Help, I hate the gym!

I need to lose weight for my health. I enjoy outdoor activities, but not in the winter. Unfortunately I live in New England so it's winter most of the year. The problem is I HATE LOATH and DESPISE the gym. Just the thought of going to the gym makes me angry. I don't know why this is. Does anybody else feel this way?


  • inshapeeasy
    You realize that you don't have to go to the gym to get a good workout right? You can do exercises that use your own body weight and are easy. There are also countless amounts of warm up exercises that you can do at home without cardio equipment.

    You can see free exercises here
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I also live in New England.

    I'm usually a walker/runner.

    I was diagnosed in December with Reynauds syndrome so can't be exposed to cold for long periods of time.I workout five days a week at home. DVD's,playing wii with my kids,running up and down the stairs,getting an aerobics step and having a wide array of weights have kept me in shape over the winter.

    In fact,I've lost several inches switching up my routine.

    Don't get me wrong,I can't wait until spring to get back out there but you can get and excellent workout at home!
  • toritoriprind
    toritoriprind Posts: 60 Member
    Not a huge gym person myself, which is good for me since gyms in NYC are craaaazy expensive lol. I work out from home using youtube videos and have been getting great results. Add me as a friend!
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Not a huge gym person myself, which is good for me since gyms in NYC are craaaazy expensive lol. I work out from home using youtube videos and have been getting great results. Add me as a friend!

    YouTube is great.Lots of good workouts on there.

    Great way to try out new things.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I don't like the gym, either. I've been working out at home since 1996 and now I get gym results at home. It's so much more convenient to just slap on my workout clothes, go in my bedroom, and push play on my DVD player!
  • suzyquackers
    suzyquackers Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all for the ideas. I will be checking out the website. I hadn't thought of YouTube for exercise but I will check that out too. Has anyone else had success with the WII. I have one but have never used it.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    not that bad once you get in there and get started towards your goals... go in there do what you can and dont worry about others and dont look back when you see others where you use to be and you will be fine.

    or just buy some equipment and workout at home. you can get a full workout at home with little equipment if you choose
  • 2EggsSeparated
    I'm doing Zumba on the Wii right now, and according to my heart rate monitor, i'm losing about 500 calories per hour doing it. I also have Hip Hop Abs DVDs that I use. I get about the same calorie burn per hour with both, so I use both to switch it up. When I get bored with those, i'll move on to something else. :)
  • MandyPhoe
    MandyPhoe Posts: 94 Member
    Hey Suzy,

    I have stopped going to the gym because it has been rather out of the way for me to go from my job these days. If you are looking for home workouts which a lot of people mentioned earlier, youtube is a fantastic place to start. There are so many resources that you can search for without even leaving your living room. One of my favourites would be Zuzka Light. I find her approach to health and fitness rather friendly and motivating, she uses a lot of body weight exercises too which makes it easy to emulate at home. Here's the link;

    That's of course not all. You can find other resources like Jillian Michaels and stuff on youtube as well. Easy to follow and convenient. I hope this helps :)
  • dgljones
    dgljones Posts: 89
    I never go to the gym. My one real investment was a Schwinn exercise bike I got for $299 probably 7 or 8 years ago. My preferred workout is out in nature hiking, hill climbing. If it is too cold I have the bike I mentioned. If I have less time I have some exercise videos on the laptop. I have some free weights to use in those workout videos and if I am really pressed for time I just use the weights and do the strength parts of the workout, maybe with some quick squats, lunges and push-ups.
    I also add swimming in warmer weather and sometimes just do some upper body weights stuff while watching a movie.
    I understand the attraction of a gym to some people, but I know myself well enough to know I would hate it.