The Zumba Crew



  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Zumba :heart: !!!
    Just started. I personally have very little rhythm, but still find it FUN FUN FUN. Have seen the difference between a "good" instructor and well, not so good. It's like night and day. Good fun though!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Just got into Zumba - needing some variety!!
    Haven't been to live class - just doing th dvd's for now - have only done the basic to learn the steps and the 20min express - I suck at reggaton and calypso but I like salsa, merengue - might be getting the names wrong - and there's one other one I can't remember ..
    Even doing it by dvd it's a lot of fun :heart: and it will be good to add this thread for motivation and questions.

    Looks like we've got a few professionals on here :drinker: great job!!

  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    I'm addicted to Zumba now. LOL I've been attending classes for the past month or so, and they've ruined me for regular exericse (treadmill/eliptical). I'm thinking about getting the dvd's for when I need to exercise and there is no class being offered at my gym that day. My gym has 3 different instructors, but there's one who is A-ma-zing!! Her classes fill up super-fast. We have to get there early to get a spot. She does the moves to some of the common hip-hop songs as well as the latin songs. I like the combination. Another instructor is more of a dancer and her routines are a bit harder (step-wise) but lower intensity.
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    I've been doing Zumba for 6 months now, and I love it. I do have the DVDs, but I prefer the party atmosphere of a class, honestly. I agree about the instructor making all the difference--my favourite instructor is a guy, and his workouts are mega fun and intense.

    Of the DVDs, the flat abs one is my favourite... geesh, these six months have really transformed my waist area. It's a serious obliques defining activity.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    SraArroz - I am with you, Zumba has ruined me for pretty much every other exercise except for swimming ( I still love it since it is high calorie burning, but low impact)
    I am so glad that you all are joining my Zumba crew thread!
    I can't wait til my DVDs get here....since my class kinda sucks it will be so nice to get the 'real thing' in. Until then I am just going to use my zumba CD and do what moves I can remember from last year when I took the awesome class!
  • ljm0104
    ljm0104 Posts: 42
    Zumba is great! I started doing the dvds with my weird schedule as a high school student and it still works great with my work schedule. I just alternate the cardio dvds with the sculpting ones and jogging.
  • deenebes
    deenebes Posts: 9
    I'm addicted to Zumba now. LOL I've been attending classes for the past month or so, and they've ruined me for regular exericse (treadmill/eliptical). I'm thinking about getting the dvd's for when I need to exercise and there is no class being offered at my gym that day. My gym has 3 different instructors, but there's one who is A-ma-zing!! Her classes fill up super-fast. We have to get there early to get a spot. She does the moves to some of the common hip-hop songs as well as the latin songs. I like the combination. Another instructor is more of a dancer and her routines are a bit harder (step-wise) but lower intensity.

    I have been ruined for the treadmill as well. I just keep finding classes to go to so I dont have to be stuck in the gym!!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Ok, I need you guys to tell me if I should just let this go, or do something about it.

    As I stated before, my new zumba instructor has limited knowledge of the dances etc... I just found out that she teaches kindergarten dance it makes sense why she simplifies things so much.

    My thought is that I might try to warm up to her, and then somehow offer to show her a few of the moves and how to incorporate them into some of the songs... Would that be rude? She really is sweet and I don't want her to feel like I hate her class, but I also want to have fun during class, and for the other ladies to see what Zumba is really about!

    OR do I just let it go, finish out this session and just not go back and find a new class?

    I don't know her very well so I am not sure how receptive she would be to new moves etc...but zumba is just not the same without salsa and merengue, and not to mention reggaeton. Is there a way that I can do it tactfully, or should I just learn to deal with it for now, and go in my own direction to get certified once this session is through?
  • yasjon
    yasjon Posts: 9
    iluvsparkles, IMO...I would suggest some moves and explain you had previously taken the classes. If she is not receptive then you know she is not the right instructor for you. :smile: good luck!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Honestly, I wouldn't say anything.... she may not take it too well. You never know tho. I would jsut tough it out till the end of the season then find a new class. There are SO many classes out there you are bound to find a great instructor! I think I did!

