Women with muscles.

I have got some definition after doing INSANITY and will be starting a P90x and Insanity hybrid this week.I got good muscle definition with P90x when I did it the first time.My question is,I would really like to have more muscle mass,lower my body fat percentage and get that "ripped" look.

So all you women out there,with amazing muscles or are at the stage of acquiring those muscles,how are you doing it?
I look forward to hearing from you.Thanks in advance.


  • Lbriggs82
    Lbriggs82 Posts: 58
    I'm following Stronglifts 5x5. And I'm starting to see some lovely tricep definition for the first time in my life. Its a great, straightforward program, but I'd say you need to start lifting weights to get what you want.

    Love to see similar minded women on here who want bigger muscles! :smile:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I have got some definition after doing INSANITY and will be starting a P90x and Insanity hybrid this week.I got good muscle definition with P90x when I did it the first time.My question is,I would really like to have more muscle mass,lower my body fat percentage and get that "ripped" look.

    So all you women out there,with amazing muscles or are at the stage of acquiring those muscles,how are you doing it?
    I look forward to hearing from you.Thanks in advance.
    2nd for stronglifts or work your way up to any heavy lifting program really.
  • kaitlynelkins9
    kaitlynelkins9 Posts: 26 Member
    I began with New Rules of Lifting for Women, and now I stick mostly with the concepts I learned from that program, plus I incorporate more dedicated arm work. Right now, I usually do one push exercise (bench press/overhead press) and one pull exercise (barbell row/lat pulldown) for upper body, squat for lower body, deadlift for lower back, planks/weighted crunches for core, and biceps curl and triceps push-down for arms on a typical day. It's worked well for me, but I've gotten most of my visible definition from cutting body fat and not from increasing muscle mass. Although I have gained about a pound of muscle, which has made a moderate difference as well.
  • The only way you'll get ripped is by lifting heavy and eating CLEAN to chop the bf%.

    I second new rules for women. Its a great read.

    Also good on you :)
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I lift weights and lift heavy.

    I work one muscle group a day and add in abs and legs every other day.

    ETA: I don't follow any specific program.
  • Depends on how ripped you mean...I have muscles, I lift heavy. I won't get ULTRA lean because it's unhealthy but I am building mass by lifting and eating.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Lift heavy + eat clean at a calorie surplus - I think that's the biggest thing. You need to EAT to grow! You cannot build muscle on a deficit.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Lift heavy + eat clean at a calorie surplus - I think that's the biggest thing. You need to EAT to grow! You cannot build muscle on a deficit.
    its that simple . people make things so complicated on here
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    I do Stronglifts 5x5 and eat at a mild deficit. ( appx -200 from my TDEE )

    some yoga too
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    You'll need to do Bulk / Cut cycles (eat @ a [healthy] surplus / eat at a [healthy] deficeit).

    I'd recommend cutting first - to see what kind of muscle foundation you have. If you aren't satisfied, then bulk & repeat. It's the whole idea behind body recomp.
  • swangwcb
    swangwcb Posts: 12 Member
    Lift heavy + eat clean at a calorie surplus - I think that's the biggest thing. You need to EAT to grow! You cannot build muscle on a deficit.
    its that simple . people make things so complicated on here

    Yes, exactly! Ignore the cute pink dumbbells, go over and lift the heavy stuff and don't be afraid to struggle and push yourself every time!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Body fat levels are hugely important. You can work like a trojan building that muscle but if you don't strip back the fat you won't see the definition. It's hard and takes a LOT of dedication to get ripped ;-))
  • The only way you'll get ripped is by lifting heavy and eating CLEAN to chop the bf%.

    I second new rules for women. Its a great read.

    Also good on you :)

    The "CLEAN" should not really be emphasized--that's actually not as important as you might think.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Stronglifts 5x5 or similiar "Lift heavy stuff a few times but lift it right" program. Don't bulk+cut until you're at 18-20% BF or thereabouts, just keep lifting, keep eating protein (1g/lb LBM/day) and keep a mild calorie deficit to shed the fat.
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    NROLFW, CLX, and balanced macros. I also do cardio..demo.. and weather permitting roof tear offs.
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    Lift Heavy. Vary my maneuvers. Push My Limits. Clean eating - (best results when I really watch the sodium).
    **Lots of Protein - especially post workout.** :drinker:
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    Following for info. :smile:

    I lift and I lift heavy (heavy as I can at least). I'm building muscle, but I'm not getting the "definition". So I'm interested in what others will have to say.

