Dairy/lactose Intolerance?

I went without dairy for a week and a half. About 4 days ago I consumed some and I have been sick ever since. The worst part is where I get pain in my stomach/side that is only felt on one side, and only hurts when I stand up or am walking. It seems to get worse and worse until I lie down. It is so bad that I can barely breathe and actually have to lie down. I'm not sure if this is actually from consuming dairy, or if it's just a coincidence. I remember experiencing this before when I would binge on ice cream and I thought it was because of eating too much sugar, but now it's happening when I don't eat a lot of sugar.
Has anyone else felt this pain before? I don't know if I should be worried. I do have an appointment with my dr. on Wednesday so I will bring it up, but he has already said that since I have celiacs, I should avoid dairy so he will probably just say to stop consuming dairy. It wouldn't be so much of a problem if Almond milk had as much protein as dairy milk!


  • lillauraseymour
    lillauraseymour Posts: 63 Member
    I'm lactose intolerant, I drink soy milk. If I consume small amounts of dairy, i;m ok but to much i'll have stabbing pains, need to go to the toilet, bloating overall sick. I went to the doctors who said, most people just know they are without the need for the test. He reccomened removing dairy from my diet and if it worked, then you know you are intolerant.
  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
    That's what I am getting, the stabbing pains. I get it when I eat gluten, and I feel the same when I eat dairy, I think I can eat small amounts but I am going to do another week or two dairy free and try introducing a small amount to see what happens.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member

    My fiance is lactose intolerant and he has the same symptoms as you when he eats dairy. His stomach hurts so bad he has to lie down and then he has a lot of well... bloating, gas ect. If you suspect you are lactose intolerant, cut out dairy and see if you still have the symptoms. Luckily there are plenty of dairy supplements if you are such as pills before you eat lactose, soy, and lots more! You are not alone :smile:
  • Brown_Eyed_Beauty
    Brown_Eyed_Beauty Posts: 109 Member
    Yep. same for me. I had IBS and stopped as much dairy as possible and it helped. I mainly have small amounts of cheese and very little milk or I get sick. Hope you feel better!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I'm gluten intolerant and get awfully sick from even small amounts of casein - the protein in dairy products. At first I thought it was the lactose but testing proved it was the casein that got me. I use almond milk in place of cow milk. I get more than enough protein from other sources so I don't need it from dairy. It's sure not worth getting sick over!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Lactaid milk or some house brand, in-store, private label knock off.

    I'm trying to understand the problem?
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    Is this a new issue for you or an ongoing one with dairy? It seems like giving it up for four days wouldn't cause an intolerance to Lactose, but it can happen at any time.

    That being said, I understand Lactose intolerance can often occur alongside Celiac disease, so it could certainly be a possibility.

    It does cause bloating, frequent bathroom trips and lots of pain in the stomach.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    stop consuming dairy. It wouldn't be so much of a problem if Almond milk had as much protein as dairy milk!

    There are other sources of protein other than cow's milk. But if that's your preferance, buy lactose-free milk or use lactaid pills.
  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
    Lactaid milk or some house brand, in-store, private label knock off.

    I'm trying to understand the problem?

    The problem is I am trying to figure out if the stomach pain I am experiencing is in fact an issue with dairy. Also the fact that dairy has a lot more protein than almond/soy/whatever milk. I am a vegetarian so I don't get protein from meat. Yes, I can get protein from other sources, it's just easier to drink a cup of milk and get 9g just like that lol. Plus, it's a pain the the butt trying to avoid milk products :(
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I was having some terrible symptoms with bloating, pain, and just a bunch of stuff that made me feel awful. I have known for years that I'm lactose intolerant (like, even as a baby couldn't drink cow's milk), but continued to eat a limited dairy diet. One day I decided I couldn't take it any more and went on an Organic/Gluten-Free/Dairy-Free/Soy-Free and anti-inflammation diet. It took me a while to get organized, but eliminating dairy was an easy way to start. After a few days, about half of my symptoms disappeared. After a month now, I do feel, generally, a lot better. Not perfect, but I actually feel good a lot of the time now.

    I believe gluten and dairy are the big offenders. The anti-inflammation diet removes sugar, artificial sweeteners, stuff with chemicals in it, as well as foods like corn, potatoes, and tomatoes which are very inflammatory foods. I wish I would have tried this 10-15 years ago as I have spent most of my adult life in an uncomfortable state. No miracles, but definitely worth the big change.

    Here is a link to the lactose content of some dairy products. I can see now that sharp cheeses and butter are less likely to offend than a glass of milk or ice cream. I do incorporate a small amount of butter into my diet and it doesn't seem to adversely affect me.


    Oh, if your pain is on the right side, it could be your gall bladder. Gall bladder attacks can be triggered by diet and can last anywhere from hours to a month or more.

