Stuck and Obsessed

I'm stuck. I've been at the same number for like a week. It's driving me crazy and I've be on the scale every morning and have become so obsessed with trying to get the number down. I think I've lost my appeitite because I want that number down so bad, but I don't starve myself, I make sure I get my calories in. I'm going nuts. I'm a stay at home mom so it's hard to work out at hours on end like some people on here. I get to walk 45 mins to an hour a days or do virtual workouts on the xbox kinect for an hour or do a little weight lifting if I can sneak it in, but I can't get the number on the scale to go down. Urgh, Frustrated. Does anyone else get this problem and what do you do?


  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    I've been at the same weight (or up a little) for 10 days. No disappointment here, because I've lost 1/2 an inch off my hips and1/2 an inch off my waist. I'm also on my period so I'd be shocked if the scale said anything different (water retention, bloating, etc.)
    If in 2 weeks I'm at the same weight, I'll re-evaluate my eating and sodium but for now, I realize it's just part of being a woman and I celebrate the non-scale victories. :)

    Don't get down; a week out of your life is miniscule compared to the bigger picture.
  • biker01red
    I have been on the program now for 11 weeks. The first 8 weeks, my profile recommended daily calories of 1330. I did that along with exercise. During that time I lost 18 lbs, so I was happy with that progress. The next two weeks, there was no weight change. I then updated my profile weight, the program recommended I reduce daily calories to 1200. I have been on the 1200 calorie diet, continued exercise, etc., for a week, still no change !!! So I am stuck also !!!!! Suggestions from anyone will be appreciated !!!!! This is discouraging.....
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    Don't weigh yourself everyday. Maybe once a week or even every two weeks. Concentrate on all the healthy changes you are making eventually they'll catch up with you and the weight will come off. :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I just got off one of those mini-plateaus and sad to say it was far from my first, yet it doesn't get easier. Drives me crazy every time. When I can't work out (which is much of the year) I help break it by grabbing the food scale and weighing and measuring everything I put in my mouth, and I'm usually pretty good about eyeballing portions. But like I said, when it's plateau time, pretty good won't cut it. I want to know exactly what I ate.

    You're getting more exercise than I am just looking after your baby, plus managing to get in Kinect workouts and some weights in is great. And walking too? You're getting a nice bit of exercise.

    If it doesn't break soon and if you aren't breastfeeding and if you are eating exercise calories back you could cut some of what you eat back out on the grounds that many HRMs and exercise calculators overestimate your calorie burn.
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    I have been on the program now for 11 weeks. The first 8 weeks, my profile recommended daily calories of 1330. I did that along with exercise. During that time I lost 18 lbs, so I was happy with that progress. The next two weeks, there was no weight change. I then updated my profile weight, the program recommended I reduce daily calories to 1200. I have been on the 1200 calorie diet, continued exercise, etc., for a week, still no change !!! So I am stuck also !!!!! Suggestions from anyone will be appreciated !!!!! This is discouraging.....

    Normally, 1200 calories diets are not recommended for the majority of the population, and it looks like from your profile that you don't have that much left until you reach your goal. If you would provide some more information (age, height, weight, activity level including job and exercise) I'd be happy to help you determine yor BMR (the basal number of calories your body needs to function) and your TDEE ( the number of calories you burn in a normal day of being you).

    In all honestly, without knowning much about you, you may not be eating enough, but like I said, I'd be happy to run your numbers and see what an estimate of your caloric needs are.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Yes! I've been gaining and losing the same 3 pounds over and over again; seeing a new low number is rare. My solution: stay off the scales. I don't weigh more often than about once every week or three.

    Meanwhile, I focus on my workouts and logging. I used to log everything religiously, but it didn't get me much of anywhere, so I've been slacking on that. Need to tighten the routine back up, Self!
  • williemom
    williemom Posts: 1 Member
    I've been using MFP for seven months, the first 4 months were good and I lost 10 pounds, since then I am up and down three pounds over and over with a net loss of 0 in the last three months. I exercise every day, log my calories every day and am rarely over. My base calorie count is 1200. I tried last week to just keep it to 1200 and not eat more based on more calories burned, I did manage to lose a pound or two but over the weekend shot back up 3 pounds eating 1500 calories. I have 10 pounds to reach my goal which is the high end of recommended weights for my sex/height/build so I understand it should be more difficult and would be happy with 1/2 lb a week but nothing is working. I get so frustrated by the message that incorrectly tells me that in five weeks I'm going to be x pounds. It is so far off! I think the problem may be age related as I'm mid-50s. Any suggestions to get off this plateau before I jump?
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    I'm a full time working single mom, not that many people on here work out hours on end. We all have busy lives. That being said, it's one week. Don't weigh yourself every day. Make sure you're eating the right amount. And watch your macros. I was stuck at the same weight for 3 months. One week in the grand scheme of things isn't a huge deal. Plus, you didn't gain it fast, you won't lose it fast either (if you're doing it the right way)
  • AmandaMarie916
    AmandaMarie916 Posts: 75 Member
    I've been going up and down the same .2 lbs for like a week and I probably am retaining water because it's my week. I have a toddler so I'm not breastfeeding. I know I sound crazy for fretting over this but I lost 4 lbs easy before joining here and then lost another 6-7 after joining here and I guess I got use to losing weight so quickly that I'm mad that I'm stuck now.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    Your body has no idea that it is expected to give you a consistent loss each week. It's too busy handling this month of changes. your weight loss averages across months and weeks, it's not actually an every week thing. Accept this now and save yourself some heartache :heart:
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    also for future reference, .2 pounds is approximately 1 cup of water - so dont stress over something that tiny. It's only your gravitational pull, not your value as a human being.