Weight gain after gastric bypass

Hello, Im almost 9 years status post gastric bypass which was very successful, although full of complications. I went from 240 down to my lowest at 116, but I'm now at my highest since the weight loss at 136 and I'm disgusted with myself. The surgery restricted the amount of food I can eat, but it didnt help me to change my relationship with food and I still feel the need to eat ALL THE TIME, and I can now eat more than I could when I first had surgery. I'm newly engaged and need to loose 16 pounds. So a friend of mine turned me on to this site and I'm inputting everything I put in my big mouth and I'm walking my *kitten* off and hopefully I can shake this fat away. Any and all help is more than welcomed.



  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Welcome Jessica!! You've come to the right place, MFP was suggested to me over a year ago by a friend and has been amazing - I was able to loose 47lbs (before getting pregnant) just by watching what I ate (logging everything) and adding more moderate exercise into my life.

    The people here are fantastic! It's a wonderful place to get motivation and support. There are a number of "groups" that weigh-in weekly and challenge each other. I strongly suggest finding one that would be a good fit for who you are and what you're looking to accomplish.

    Wishing you great success! Congratulations on your engagement!!
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    Did you happen to catch the first episode of Losing It with Jillian? She touched on that very subject. You can get surgery, but it won't fix the core problem....you're relationship with food.

  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    I have personally known 4 people to have the surgery done, all gaining it ALL back PLUS!!! I hope that you will be able to lose the weight you want, although you sound like you are doing well with still being at 136, thats great!!
  • Called2Praise

    Stay encouraged, I just joined this sight as well. I am 9 years post op this November and struggling with the same issue. My all time high was 250 at surgery; lowest weight after surgery was 165lbs after 5 months of bootcamp because I was unable to lose wieght at 185 post op. I realized that I had no control over my eating, I discovered with help of a close friend my issue was portion control more than anything and not gettig up exercising. I found excuses for everything. It was finally I felt so uncomfortable in my clothes that I decided after a colleague shared this sight with me now is the time. I also realize once I conqueor this challenge, I will be able to conqueor some other areas in my life that I've been struggling with.

    We can and will do this together. I've read many of the post and gain encouragement each time I read one. Stay encouraged.
  • Leekc926
    Leekc926 Posts: 9
    Jess, as someone who's also had weight loss surgery. I know all too well that the surgery is not a fix, or an easy out. It's a tool that you use to lose and manage your weight loss. While we both know that 20lbs is not the end of the world, it sure can seem like it. What you need to do is go back to the basics. Perhaps talk to a nutritionist about learning how to use your pouch to your fullest advantage. Go see a psychologist and talk to him/her about your relationship with food. You did it once, you have the tools to do it again. Take a step back, reexamine how to use your pouch and go from there.

    Now keep in mind that I had the Sleeve surgery, not the bypass, however what I'm about to suggest may work for you too. I think it's certainly worth checking into. Try checking into the 5 day pouch test. (http://5daypouchtest.com) It will help you lose a bit of weight, and also sort of reset things. Get you back to eating the way your pouch wants you to.

    If you need to talk more, let me know.