    Also, use caution if you replace your dairy with soy products as people with dairy intolerance are often intolerant of soy products as well.. like me. I use almond milk and rice milk to replace milk, but there's no real good replacement for yogurt unless you can tolerate soy.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I'm allergic to dairy and lactose intolerant, that doesn't happen to me, but you may have a more severe allergy to it. Just cut it out if need be. There's dairy-free options for just about anything.
  • veganpancakes
    Milk isn't good for you, anyways. I could go on and on but,

    yes you're probably in pain because of dairy. If I accidentally have something with milk in it, I get crampy and gassy and gross. :embarassed:
  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
    Is this a new issue for you or an ongoing one with dairy? It seems like giving it up for four days wouldn't cause an intolerance to Lactose, but it can happen at any time.

    That being said, I understand Lactose intolerance can often occur alongside Celiac disease, so it could certainly be a possibility.

    It does cause bloating, frequent bathroom trips and lots of pain in the stomach.

    1) I didn't give it up for 4 days, it was about a week and a half. I first consumed it 4 days ago and started feeling sick.
    2) I didn't say that giving it up was was causing it...just that I felt fine when I wasn't eating it and then when I did, it seemed to make me sick. It's not a new thing with dairy, I have been going dairy free on and off since I found out that I have celiacs 2 years ago, but I figured if I was lactose intolerant, the reaction was so small that it wasn't worth giving it up, because I love dairy too much lol. But now it seems the reaction is getting worse. My dr told me that in the case of gluten, if you give it up for a period of time and accidentally consume it, the reaction would be worse then if you are always consuming it. I am wondering if that goes for dairy aswell.
  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
    Milk isn't good for you, anyways. I could go on and on but,

    yes you're probably in pain because of dairy. If I accidentally have something with milk in it, I get crampy and gassy and gross. :embarassed:

    I know :( I tried going vegan but I loved dairy and eggs too much lol. I figured I would cut out meat first and then slowly cut out milk and eggs after that, transition to being vegan. Looks like I will be cutting out dairy sooner than I had hoped.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    dairy definitely doesn't help my acid reflux disease. a little bit here and there is ok but if i overdo it it often causes a night of disturbing pain in my esophagus.
  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm allergic to dairy and lactose intolerant, that doesn't happen to me, but you may have a more severe allergy to it. Just cut it out if need be. There's dairy-free options for just about anything.

    I actually prefer almond milk to dairy milk, it's just more expensive. I LOVE dairy free cheese (Daiya) but again, much more expensive. Dairy free yogurt sucks. Have never tried dairy free cream cheese/sour cream yet though.
  • veganpancakes
    Dairy free yogurt only sucks if you get the greek kind. Yuck. I like So Delicious blueberry flavor and strawberry banana. c: It definitely deserves that name~

    Also if you want to replace ice cream, that's ridiculously expensive. :c I only get it on occasion. A less pricier option is getting a fruit sorbet. Or there's a coconut sorbet at target that's 3 dollars and it's super yummy.

    And if you do still want to try veganism, giving up things will be hard at first, but only because of the hormones in milk. It's addictive. Especially when it's concentrated like in cheese. After that, it's easy.
  • veganpancakes
    I'm allergic to dairy and lactose intolerant, that doesn't happen to me, but you may have a more severe allergy to it. Just cut it out if need be. There's dairy-free options for just about anything.

    I actually prefer almond milk to dairy milk, it's just more expensive. I LOVE dairy free cheese (Daiya) but again, much more expensive. Dairy free yogurt sucks. Have never tried dairy free cream cheese/sour cream yet though.

    Dairy free sour cream/cream cheese isn't good honestly. It just tastes like tofu. But, oddly enough, pillsbury and Duncan Hines cream cheese frostings are dairy free!
  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
    Dairy free yogurt only sucks if you get the greek kind. Yuck. I like So Delicious blueberry flavor and strawberry banana. c: It definitely deserves that name~

    Also if you want to replace ice cream, that's ridiculously expensive. :c I only get it on occasion. A less pricier option is getting a fruit sorbet. Or there's a coconut sorbet at target that's 3 dollars and it's super yummy.

    And if you do still want to try veganism, giving up things will be hard at first, but only because of the hormones in milk. It's addictive. Especially when it's concentrated like in cheese. After that, it's easy.

    I don't remember which brand of yogurt I bought...but it was pretty gross. I will have to check out the ones you mentioned.

    It's not so much giving up the actually dairy/eggs...it's giving up everything CONTAINING dairy/eggs. I have not found a single brand of gf bread that doesn't contain eggs. There are a ton more thing but basically that's the issue. I know I shouldn't eat processed stuff anyways but I can't give up EVERY processed item!
  • veganpancakes
    I do believe that Ezekiel bread is gluten free..it just might be pricey. If you don't like it, then try going to Whole Foods. They have all kinds of breads. You can get lost in the bakery section looking for bread because it's full of gluten free, vegan, gluten free vegan, regular, and sweet breads.