I'm new and ready to work!

Hi, everyone! I heard about this site from a friend of mine and so far this is really neat! A friend and I are on a weight loss journey and started TODAY, so I'm really excited! I was reading some of the posts, and it looks like everyone is so friendly and supportive--and as someone who has struggled with being overweight all my life, support is what I need! So, I look forward to success with all of you!

Button from Texas:heart:


  • AugustBaby1973
    Hi, everyone! I heard about this site from a friend of mine and so far this is really neat! A friend and I are on a weight loss journey and started TODAY, so I'm really excited! I was reading some of the posts, and it looks like everyone is so friendly and supportive--and as someone who has struggled with being overweight all my life, support is what I need! So, I look forward to success with all of you!

    Button from Texas:heart:
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Welcome to MFP! :flowerforyou:
  • geisharunner
    Welcome!!! :bigsmile:
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Glad to have you here!!

    If there are any questions or random funnies/thoughts/etc you like to share, these people here ROCK:glasses:

    See you around!!
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Welcome on board Button! I lost 120 lbs before I found this site (at the time with 25-30 lbs left till my goal).... I can only imagine how much easier it would have been if I had found MFP before the journey!

    Good luck on your weight loss! And we are always here to help encourage!!!!

    Ileana (also from Texas)
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Welcome! Good to have you here! :drinker:
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    ABARNHART Posts: 25
    Welcome! I just joined last week when the death of my dog sent me over the edge. The help that the people here have given me is amazing. It's a great place to be to get that support we all need. I'm happy to hear that you have a buddy too. That really helps.

    My advice to you is that the most important thing you can do for yourself is to realize that you deserve to spend the time on you that is necessary to get fit. I decided that last August and by my 50th birthday I had lost 50 lbs, so far. I have 50 to go and am working at it daily. Yep, I fall apart now and then, but I make sure that I get some form of physical activity, daily. I ride bikes, use the ellipitical machine, garden, use the tredmill, or walk, every day. I also lift weights. No one is allowed to stop me from doing that. I deserve it! It makes such a difference in my attitude. Even if I binge, I give myself the pat on the back for getting out and moving. I'm so happy you have made the first step.
  • overthehillsandfaraway
    Hi, everyone! I heard about this site from a friend of mine and so far this is really neat! A friend and I are on a weight loss journey and started TODAY, so I'm really excited! I was reading some of the posts, and it looks like everyone is so friendly and supportive--and as someone who has struggled with being overweight all my life, support is what I need! So, I look forward to success with all of you!

    Button from Texas:heart:

    Welcome, I just recently joined myself and this is a wonderful support system at MFP. Congratulations on your decision to change your lifestyle. If I would have had this website about two and a half years ago, I could've done wonders by then.

    Avoid fast food like the plague and try a bowl of oatmeal with fresh/frozen fruit. Mmm. :flowerforyou: