myself with anywhere from 300 to 500 calories extra at the end of a day and I am not hungry in the least bit. I too have completely changed my lifestyle of eating and love, love, love my early morning run. I simply refuse to eat 300 - 500 more calories at the end of the day or eat unhealthy, fat & calorie laden foods just to make the numbers work.
    I tend to retire early in the evening to get some reading time in and the last thing I want is to have a full stomach when I hit the haystack...(causes me unrestful sleep)

    I like the idea of upping my intake of calories at breakfast. It is my favorite meal anyway and I can always use the extra energy/protein after my morning jog. I think I will try that strategy starting tomorrow.

    Again, thank you for posting this and many thanks to all who have given their thougths and ideas. :glasses:
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I just have to add something else to this...

    For instance:
    Today is my husband and I's "lunch date" day. We usually go somewhere nicer on lunch date than the norm. Well today it was Chinese....I had the steamed broccoli and chicken, mushrooms & water chestnuts, and a couple of crab rangoon (Can't help myself) :smile: I have all this plugged into my food diary.
    Anyway, I am totally and completely full. On lunch date day I just don't want a large dinner. I have a couple of snacks here at work with me...chopped celery and an energy bar..that I have already accounted for and I don't know if I will eat them . Right now I have over 700 calories to use up. There is no way I will be able to eat 700 calories before this day is over.

    You are so right in calling this a dilemma ...:ohwell:
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    Yeah I hear ya, they put me at 1200 n after exersize it goes to 2500 and I typically don't eat anywhere close to the 1200 let alone the 2500. It blows my mind when people r like " I ate under my goal so I had some cheeseand chocolate to reach the goal" and to me that's just nuts
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    In the past, maybe 2 years ago, doing weight watchers, I faced the same problem- I could not get enough food into each day but still eat healthfully.

    I do not know if anyone made these recommendations but I looked at a few days of your food diary and did not notice any healthy oil. Can you drizzle 2 tsp of olive oil on veggies/salad, can you eat some peanut butter on whole wheat toast, what about some almonds/soy nuts for protein and healthy fat AND healthy calories. If you add a manly handful of almonds to a fruit as a snack, you add 200 calories of HEALTHY food.

    What about dairy. Can you increase dairy consumption, switch to 1% (don't recall what you use now). Etc?

    No one says you HAVE TO EAT X number of calories, it takes time to figure otu what works to maintain just as it does to lose, as you know.
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    Simon, Thank you!! I've been wanting to put up a post about this but I had your same reservations of attack! I too have seen the hundreds of posts from people "full" after 700 calories. I just kept wondering how this could be a problem for people who haven't majorly slowed their metabolism! But, summer has finally arrived and after I hit up some miles in the hot sun--I am quite a bit over what I could eat. Last night I had put in 6 miles and by the time I had my salad and tuna helper, I had to force the watermelon in me just to get a little closer to goal. A healthy day just won't hit 2200 calories for me!! But as the other posters said, there are ways to add extra calories without really adding extra food, but if it's currently working for you--keep it up! Awesome job at hit goal and best of luck on continuing to maintain!