new to here left WW

Hi tired of WW and not getting ahead so this year started off doing the Marython - which is 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a wk and have been doing it since Jan. 1
Also was doing tracking in Jan on WW but not going anywhere have lost 18 lbs on WW & kept off for 2 yrs but want to be below 200.
So many recommended this site so here I am --- this is day 2 --- didn't do good yesterday as I binged but today is a new day.


  • sunita1982
    Options new here about 2 weeks and was on WW as well..I find WW works but I wanted to be able to see more about what I was eating and WW is mostly on points....If your looking for a weight loss buddy add me.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Welcome! Kudos for keeping off the 18 pounds. I did WW a few years ago. Tracking here is easier and I love the support. I like the fact that WW teaches healthy eating, lots of veggies, fruits and lean protein. Good luck and don't beat your self up over binging. We all slip occasionally, it's only a problem if it continues
  • kimmer58
    kimmer58 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi There, I too am a former WW member. I have been using this site on and off for over a year now and I love it. It has most of the tools offered throught the WW etools and it is free. I have been struggling with my weight all my life and I too want to be under 200 lbs. I have been up over 300 but and am just under that now but I have been working out and it really helps. I just need to get a handle on the eating side of things. I know it is tough but it could be easier if you have someone to do it with. I am hear if you need a kick in the but or just an ear for venting. Have a better day today. One step at a time I guess is all we can do. - Kim
  • Dobie76
    Dobie76 Posts: 17
    Same with me. I was on WW for a little over two years about 6 years ago and lost over 50 lbs, then I had to leave because I was pregnant. I had my daughter, then then rejoined a little over two years ago and lost over 50 lbs again. This time around though, I'm not having the same kind of experience as I once had, specifically, the support and sense of community isn't there. I've stalled and I didn't feel like I was able to relate my experience well with the group and get the kind of feedback I needed to help me out of my stall. So i came here to see what it would be like and so far I'm feeling really motivated and that the community is great here. WW works when you really put in the effort, but I think sometimes you just need something different. MFP for me is that difference.