Weights first then cardio??

Okay so I have 15 weeks till my vaca.. And I was asking a friend of mine what I should do.. Just Cardio or Cardio & Weights.. yes I want to lose about 30 pounds but I would also like to be tone so I am not flabby..

She told me to do weights first when I get to the gym then finish off with 30 min of slow cardio..

Does this sound about right?? I want to use the time I have left until the cruise to my full advantage and make sure I am making the correct choices at the gym to get the best results.

Advice please!!!!


  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    She is correct. If you do cardio first you will probably not have that much energy for you weight training since your cardio session used up some if not all your glycogen stores. The primary energy used for weight lifting is glycogen. You could probably get away with less than 30 min of cardio if you did weights first since as I stated your glycogen levels will be depleted and you will go into a fat burning mode earlier.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    weights first would be the way to do it.

    you don't have to do 30 minutes of slow cardio though. change it up.
    I saw better results from doing 15-20 minutes of interval sprints. I was in better shape, and at my leanest.
  • haileysugarfits
    haileysugarfits Posts: 70 Member
    And this is correct for women??

    What is a good protein drink that taste good and is good for a women.

    Let me just remind.. that I am not wanting to get bulky AT ALL!!! :)
  • TauCeti
    TauCeti Posts: 5
    Hi Hailey,

    Don't worry "AT ALL" about getting "bulky". Women do not "bulk up". In fact, women often, do not lift enough weight, in my opinion. They are afraid of bulking up. BUT, if not enough weight is lifted then not enough stress is put on the muscle to make a change. Women don’t need to worry about bulking up; hormonally women don’t have enough testosterone to look like men. So go to it!! Lift away - it's excellent exercise and very good for overall fitness.
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I use the GNC amplified wheybolic extreme 60 protein powder in chocolate. It's expensive but to me it taste like a yoohoo and doesn't make me want to gag. Personally I can't stand the strawberry (neither could my kids, it took forever for us to finish that one) If you don't like the flavor GNC will exchange it for a different flavor with the receipt within 30 days (I think that's the rules, I lost my receipt so I was stuck with the strawberry)

    I do weights and then cardio, this way I have energy for my weight lifting routine. I'm fat still, but I'm not bulking up. I can tell I'm getting stronger though :)
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    I usually do 15 min cardio (elliptical) to warm up, then weights then another 15-20 min cardio(treadmill) to cool down and stretch out the legs. That is what my trainer has me set up to do
  • haileysugarfits
    haileysugarfits Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Hailey,

    Don't worry "AT ALL" about getting "bulky". Women do not "bulk up". In fact, women often, do not lift enough weight, in my opinion. They are afraid of bulking up. BUT, if not enough weight is lifted then not enough stress is put on the muscle to make a change. Women don’t need to worry about bulking up; hormonally women don’t have enough testosterone to look like men. So go to it!! Lift away - it's excellent exercise and very good for overall fitness.

    When I say bulk up I am not talking about looking like a man.. I just dont like Really toned arms on women. There is a fitness model Jamie Eason.. And I DO NOT like the way she looks.. I think it's gross... I like how Carrie Underwood looks.. Strong legs and tone arms..
  • haileysugarfits
    haileysugarfits Posts: 70 Member
    I use the GNC amplified wheybolic extreme 60 protein powder in chocolate. It's expensive but to me it taste like a yoohoo and doesn't make me want to gag. Personally I can't stand the strawberry (neither could my kids, it took forever for us to finish that one) If you don't like the flavor GNC will exchange it for a different flavor with the receipt within 30 days (I think that's the rules, I lost my receipt so I was stuck with the strawberry)

    I do weights and then cardio, this way I have energy for my weight lifting routine. I'm fat still, but I'm not bulking up. I can tell I'm getting stronger though :)

    See this is my worry.. You say your still fat, not bulking up but can tell your getting stronger.. I have 15 weeks to try and change my body as much as I can.. I NEED to see changes..
  • haileysugarfits
    haileysugarfits Posts: 70 Member
    I usually do 15 min cardio (elliptical) to warm up, then weights then another 15-20 min cardio(treadmill) to cool down and stretch out the legs. That is what my trainer has me set up to do

    are you losing weight doing this??
  • TauCeti
    TauCeti Posts: 5
    Here is Carrie Underwood's strength workout routine (she does cardio of course but I am focusing on strength) - this data is all available online.

