Running question

mandijo Posts: 618 Member
I'm starting a new exercise plan that is training me to first run a 5K then a 10K and eventually a half marathon. It tells me to run a hard mile and an easy mile. I'm new to this running thing and have not a clue what that means? Anybody have any ideas?!


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Try the couch to 5K program! It is really great to get you off the couch to a 5K. has all the info you need. :)
  • jlking
    jlking Posts: 29 Member
    Yeah, you should definitely do the C25K program, especially if you're new to the running thing.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    easy mile means a comfortable pace where u barely get winded
    hard mile would mean speaking in broken sentences...

    hope that helps go to and get advice.
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    It's all relative - do what your body tells you! For some people an "easy mile" will be 10 minutes - for me it's 12. Just take it slow and listen to what your body tells you. I haven't done C25K but I've heard great things about it. I also subscribe to Runner's World and the mag - and their website - definitely has some great info! If you go to their site, under the "training" tab, there's something called - i believe - Smart Coach. It will develop a training program for you based on the info you put in.

    Good luck! I have found running to be a great stress reliever :)
  • ldykema
    ldykema Posts: 18
    I agree that it's very relative. As another had posted, just make sure that your "easy" mile is really that... easy! You should be able to have a conversation comfortably. As for the "hard" mile, don't start out sprinting, but make sure that you push yourself and are very winded during and after. The more you challenge yourself, the sooner you'll make it to your running goals (and you'll be more prepared)! Hope that helps!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
  • fishlover888
    fishlover888 Posts: 132
    on a scale of 1-10 for perceived exertion (how hard you are working), aim to have your easy mile 2-3 and your hard mile at about 8. like others said, during the easy mile be able to hold a conversation, or a good trick is to try to sing twinkle twinkle little star-at an easy pace you should be able to get through it. at a hard pace you should find talking or singing difficult.

    as you keep running it will become easier to pace yourself and know where your limits are! i think you are doing a great thing following this fitness program!