    Question: Has anyone taken the Aqua Zumba? How was it? Just thinking of trying one out and haven't heard much about it.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I wish there were more classes in this area! The reason I want to get certified is because she is the only instructor in our town apparently. At least the only one that is offering a class...I may just stick it out, and go to doing the dvds until I get certified, and then just offer my own class :)

    now...AQUA ZUMBA?! Ive never even heard of it, but it sounds aweosme!!!
  • deenebes
    deenebes Posts: 9
    Aqua Zumba is awesome!!!! Great change from doing the regular dances! If you can get to a class near you GO!!!!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Awesome! Thanks. I think I'll have to try it!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I've never heard of aqua zumba....explain!!:laugh:

    My friend has just ordered the dvds so that we can start doing more (I only have one), so I can't wait for her to get those! She is going on vacation for the next three weeks though so I think I'll be waiting for a while. :ohwell:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    I had a teacher who I didn't like at all the first few weeks, and I approached her and asked "is the choreography going to get progressively more complicated, because I am used to a more advanced class." It seemed like the best way to say "I am totally bored, lady." And, she's upped her game considerably.

    Just thought it was a more nice way to say it, it sort of seemed to be code for "I know what I am doing here, and I will complain about your class to the management."

    But, I do have the luxury of having three studios (one of them an actual dance studio) less than a five minute walk from my house that offer zumba. (I'm not braggin' I'm grateful!!!) So, I could take the risk of sort of pissing her off, if you know what I mean.
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Ok, I did it! I just ordered the Zumba dvd collection. I normally enjoy doing workout videos anyway,and I know it won't be the same as actually being in the class.. but I'm hoping for 2 things out of this. 1. That I'll learn how to do the dance steps correctly so that when I'm in the real class and she says "samba", I'll know what to do and not look crazy. 2. That I'll have a workout that is fun to do on days where my gym isn't offering zumba that will keep me moving and burning calories. I've gotten lazy, if it's not a zumba class, I don't want to go to the gym and hop on the eliptical. That seems like torture to me now. :blushing:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Machines ARE torture if you already know how fun zumba is! I am so glad that so many people are into zumba and telling us about it on this thread. I am hoping that if anyone is interested, they will see these posts and give in and attend a class or get the dvds.

    Now I just wish we all lived closer together so that we could be in a class together :) Anyone in NC?
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    Hiya! I normally stick to a small amount of groups but I saw this and had to see what it was about.

    I'm a zumba FREAK! lol in fact I just got back from a class this morning. I've scanned the posts and I'm sorry for those of you with unenthusiastic instructors. I really lucked out in that department, ours are AWESOME!

    I've been going for about 4-5 months.. and I'm lucky enough to be a SAHM with a 3rd shift husband. So he watches our daughter while I go, I go to zumba every Tuesday and Saturday, zumba toning on Thursdays and body pump on wed and Sundays... course some are switched up at times, lol. But I loooove it, it's amazing when you have that break thru and rather than being addicted to food you become addicted to the exercise!

    It helped me lose about 20 pounds and 20 inches, and man oh man I've never been able to move my hips the way I can now! I could hula with the best of them :wink:

    Zumba :heart: !!!!
  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    I love Zumba. I've been doing the dvd's on and off for about 1 1/2 years and live classes for almost a month. I love my instructors. They are a team of 3 in Waco led my Shemane Nugent. I think they call themselves the H.O.T. Zumba team. (as in heart of Texas). The rotate the schedule and have different classes and times in the city. Every class is different becuase they have so many routines set up.

    Y'all can see some their videos on you tube, just search shemane nugent zumba.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I am so glad that so many of you have awesome instructors! I am jealous but it is definitely motivating me to get certified!
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