I'm addicted to sugar and sweets...



  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I used to be you about nine months ago!! I was a total sugar addict and I NEVER thought I could ever get off the sugar. Well I was wrong because I no longer even crave sugar. I know what I have to do to keep away from the sugar and it's a mind set thing really. You just have to make up your mind that your going to eat sugar in moderation and that is it!!

    I started Atkins about nine months ago and at the start of the lifestyle plan I went through major withdrawals to the point I was physically sick and I thought I was going to die :grumble: But I am still here and off sugar and I actually can control what I eat of it now. Atkins says you can get off the sugar roller coaster on their plan of eating higher fat /higher protein and very low carbs and of course I didn't believe it but I am living proof that it does work.

    Now I am not saying you have to go low carb in order to control your sugar intake but it does help. I tried other ways while on WW for about a year and it didn't work. I would crave sugar constantly and I was so miserable!! So I got serious about Atkins and told myself I was going to do it and eat the right way on it and see what happens. On April 26, 2010 I committed myself to be on Atkins for at least a month with NO CHEATING and to my utter amazement the sugar cravings went away. My cravings stopped , I have energy , skin is clearer , my head is no longer in a fog anymore and I just feel GOOD!! I credit it to the way I am eating now.

    Sugar feeds off of more sugar and the cycle is vicious. All I was doing was eating more sugar and I was making my body crave more sugar. I was NOT a believer in Atkins before I started it and I guess that is why it took me so long to completely commit to it but once I did I saw RESULTS!! Any ways that is my two cents on the subject!! Hope it helped some :smile:
  • kimmie1013
    kimmie1013 Posts: 16 Member
    When you are ready you can do it. I am addicted too. But I have one sweet tea a day that is my desert. I told myself that when I lose 10 pounds I will go to Dairy Queen. But so far I have not even craved sweets which is weird for me. I do think it is a state of mind. Good luck you are not alone.
  • mmshadell
    mmshadell Posts: 16
    Twix ice cream has a 90 calorie version- the bar is small but tastes so good when your craving sweets. Just enough to tide you over.