    Edit: I've started clean eating through the week and I can tell a difference in how I feel through the week. And then the weekend hits I the week unravels...something I'm trying to work on.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Clean eating up the protein intake and lift As heavy as u can in proper form. I'm also doing p90x insanity hybrid at the moment:)
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Stronglifts 5 x 5. Seeing real definition now, about 6/7 weeks in on programme. Do very little else except for light cardio and walking the dog.
  • BuffERRN
    BuffERRN Posts: 109 Member
    I love women with muscle and women that lift heavy!! It kills me when I hear that women that lift heavy are just going to bulk up and that's a total lie... Build muscle-- yes, of course. But lifting heavy is not going to turn a normal woman into a hulking bodybuilding... People with that mind set need to do their research and learn what they are taking about... To all those women that are throwing weight around- its sexy! KEEP IT UP!!!
  • Realistic expectations are also important. Like what is your goal look? Do you have a photo?
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I have got some definition after doing INSANITY and will be starting a P90x and Insanity hybrid this week.I got good muscle definition with P90x when I did it the first time.My question is,I would really like to have more muscle mass,lower my body fat percentage and get that "ripped" look.

    So all you women out there,with amazing muscles or are at the stage of acquiring those muscles,how are you doing it?
    I look forward to hearing from you.Thanks in advance.

    The results you want would be best achieved by adopting a heavy lifting regimen in the gym. You're making it hard on yourself by committing to home DVD-based programs that are inefficient by nature.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I just finished P90x and started Stronglifts 5x5 last week. I do an Insanity DVD a couple times a week for cardio at this point. I can't quit cardio altogether. I just can't. I like being aerobically fit.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I just finished P90x and started Stronglifts 5x5 last week. I do an Insanity DVD a couple times a week for cardio at this point. I can't quit cardio altogether. I just can't. I like being aerobically fit.

    Quitting cardio should not be done of course. But when doing any sort of lifting regimen you need to understand not all types of cardio are "compatible" you could say. High intensity stuff like Insanity is a no because they are very strenuous in and of itself and allows your muscles a chance to rest in between workouts is a MUST. So whatever form of cardio you do should be very short in duration if high intensity (such as 15 minute jump rope sessions) or longer durations of lower/moderate intensity. But high intensity + fairly long duration while doing full body lifting, not a good idea.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Insanity is a 5 minute warmup, 10 minute stretch and then 20 minute intervals. I've done the whole program before, plus I have other more intense training experience. If it gets too much, I can quit. Thanks.
  • daliyanin
    daliyanin Posts: 93 Member
    I just started the New Rules for Women. Any advice or suggestions? I want to build muscle (obviously) and get stronger. How did you work the additional calories?
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    I have got some definition after doing INSANITY and will be starting a P90x and Insanity hybrid this week.I got good muscle definition with P90x when I did it the first time.My question is,I would really like to have more muscle mass,lower my body fat percentage and get that "ripped" look.

    So all you women out there,with amazing muscles or are at the stage of acquiring those muscles,how are you doing it?
    I look forward to hearing from you.Thanks in advance.

    The results you want would be best achieved by adopting a heavy lifting regimen in the gym. You're making it hard on yourself by committing to home DVD-based programs that are inefficient by nature.

    I used to go to the gym and lift weights there and do pump classes.I can't go back and join the gym just now since my 2 year old and 6 month old are both going through a clingy phase.I did a trial program but the kids didn't take to it so well.The only reason why I'm doing home based workouts are because my husband is home after work or they are asleep.Otherwise.I'd be there.I love the gym!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I have got some definition after doing INSANITY and will be starting a P90x and Insanity hybrid this week.I got good muscle definition with P90x when I did it the first time.My question is,I would really like to have more muscle mass,lower my body fat percentage and get that "ripped" look.

    So all you women out there,with amazing muscles or are at the stage of acquiring those muscles,how are you doing it?
    I look forward to hearing from you.Thanks in advance.

    The results you want would be best achieved by adopting a heavy lifting regimen in the gym. You're making it hard on yourself by committing to home DVD-based programs that are inefficient by nature.

    I used to go to the gym and lift weights there and do pump classes.I can't go back and join the gym just now since my 2 year old and 6 month old are both going through a clingy phase.I did a trial program but the kids didn't take to it so well.The only reason why I'm doing home based workouts are because my husband is home after work or they are asleep.Otherwise.I'd be there.I love the gym!

    If that's the case then you'll have to make due with dumbbell based programs. Understand though that building muscle and burning fat don't really happen at the same time as they require two completely different nutritional patterns. Building muscle requires a surplus/excess of calories while fat burning requires a deficit.
  • I just started the New Rules for Women. Any advice or suggestions? I want to build muscle (obviously) and get stronger. How did you work the additional calories?

    I'm not sure I get your question. What do you mean by "work the additional calories?"