Sourpuss in need of motivation.

Angiepane Posts: 2
edited January 17 in Introduce Yourself
Bonjour, ma petit choufleur. (Little cauliflower - gettit?)

I'm a 5'9", 203 pound failed mess that has fallen into the hands of sweet treats and take-out and I need friends that will throw lettuce leaves in my face, give me a royal kick up the jacksy and drag me kicking and screaming out of this wounded baby seal mentality of: "What could've been!"

Undoubtedly, I would have most definitely, without-a-doubt looked like Rosie Huntington-Whiteley by now if I hadn't let go of my healthy eating and fitness plan and piled back on a stone and a half.


But, I digress. We can't all sit pouting over spilled milk.

I'm slapping on my sports bra, running shoes and yoga pants and I need you.
You delicious, healthy eating divas - to help me along with it.


  • raelo88
    raelo88 Posts: 8 Member
    I just started a low carb diet, or GOOD carb diet I should say. I eat all the vegetables and meat I want, some fruit, cheese, nuts, eggs, and beans when I'm really craving starch. It's working so wonderfully. I DO though have one cheat day a week, where I will let myself eat sweets or potatoes (MY weakness) or bread or whatever the heck else I feel like! I read somewhere that it helps keep up your metabolism, and it's a great day to look forward to! Maybe try that so on the days that you are craving sugar, you can just think, "well, I can wait a few more days til my cheat day." It'll make it taste soo much better. =) Anyway, I'm Rachael by the way, and if you ever need any tips or recipes just let me know!
  • Thank you sweedie-pie! I've trifled with starting a low carb diet but I'm not sure I could manage it.
    I also don't believe in "cheat days" - because I don't really trust myself enough not to binge on them!
  • Thank you sweedie-pie! I've trifled with starting a low carb diet but I'm not sure I could manage it.
    I also don't believe in "cheat days" - because I don't really trust myself enough not to binge on them!

    me neither, just been checking out the rosemary conley FAB diet and she suggests that after the initial 4 weeks plan that for ONE day a week you should limit yourself back down to 1200 calories and increase your exercise on that day... interesting theory one I prefer to a cheat day I think.
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