I've lost 47lbs and wanna lose the last 23lbs

ladybuggy Posts: 6
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
:happy: Hello!!

My friend told me about this site because i'm having trouble losing the last 23lbs!! And i also found out i wasn't eating enough calories during the day so i was putting my body through what they call "starvation mode" where i was working out and not eating alot ( in my defense i was'nt hungry) but i wasn't losing very much weight cause my body had started to store what i was eating and not letting it go like i wanted lol.

Anyways i think this site is pretty cool so far i love typing stuff in and seeing calories or how many i burned with my workout. I havent always been heavy but after i met and married my hubby we became very comfortable and i gained about 65lbs. Not really noticing until i saw a horrid picture and realized i gained weight and alot!! i mean i kept trakc but people around me were telling me i didnt look or act any diffrent. but one day i stood infront of the mirror and saw myself finally. i have stretch marks on my stomach from weight gain and i was 205lbs!! I'm only about 5'4 so that was not something i wanted to be. i was so active in high school and then after i just hit rock bottom with my weight.

since Jan i've worked out 6 days a week and i'm up to being able to run 3 miles without stopping. i've lost 47lbs i'm down to 158 and i wanna be down to 135 is my goal! I have a trip coming up 1st week of Aug to mexico and i'd like to be atleast 10lbs lighter than i am now! in thw 140's so thats my story i wanted to intorduce myself. i really hope this helps me keep track of stuff i know they say the last 20lbs is the hardest but i want it gone!



  • ldr0024
    ldr0024 Posts: 7 Member
    Great Job!!! 47 pounds since January... I'm amazed!!! How long did you work out? I want to loose 60 pounds, any advice you give would be greatly appreciated!
  • edinbors
    edinbors Posts: 112
    Good luck & Welcome! This is a great site!! How much are you working out? I am working out 30-60 minutes 6 days a week since April and I lost like 5 lbs and 1 lb in the 2 weeks I have been on here. I am just trying to get my body to start losing! Congrats on all the weight you've lost! That is fantastic! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • ladybuggy
    ladybuggy Posts: 6
    well when i first started i worked out on the Wii Fit actually for about an hour a day.That thing is amazing i didnt even step foot out side but then came the time i got bored and wanted to go run outside and i did. I still try to run more than walk but i have my days where i walk and i'm gone atleast 60 to 90 mins everyday but Sundays.

    Not that i'm down this much i really wanna lose the rest and i was hoping it would be easy like the 47lbs but since last week i've noticed it's not gonna be lol. I need to do diffrent workouts and such and apparently eat more haha!
  • ladybuggy
    ladybuggy Posts: 6
    i work out atleast 60 to 90 mins a day. I try to run most of my workout but i end with a 2mile cool down walk.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Wow, girl, that's awesome!!! :happy: I've only lost 17 so far (my scale was off - thought I was closer to 20 but alas, I'm not) since January and have 23 left to lose to get to 140, POSSIBLY 135. I'm 5'4" and 163 so we're about the same size. I can't run very far but I'm working on that... that's awesome you can run so far! Did you do a program to get that way? I've heard of Couch to 5k but honestly think my intervals are better, but whatever! Glad to have you on MFP!! I'd love to friend you if you don't mind. :bigsmile:
  • ladybuggy
    ladybuggy Posts: 6
    Wow, girl, that's awesome!!! :happy: I've only lost 17 so far (my scale was off - thought I was closer to 20 but alas, I'm not) since January and have 23 left to lose to get to 140, POSSIBLY 135. I'm 5'4" and 163 so we're about the same size. I can't run very far but I'm working on that... that's awesome you can run so far! Did you do a program to get that way? I've heard of Couch to 5k but honestly think my intervals are better, but whatever! Glad to have you on MFP!! I'd love to friend you if you don't mind. :bigsmile:

    we are about the same size! don't scales piss you off i stood on mine yesterday and it was all weird then i stood on it and it corrected its self lol.

    i didnt do a program i just cried through the pain in my legs i had really bad shin splints for a while and just ran. i was just so tired of being sad and fat lol. totally friend me i'd love a friend haha
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    well done to you!
    im 46.6lb down since jan, but still have alot more weight left than you.
    I dont work out as much as you though, id probably pass out haha
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