Want to start lifting, but don't know where to start - HELP!

Original plan was New Rules of Weight Lifting, read in the forums that it can be difficult to follow, and goes too into details you don't need to focus on.
Second plan was Strong Lifts 5x5. Can't seem to find enough info to actually get started. And have read some things that say its too much, and you'll snap something doing low reps that heavy. (for the average person, which I am) But, is that true?!

I'm just trying to START. I know I'll learn more as I go and figure out different aspects as I go. But I'm lost on WHERE to start.
What do I need (gym equipment wise) ? Whats the basic work out? What do I do??!!?!

I'm not going to lie,(but not making excuses either) I don't have a lot of time to read book after book, forum after forum.
I have 4 kids ranging in age from graduating teenager to a 1 year old special needs child. My husband is gone on deployment, and I have a basic gym in my garage at my disposal. Any free time I have is just trying to make sure I GET in a workout daily (if that!).

So if you have any info that will help in any way, I would greatly appreciate it :)
Thank you! :indifferent:


  • timfitzy
    timfitzy Posts: 7 Member
    Hands down the best resource for a beginner is Starting Strength - Mark Rippetoe. The book is pretty lengthy and given your time constraints I would say that maybe watching some youtube videos of him explaining various movements would be the way to go.

    As long as you have a barbell, weights, and a rack, you should be good to go! 5x5 or the Starting Strength programs both are great and you shouldnt need to worry about injuring yourself. The idea (especially for 5x5) is to start with a weight you can comfortably manage for each movement 5x5, and then the next time you do it, add 5lbs to the bar. Your body will respond to the progressive overload and get stronger, which is the whole idea of the program.

    Good luck!
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Thank you so much :) Looking that up now....
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Bump pls :)
  • patsnyder89
    Hands down the best resource for a beginner is Starting Strength - Mark Rippetoe. The book is pretty lengthy and given your time constraints I would say that maybe watching some youtube videos of him explaining various movements would be the way to go.

    As long as you have a barbell, weights, and a rack, you should be good to go! 5x5 or the Starting Strength programs both are great and you shouldnt need to worry about injuring yourself. The idea (especially for 5x5) is to start with a weight you can comfortably manage for each movement 5x5, and then the next time you do it, add 5lbs to the bar. Your body will respond to the progressive overload and get stronger, which is the whole idea of the program.

    Good luck!

    Thats all the advice u need honestly. just take it slow and make it enjoyable. keep improving ur lifts weekly/monthly, if u have a bad day just kick it in the past, everyone has a bad day dont let it discourage you and keep at it.