Starting Over Again...

I'm starting over again with this whole weight loss thing. After routine blood work resulted in not so routine results, I realized that I couldn't lie to myself anymore. This time around, I'm eating right to fix myself... it's not a vanity thing about a number on the scale or trying to reclaim what I once had - I want something better. I want to be in good health for the first time in my life -no matter what the scale says. I know that by truly taking care of my body, the scale will give me happier numbers...
I'm not having anyone I know in real life follow me on this journey. That is always a huge set up for failure. I make it about them. I show them what they want to see. And since most think that I've been "determined to lose weight" a few too many times, they've lost all confidence in me and I can feel that.... And that's not what I need right now. I need to be healthy because I'm finally at a place where I love my life again - where I WANT to live. I'm done with being sick, I'm done with food addictions and done with eating crap food just because it says it's "low cal" or it's a Healthy Option; my body craves REAL food with REAL nutrients.

Okay - enough of my self- rant... I'll stop there. If I were to judge my health purely by the scale, I'd have over 100 pounds to lose. I hope to one day have my before and after photos... except not of my body, of my lab work that shows I reversed kidney and liver damage.


  • BrightStar85
    BrightStar85 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I am starting over again as well. I've lost 80lbs and have 60lbs to go. Feel free to add me =]
  • kgollaher
    kgollaher Posts: 5 Member
    Just believe in what you want to achieve and know that you really can do this. You and your healthy life are worth it. I wish you the best and if you want a buddy to check in with you occasionally, I'm happy to do that. Feel free to friend me if you feel like it.
  • EthanLafferty
    You have come to the right place then. This website has many supporting and motivating people. It's a nice environment, and people here will embrace you and lift you up. Feel free to add me. I would love to be a part of your journey.
  • diana79
    diana79 Posts: 13 Member
    I think it's awesome that you, like many of us, are taking the initiative to take control and put "you" first. My best friend lost over 100lbs. It's quite a journey and one that reaps many rewards. One day at a time is all it takes.. it's okay if we loose ground every now and then.. it's just part of the journey to get us where we need to be :)

    Feel free to add me
  • MaybeThisTime121
    I too make it about others when I've done this "publicly" before, hence why I'm anonymous this time around. We can do this!! Feel free to add me :)
  • ch2125k
    ch2125k Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I am also starting all over again. I have yo-yo dieted all my life. We can conquer this together. Feel free to add me as friend if you wish.
  • RebeccaBurmeister
    RebeccaBurmeister Posts: 35 Member
    you can add me if you like! :happy:
  • JustForMe2
    Thanks for the support, guys!!!
  • kristinacourtney1
    welcome to the site. i've basically started over again too. feel free to add me. i'd love someone in the same boat as me to go through a weight loss journey together.
  • famousmel
    famousmel Posts: 149 Member
    If you need someone to impress, think how amazed your Dr. will be when you come back in. And how you'll walk in there with your head held high!! I've found Dr.'s always feel like they're wasting their breath when they talk to patients about weight loss. She will use you as an example to future patients!! All the best to the new you!!
  • ChrissyLu723
    ChrissyLu723 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm starting over too...I had lost 89 lbs last year, but then major stress happened here and I am a stress eater..I gained a lot of my weight back. I went on a hike yesterday, first time in about 8 months..I could only do about 1/3 of a mile going up..cried half way up because I was huffing and puffing so bad, I could feel my heart thumping against my chest..scared me to death, plus had to use my inhaler. I'm back and I'm ready. Anyone can add me
  • Shelby701
    Hi everyone,
    I too am starting over. Starting over with the eating right, exercise - both cardio and strength training, and probably my biggest hurtle will be quitting smoking. I joined the health club last Thursday (3-7-13) did my first workout the following Friday, and after 18 years of taking a long hiatus from the gym, it was a tuffy, but I did it and. I took my first step forward and moved my first pebble! Like they say, we move mountains one pebble at a time. Right now, I am moving pebbles which have been feeling like boulders! The good news is that after just a few short days, my boulders a feeling a bit more like the pebbles, which is just what that these steps are – pebbles that need to moved from this mountain I have put upon myself. Not sure what my current weight is today, but I will find that out by the end of the day. I am also not sure of my weight loss goal, other than to feel and look good – to me - and I am my worst critic; thus, when I get there I’m know, I am going to feel and look great ;) and I can’t wait to feel that again, it’s been a long time sense I’ve felt that feeling. Too long, and I want it back! The pass few days I have been trying to figure out meal planning that benefits my needs on this journey, and stays within the guide lines of my food budget, and calorie needs to ensure the most beneficial outcome, this aspect isn’t so easy either, but I will find a way to figure this out, and I know this site is going to help! I look forward to getting to know you all during this venture to good health and self satisfaction! We all just need to keep moving those pebbles, we will get there!
    Please feel free to add me; I’d love to help us get there.