    Back Lunges with a Bicep Curl - While holding free weights, do a single leg, back lunge. From a standing position, step backwards towards the ground making sure your front knee does not push forward over the toe. Dropping into a deep lunge, begin to come back into a standing position while also doing a bicep curl. Note: By combining upper body and lower body moves, the body burns more calories. Do 15 for each leg for 2 to 3 sets.

    Front Lunges with a Torso Twist- Holding a medicine ball step forward into a front lunge. While in a lunge position, hold the medicine ball out in front of the body and twist sideways, keeping the medicine steady. Twist back to the front and stand, bringing the feet together and lowering the medicine ball. Note: Twist in the direction of the lunge. (If you lunge with your right leg, twist towards the right.) This move works your core, shoulders, and legs.

    Jump Squats: One of the best ways to “force your body to change” is to add plyometric or dynamic moves into your routine. Squat (as if you are going to sit into a chair while keeping your torso straight), from the squat position, JUMP into the air as high as you can, landing back into the squat position. Repeat for 20-25 reps. Great for the glutes, hamstrings, and it also gets your heart rate up.

    Prone Bridge on a stability ball- As if you are lying down, place your bent elbows on the stability ball with your body completely straight behind you, belly down, feet on the floor, balanced on your toes. Balance yourself (stick straight) and hold yourself for as long as you can. If you don’t have a stability ball you can do the same move on the ground. Works your entire core!
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    Hi Hailey,

    Don't worry "AT ALL" about getting "bulky". Women do not "bulk up". In fact, women often, do not lift enough weight, in my opinion. They are afraid of bulking up. BUT, if not enough weight is lifted then not enough stress is put on the muscle to make a change. Women don’t need to worry about bulking up; hormonally women don’t have enough testosterone to look like men. So go to it!! Lift away - it's excellent exercise and very good for overall fitness.

    Absolutely true! Don't fear the weights!

    Mix up your cardio- some days should be steady easy paced runs, other should have some intervals of speed mixed in.

    Keep us posted on your progress!
  • haileysugarfits
    haileysugarfits Posts: 70 Member
    Here is Carrie Underwodd's strength workout routine (she does cardio of course but I am focusing on strength) - this data is all available online.

    Back Lunges with a Bicep Curl - While holding free weights, do a single leg, back lunge. From a standing position, step backwards towards the ground making sure your front knee does not push forward over the toe. Dropping into a deep lunge, begin to come back into a standing position while also doing a bicep curl. Note: By combining upper body and lower body moves, the body burns more calories. Do 15 for each leg for 2 to 3 sets.

    Front Lunges with a Torso Twist- Holding a medicine ball step forward into a front lunge. While in a lunge position, hold the medicine ball out in front of the body and twist sideways, keeping the medicine steady. Twist back to the front and stand, bringing the feet together and lowering the medicine ball. Note: Twist in the direction of the lunge. (If you lunge with your right leg, twist towards the right.) This move works your core, shoulders, and legs.

    Jump Squats: One of the best ways to “force your body to change” is to add plyometric or dynamic moves into your routine. Squat (as if you are going to sit into a chair while keeping your torso straight), from the squat position, JUMP into the air as high as you can, landing back into the squat position. Repeat for 20-25 reps. Great for the glutes, hamstrings, and it also gets your heart rate up.

    Prone Bridge on a stability ball- As if you are lying down, place your bent elbows on the stability ball with your body completely straight behind you, belly down, feet on the floor, balanced on your toes. Balance yourself (stick straight) and hold yourself for as long as you can. If you don’t have a stability ball you can do the same move on the ground. Works your entire core!

    Thank You for this. :)
  • redraider08
    redraider08 Posts: 33 Member
    IMHO, it depends...

    If you have the time to devote to doing a resistance training session followed by "cardio", then I agree that the latter should come later. The main reason for this is that you want as much energy as possible for your resistance training. If I were you, I'd begin with a specific dynamic warm up (what's the logic being "warming up with a 5-10 jog only to then train your upperbody?), perform your heaviest sets/exercises first, then MAYBE some additional secondary moves and then, if you still have gas in the tank, 15-30 mins of low-intensity "cardio".

    Keep in mind, there's plenty of research that shows that adding cardio on the tail-end of a resistance training session can actually be counterproductive and that you may get better results by separating the two either into a.m./p.m. sessions or daily.

    Personally, I HATE "cardio" and do whatever I can to get out of it (Might be why I'm here, no? lol ) and haven't touched a treadmill/elliptical/hamster-wheel in a year or so.
  • eowynmn
    eowynmn Posts: 165 Member
    Definitely weights first then cardio, although you might want to do a 5-10 minute warmup on a treadmill to get your muscles ready.

    I don't know if I would say slow cardio. How often are you going to do it. If you go 3 days a week and you are doing everything at ones, I would do a HIIT and make it count.

    Otherwise I would do weights and some light cardio one day, and a good hiit or fun aerobics class on day two.
  • haileysugarfits
    haileysugarfits Posts: 70 Member
    IMHO, it depends...

    If you have the time to devote to doing a resistance training session followed by "cardio", then I agree that the latter should come later. The main reason for this is that you want as much energy as possible for your resistance training. If I were you, I'd begin with a specific dynamic warm up (what's the logic being "warming up with a 5-10 jog only to then train your upperbody?), perform your heaviest sets/exercises first, then MAYBE some additional secondary moves and then, if you still have gas in the tank, 15-30 mins of low-intensity "cardio".

    Keep in mind, there's plenty of research that shows that adding cardio on the tail-end of a resistance training session can actually be counterproductive and that you may get better results by separating the two either into a.m./p.m. sessions or daily.

    Personally, I HATE "cardio" and do whatever I can to get out of it (Might be why I'm here, no? lol ) and haven't touched a treadmill/elliptical/hamster-wheel in a year or so.

    Thank You.
  • haileysugarfits
    haileysugarfits Posts: 70 Member
    Definitely weights first then cardio, although you might want to do a 5-10 minute warmup on a treadmill to get your muscles ready.

    I don't know if I would say slow cardio. How often are you going to do it. If you go 3 days a week and you are doing everything at ones, I would do a HIIT and make it count.

    Otherwise I would do weights and some light cardio one day, and a good hiit or fun aerobics class on day two.

    I plan on lifting weights 5 times a week and doing some sort of cardio 7 times a week.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Do both at the same time, you won't get bulky lifting weights in 15 weeks.. and Unfortunately its going to be pretty hard to lose 30lbs in that time period as well... Not impossible but its a high goal... you will probably see a big drop in weight right away when you start, and then it will slow.. depending how well you eat to fuel your workouts and what type of foods your eating.
  • haileysugarfits
    haileysugarfits Posts: 70 Member
    Do both at the same time, you won't get bulky lifting weights in 15 weeks.. and Unfortunately its going to be pretty hard to lose 30lbs in that time period as well... Not impossible but its a high goal... you will probably see a big drop in weight right away when you start, and then it will slow.. depending how well you eat to fuel your workouts and what type of foods your eating.

    Do you think I would see a change in 15 weeks? Should I just do p90X? LOL
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I use the GNC amplified wheybolic extreme 60 protein powder in chocolate. It's expensive but to me it taste like a yoohoo and doesn't make me want to gag. Personally I can't stand the strawberry (neither could my kids, it took forever for us to finish that one) If you don't like the flavor GNC will exchange it for a different flavor with the receipt within 30 days (I think that's the rules, I lost my receipt so I was stuck with the strawberry)

    I do weights and then cardio, this way I have energy for my weight lifting routine. I'm fat still, but I'm not bulking up. I can tell I'm getting stronger though :)

    See this is my worry.. You say your still fat, not bulking up but can tell your getting stronger.. I have 15 weeks to try and change my body as much as I can.. I NEED to see changes..

    When I say I'm still fat I should have noted that I started off with more than 100# to lose (while your ticker shows you started with less than half of that to lose). Lifting weights has definitely made me smaller. I've lost a lot of inches and I'll take inches lost over pounds lost any day. Also, I should note I have lost 52# since I've started, so while I'm fat, I'm not as fat. In 15 weeks, you should see a nice change in your body. I started MFP with just cardio and stuff like the Firm Express and Jillian Michaels but didn't pick up the "real" weights until a few months in.