newbie from uk

i have been lurking and reading the success stories on here for couple weeks now, there have been some amazing weight losses .. many of of them with one thing in common - persistance.
it is therefore my goal to log on every day for a year to see where it takes me .. obviously sensible eating and excercise will come into it also, lol but i really do believe persistance in everything you do will get you to your end goal, one step at a time!
im going to try slimming world for the best part of the week, but calorie counting when days i havent got the *right* foods in and possibly also the weekend
my first goal is a fairly small one - im 16st3lbs atm, going to corwall in couple weeks with my family so would like to lose around 5lbs taking me down to 15st12lbs, my reward will be a cornish cream tea for my birthday whilst we are there!
my next main goal is to get to my pre-pregnancy weight of 13st10lbs by the time my youngest starts nursery this september - so a weight loss of 3st3lbs in 6 months, its going to be tough but then it wouldnt be a goal if it was too easy would it !!
my avatar picture was taken at my wedding 7 yrs ago, i was around 12st then and thought i was overweight then .. how i wish i was that weight again! this will be my final goal for this year to lose 4st3lbs in total to get down to my wedding weight by christmas, wish me luck!


  • housewifeontrack
    Hi,you can achieve your goals if you only believe in yourself:)
    I'm here daily so feel free to add me
  • amie290478
    amie290478 Posts: 24 Member

    Welcome aboard lol.

    Feel free to add me Im always on here. It such a fab way to help stay motivated as well as tracking your calories.
  • 0xbalthamosx0
    0xbalthamosx0 Posts: 154 Member
    Heya! Welcome :) UK as well, on everyday! Feel free to add, and good luck
  • Kirdaz
    Kirdaz Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a returning mfp'er. Add me if you wish, its a little daunting at first, but with a little time you,'ll b amazed at how the help, comments and support get you kind of hooked
  • penneyEmma
    Fellow UKer. You're welcome to add me.

    Well done on taking the first step, you can do it
  • m1key87
    m1key87 Posts: 113
    Hiya all feel free to add, im 25 from northamtpon, I have been off for 1 week and now back to full strenght motivation needed to keep me going.

    Feel free to add anyone.
  • Aymzc
    Aymzc Posts: 159 Member
    Hi I'm also from the UK I log daily feel free to add me. :)
  • clperrett
    clperrett Posts: 33
    I'm a repeat MFPer, but this time I have stuck with it, 30 days straight now and it has made a difference... My advice log every day even the bad ones, it makes a real difference. Good luck on your journey, add me if you want. At the moment I'm logging on every day qwuite a few times (it is very quiet at work)
  • Reeceybaby1988
    always good to have motivated friends! on everyday, all can add if so wish!
  • ClaireSmith811
    ClaireSmith811 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, I've been here since October and lost 20lb so far. I've still got at least another 15lb to go until I'm happy! Feel free to add me I'm here everyday.
  • vintagemiss15
    hi thanks everyone for the warm welcome :)
    will add you all when had time to work out how the site works, can anyone tell me how to add friends
    ok so day 1 have gone over my target already, a brisk 20 mins walk helped with damage limitation and i also kept under 2000 cals so not beating myself up, didnt have right shopping in and not officially starting until 1st april but deffinately helps to keep a log of what have eaten, have deffinately eaten less than i would have done normally so cant be a bad thing
    just wondered what you all do when you go over your calorie allowance? do you cut back the next day or just try and get back on track and do any of you add up you weekly calories and work it that way? so its averages out to what you should be having every day? not sure how well this would work, but like the idea specially for weekends x
  • Notsowobblynow
    Notsowobblynow Posts: 28 Member

    Im fairly new too and in the Uk along the southcoast! Stay motivated and u will do it....that cream tea will be well worth it, pleaze add me if u wish :happy: