My breaking point... What was yours??



  • sahgp90
    sahgp90 Posts: 5 Member
    My biggest revalation was what I call the "Dreadful Doctor's Appointment." I went in to the doctor's for pain in my wrist, work related, totally unrelated to my weight and general health.

    When I stepped on the scale, it read 281 pounds. It finally hit me that I was not only closer to weighing 300 pounds that I was to weighing 200 pounds, but that I was now closer to weighing 300lb than 250lb! They also took my blood pressure, as per usual, and saw that it was (again) high. They noted that it had been high in my previous 3-4 appointments, asked my to monitor it and call in with a log a week later. 1.5 weeks later I was on a low-dose of blood pressure medication.

    I just kept thinking to myself, "I'm 21 years old and I'm on blood pressure medication. I'm 21 years old and I cannot buy clothes from the stores that I like. I'm 21 years old and heavier than most of the people I know."

    I just knew I had to REALLY do it this time. I knew that the procrastinating and excuses had to stop. I knew that if I didn't do something now, while I was young enough to REALLY give good habits a chance to set in for good, I would likely die at a very early age (heart disease and diabetes already runs high in my family) and would likely be depressed for the rest of my life. I'm young, but I look forward to the day that I have children and the thought of 1)Not being active with and for them and 2)Not being around for as much of their lives as I can, crushes me. I knew something had to change.

    That being said, it did still take me 6 months to make any sort of progress I changing my lifestyle, and it's been very recent. I'm praying that it will all stick and I'm determined to never need to "start-over" again!

    I have 5 pounds down, 94 pounds to go!
  • walleyebob977
    walleyebob977 Posts: 201 Member
    The idea of having weight loss surgery.
  • Keysted
    Keysted Posts: 21 Member
    Pre-diabetic diagnoses
  • smaihlee
    smaihlee Posts: 171 Member
    I've always been overweight, very much so (technically morbidly obese) since I had my son 14 years ago. Interestingly enough, never had health issues and have always had glowing reports from any check-up I ever had. In fact, NEVER have had a doc suggest I lose weight in all my years. I almost wish one of them had, however, because it might have given me the wake-up call that I needed.

    There is a morbidly obese woman at work (I'll call her Rose) who has had multiple health issues over the last few years and walks with a cane. She got so bad that they had to move her office downstairs because she could no longer go up and down the stairs. Besides this, she is just a nasty person (physically and in behavior) who I try to avoid at all costs.

    Sometime last summer I started to notice a little discomfort in my knees when getting into/out of seated position. My thoughts immediately turned to Rose, and I decided that I was not going to end up like that.
  • famousmel
    famousmel Posts: 149 Member
    Mine had to do more with how out of shape I was. I didn't like to play outside or go to the park with my 3yo, and going somewhere where he could run away from me was so horrifying, we wouldn't go half the time. I was always afraid we'd get too far from the car and I wouldn't be able to get both of us back there(yes I was that bad). I could no longer pretend to be the best mom I could be and not let my son experience life. I want to be thinner, but more importantly build up my endurance. Completing the C25K is going to be as big a goal for me as getting to my goal weight! I'm in Iowa, and watch out summer b/c here me and my kid come!!!
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    Wow, you're story is great! That's so motivating to hear. I recently gained weight and it's taken a toll on my self confidence. I used to be a size 8 and today I'm a 13. All my life I struggled with my weight and have gone up and down and the biggest I've been was a size 15. I lost 59 lbs bringing me down to the glorious size 8, and I recently put the weight back on putting me 2 sizes away from where I vowed to never go back!!! I was in denial of my gaining weight and the fact that I gained it back slowly really made me deny it even more.

    I would weigh myself sometimes and just think "oh that's water weight". My breaking point was seeing old pictures and comparing myself to it now and realizing the big difference. Recently some relatives came and visited me over the weekend from out of state and the last time they saw me, I was a size 8 and of course they nicely asked me "what happened???" ... I'm embarressed at the fact that I put weight back on and I want to feel confident and be healthy again. I'm ready to get my size 8 back now and I need al the support I can get!! :)
  • vlwimb84
    vlwimb84 Posts: 15
    Oh yea I remember when I had my wake up call about a year and a half ago the first time i lost weight..didnt realize how big I had gotten until i saw pics of myself feom a family reunion :(

    Started in August of 2011 and by Christmas was down 40lbs! Not gonna lie, I felt a litle smug because I heard some female members of my family made comments about me behind my back and when I lost the weight, I felt somewhat vindicated lol

    I have since gained back 15 lbs but imma lose it again!
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I knew my clothes and pants were getting tighter, but I was very slow getting into my diet.
    One night my mom and I were talking and she told me she was concerned about my weight. That was when I realized it was time to take action!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member

    However it wasn't enough to start the drastic changes. The next came almost a year later. She was 2 and she was sitting in my lap. "Mommy" she announced and pat my belly. "I wuv sitting wif you. You are more comfy den gwamma." she pat my belly again and sighed in happy comfort as she fell asleep nuzzled in my hugeness.

    I know this is about losing weight, but I think it's the sweetest thing of all that your little girl loves you unconditionally.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I'm a single mom of 2 via adoption, so it's all me. I had to be a better mom for my kids and be here to raise them to adulthood. They deserved that. I also did not want them being made fun of for having a fat mom. Being a kid is hard enough. I was not going to make it even harder for them.
  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    My breaking point was when I weight 252lb and at the time my father didn't weight as much as that. Granted he had been in the hospital but still. I weighed more than the "big man". It's taken me several years and i'm still not at my goal but i'm losing weight.

    After my dad passed in june i at like a pig and gained weight but then realized I didn't have to end up like him. I've started working out 5-6 days a week. I never thought i'd say that. I've completed a round of Insanity, ran a 5k. I'm on a Insanity/running hybrid right now.
  • KaraAlste
    KaraAlste Posts: 168 Member
    Breaking points do Make you :brokenheart: :ohwell: or Break you for sure. Even though Im trying to put on weight. My favorite Aunt brought her concerns to me as well and I saw a picture of myself from that night on FB. She was right (at a wedding). When someone in the family has a little talk with you, that's alway eye opening! great topic.:heart:
  • roadmapmaker
    roadmapmaker Posts: 120 Member
    The turning point was when my mom said I was built more like a man....Up until my mid 30s I was a 38-28-36. But I was the tallest in my family and had always held 'men' oriented work. Cabinet maker, window shop foreman, field GPS surveyor on highway projects...yea pretty non-traditional..and I put up with alot of flak..The feminist in me. My mom all 4'10 wasn't being mean - she just knew I had always been strong - now I'm working my way back! Yea!
  • barbiegirl052
    can totally relate ive always been "thin" but when i got pregnant i got to 220lbs i was soo comfortable m husband never said anything but i wass sooooo tired of being plus size.. Now my husband says look babe at the plus size stores and im like yea im too small for those =]]]]] it feels great!!! im 156 now